i agree...i've watched some bbc programs about phils ( bad and unsighty side) which i believe is not being fair....philippine tourism is working hard to promote the country and this program does otherwise...am not saying dont broadcast whats really going on in the phils but at least broadcast some good side as well to balance.
It even got a mention in the Philippine press http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/global-fi...ly-side-manila
Keith - Administrator
I watched this last night and was moved by Josh's experience. I googled his name hoping to send a short message of appreciation for his compassion and empathy and came to this site. For most of the responses here, your sentiments seem to align well with mine.
However, I am bothered by responses which imply that life isn't typically like that in Manila. I myself have had the privelege of being born under different circumstances (or as Warren Buffet puts it, I won the ovarian lottery). Sometimes, people don't have choices. People who do are often times the ones who make it seem that having choices is a birth right... not always. Filipinos who live overseas and go home to visit should try to walk the streets (like Josh did) to experience life as it truly is... a walk down the Fort does not count.
Another one that bothers me is the defense of the Church on the very specific subject of family planning. I think that people should be properly educated on the value of population control. The poor see children as potential sources of income, and hence try to have as many as possible. However, what they don't see is the big picture and that is, the more people competing for the same, finite and limited resource, the harder life becomes. The opportunities dwindle as population increases.
Welcome to the forum Ron, I hope you can stick around. Do you have any connections with the Philippines yourself?
I agree with your last two paragraph's and would guess that most westerners would too. In the west we have largely abandoned religion or taken up non catholic religions which don't preach about the wrongs of birth control. However, our Filipino friends are still very deeply religious and do take on board what the Catholic church preaches. I'm not going to get into the rights and wrongs of that as I don't want to upset any of my fellow members. However, your last sentence sums up my view too![]()
Thanks. I actually grew up there but migrated to the US in 1986 at the age of 16. I've been back several times and the stark difference between the rich and poor still shocks me. Don't get me wrong, poverty exists everywhere, even here in California. I just took a mountain bike ride yesterday with a couple of friends (or mates if you prefer) from my house to the hillside, which required us to cut through part of Oakland (not-so-desirable part of the Bay Area). My friends couldn't believe the contrast of Alameda and Oakland, which for all practical purpose, is only separated by a freeway.
But I digress... I think it's the proportion of poor people versus the rich that troubles me. There just are not very much opportunities out there. Getting an education does not guarantee a better life. A good number of fast food workers flipping your burgers there have some education (perhaps even college grads).
The blame is very difficult to pin. You could say that government needs to be less corrupt and serve the people more than the whim of politicians, and in a great way, this is true. Which probably implies that we need better politicians, yet our best and brightest are leaving the country in search of better opportunities (there are still some very good people there, but can you imagine how better we could be if all our talented people stayed?). I wouldn't even necessarily blame the Church because it brings its share of positive influences (I think it just needs to think a bit more progressively and pragmatically to reflect the current times).
Progress begins with the creation of opportunities, opportunities that help the greater good (environmentally, morally and ethically). But we need good shepherds in order to foster such an environment, and a common, unified goal. I'm starting to see that in the fringes (Gawad Kalinga comes to mind http://www.gk1world.com/), and hopefully, it will gain critical mass. I hope we as Pinoys abroad can support these endeavors and assert our influence to help make positive changes in our country.
Okay... off my soapbox now.![]()
Hello joe, I and my hubby watched it on tele and OMG made me upset and cried...
Don't agree. The scarity you describe is artificially created. It is not real scarity. The world produces enough food every year to feed the everyone ten times over but tons of it goes to waste because only a relatively tiny fraction can afford to buy it. And they dump it rather than give it away so the prices of these commodities aren't forced down. Which in turns means the rate or profit falls. All this leads to the strange situation where more people are seen as a problem. Yet, it shouldn't. If an extra hand comes along to help me with a particular task, it could be completed twice as quick as if only one person was doing it. Theoreticall,y therefore, more people should mean we all become more wealthy. The point is: every human is a consumer but also a potential producer or innovator. The fact we don't take advantage of the latter fact is a problem of the wasteful prevailing social relations, not of the poor having too many kids.
I reckon that will be a real interesting watch. Bet it makes us all laugh.
Indeed very interesting!!....you have to watch all 3 episodes and come back here and tell us if its all funny
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
Actually, I wasn't referring to food (I was thinking more along the lines of non-renewable resources like oil), but since you've mentioned it... yes, the earth could can easily sustain all 7 billion of us (otherwise, we wouldn't be 7 billion and growing, would we?). You did allude to artificial scarcity and I could see how that could be true. But the reality is that even the basic needs such as food is scarce for an alarming proportion of the population, primarily because they do not have the means to obtain it (by cultivating or using industry to afford it). Yes, it is such an inefficient way to exist but that is how people behave, and conditions are exacerbated when the number of people increases.
Furthermore, my main point is that people in poor countries have a propensity to have more children because they do see them as a form of security (when the parents get older) and income potential. That is an axiom accepted by sociologists and scholars. It is also a generally accepted idea that opportunities are scarcer in centers where numbers are greater.
In theory, your idea works when people see themselves as part of a larger collective (or a Utopian state) and behaves as such. Sadly, that is not the case, especially in situations when resources are scarce. Socialism is a great concept but I have yet to see it work, we as humans are just not sophisticated enough. And though it may be true that all us can be potential producers and innovators, present conditions play a very big role in whether or not that becomes a reality. Josh and Rogelio are classic examples.
Compassion and charity are easier when you have, not when you have not. I like your idea, but that's just not the reality.
Ron .... I, unfortunately, DIDN'T manage to see this programme ... because I'd been following something else on another channel. But like my friend, Ian [Englishman]
with the sentiments you've expressed in the paragraphs he refers to. To me also, they make a great deal of sense ... particularly in relation to the Catholic Church's stance on birth control.
Yes, Grace ...... far too many programmes seem to concentrate on the less desirable aspects of the Philippines - and it annoys me intensely
- when film and documentary makers consistently portray such images ... instead of focussing on the great - and unspoilt - natural beauty that I'm absolutely convinced, abounds throughout the 7.000-odd islands that make up the Archipelago!
I heard a Bishop here on local TV saying much the same whilst condemning the use of condoms.. He actually said that the Philippines would be in a REAL mess now economically had todays population growth been artificially stemmed by family planning in past years.Furthermore, my main point is that people in poor countries have a propensity to have more children because they do see them as a form of security (when the parents get older) and income potential. That is an axiom accepted by sociologists and scholars. It is also a generally accepted idea that opportunities are scarcer in centers where numbers are greater.
Of course..He was referring to the mass exodus of the so called OFW`s that are forced to flee the R.P in order to support their families left behind that will forever more depend on their financial support whilst the latter continue to breed like rabbits ..
What he really means is that the poverty stricken massa are indeed the countries most bountiful and sustainable resource!! (Secretly I think he meant the Church`s greatest resource of free flowing donations)
I see a serious chink in this theory developing as many of these OFW`s work in the middle east.. Say no more!!
The world may produce enough but if it is not financially viable to distribute it to countries that actually need it then what is the point?The world produces enough food every year to feed the everyone ten times over but tons of it goes to waste because only a relatively tiny fraction can afford to buy it. And they dump it rather than give it away so the prices of these commodities aren't forced down.
The Philippines has 100`s of thousands of fallow acres and cannot even produce enough rice for its own population.. 6 months ago a KG of onions cost 30.00 Pesos. Yesterday,I saw them for sale for 200.00 Pesos per Kilo!!.. I dont buy onions..I grow them along with calabasa,string beans,Tomatoes,papaya and many more..I have 15 layer hens that produce 15 eggs a day.. I sell 9 of them to the locals which pays for the following weeks chicken food leaving my family with 6 free eggs a day.
I make use of the many local resources that surround me but for some strange reason I notice that the locals do not... I have tried to encourage them but the only thing they seem interested in growing are weeds and cogon grass..
On many parts of the fantastic Archipelago,tourists are still having to step over street beggars.. How embarrassing is that for the tourism committee?Arthur:
Yes, Grace ... ... far too many programmes seem to concentrate on the less desirable aspects of the Philippines - and it annoys me intensely - when film and documentary makers consistently portray such images ... instead of focussing on the great - and unspoilt - natural beauty that I'm absolutely convinced, abounds throughout the 7.000-odd islands that make up the Archipelago!
Yesterday I was put off my Pizza hut lunch again because the Badjao kids keep tapping on the windows pointing to their empty stomachs.. Really annoying and I wish the owners would put some tasteful bamboo blinds up so we can pretend they are not there.
Well I agree with the first part of this. My parents were both 1 of 9 children in 1950s/60s rural Ireland. There was little money and few jobs. They nearly all evenually emigrated. And yes, it made sense to have that many kids at that time for the reasons you give. More children meant more hands to work the land, which was one of the few sources of wealth. Ireland also had no welfare at that time. Their parents were doing what their parents had done and fully expected their children to look after them in old age. So it made sense. Which is part of the reason I think the whole ire at the Catholic Church is wrongly directed. Even in Britain in the past there were much larger families than we have now for similar reasons and there are fewer countries in the world who have been less gripped by any concern for religion than Britain. In the same way, my grandparents weren't stupid and didn't have 18 kids between them because of anything to do with what the Catholic Church said.
But I don't see why your final line follows from all this? Ireland, for example, remains sparely populated when compared with the more densely populated but historically far richest Britain. Some of the most densely populated parts of the world are the richest. Take Manhatten. Around 1.8 million people crammed into a tiny little Island with some of the best living standards in the world. Meanwhile, Africa has some of the least densely populated countries on the planet and the worst social and economic problems. There is also China which is now 1/5 humanity, the most populus nation in the world, whose population has doubled in 60 years. In the same time they've lifted 275 million people out of poverty and life expectancy in that time has gone from 35 to around 73. There are numerous other examples which suggest that human numbers have little to do with anything when it comes to social or economic problems.
By the way, I should say, for what it is worth, that I still completely support the RH bill here. It is at least a start. I would like to see abortion on demand too. But I don't support these things because I think there are too many people about and this will help reduce the numbers. I support it because it is a basic issue of equality. Women can't play full and equal role in society when they can't control their fertilty in the same way that men can. Still, of course, most women here still wouldn't be able to do this even if the bill passed. The wider issue remains the Philippines imperialist domination. How to make progress when your economy is largely owned by foriegn multinationals who extract most of that wealth out of the country? And what is left is mostly hoovered by an elite in the Philippines who help facilitate this state of affairs. Worst still, many of these people are now the same ones blaming poverty on the poor having too many kids.
Your points are very well made.
Hong Kong and Singapore are also successful AND densely populated.
However, the (I would suggest) out of control human population requires RESOURCES....even the pen-pushers in the Cities that we've mentioned need to be accommodated, fuelled and fed.
Technology needs resources, construction needs resources, and people need at the very least food and warmth.
The planet just cannot continue to support vast numbers of human beings without consequences for us and our current way of life....let alone the other unfortunate creatures who are trying to co-exist with us selfish so and so's.
A brake needs to be applied to this PLAGUE of humanity regardless of WHY things have turned out this way, if only to reduce the pain for our children and grandchildren.
Otherwise we will go the way of other plagues.
the rest of the program was great.
karen and i watched josh and we were both moved i must be honest and say i was choked up when i saw my wife's eyes well up,,as i know how hard life was for her and her family,,,so i'm really proud of josh,,,,i loved the pirates of the caribbean theme ,,,,i nearly wet myself laughing at josh getting across the lanes ,,,,,its a shame the BBC stop the clips on youtube as i'm sure a lot of people would have loved to seen this.
live and let live
hey i watched that tv program it was pretty factual in many ways by what i have seen in real and personnel knowledge i have gained visiting philippines
bravery was an understatement
really enjoyed it
I downloaded it from a bit torrent site...a few of these sites still have it.its a shame the BBC stop the clips on youtube as i'm sure a lot of people would have loved to seen this.
We showed it to some people from Manila...They enjoyed it but couldn't understand why Josh was crying!!
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