I've been meaning to post this thread ever since one of our new members openly expressed disappointment at her scheduled driving test being postponed a few weeks ago.
In response, I was equally open about the fact that I am ... I suppose ... one of that rare breed among the male species - in, at least - who ISN'T licensed to drive a motor vehicle of any kind. My reasons for this are already well-documented in that particular thread ... so I shall refrain from boring the
off anyone who has the misfortune to stumble across *this one!
Suffice to say *here ... that - with the exception of my 93-year-old aunt - I'M now the ONLY surviving close relative from the many [immediate] family members over the age of 18 who DOESN'T hold this "passport" to the highways and by'ways of my native land ... instead, having to choose between - and, indeed, rely upon - either 'Shanks' Pony', or Public Transport of one kind or another to indulge my penchant for getting about. In the interests of my own safety - and to avert the prospect of my wife becoming widowed for a second time - restrictions even apply to the use of my beloved pedal cycle ... lest my advancing deafness causes me to have a serious and/or fatal accident due to the ever-increasing volume of traffic on today's roads.
So ... purely for the sake of curiosity, you understand... I'd like to know how many other members of the masculine gender on here find themselves in the same situation as myself ... i.e., feeling as though they are some kind of "freak" from another planet - simply because, like ME, they don't drive!