Modern day Fagins are using child thieves as young as 5 to target our high street stores.
Kids under 10 can't be prosecuted in England. Reference Sunday Express.
Its a shocking read.
So much for the European Expansion, it will all end in tears![]()
Modern day Fagins are using child thieves as young as 5 to target our high street stores.
Kids under 10 can't be prosecuted in England. Reference Sunday Express.
Its a shocking read.
So much for the European Expansion, it will all end in tears![]()
I read that one in the Mail
Scum of the Earth
This is an earlier story
The Serbs put there football pitches to worthwhile use, perhaps we could adopt the same measures.
It would stem the torrent of dross coming over for an easy life.
Shows how far into the dungheap this country has gone that we allow those oxygen thieves to remain here. I remember travelling on the Metro in Prague 15 years ago seeing how the Czech Police dealt it out with their nightsticks to Roma pickpockets and beggars - they certainly don't put up with any nonsense![]()
If your looking for a unusual pickpocket deterrent try this:
My grandfather told me about a farmer from the forest of dean that he knew in the 60s. during a conversation my grandfather had with the aforesaid farmer in Gloucester market, he asked " you don't look to happy whats wrong with you then " . The forester replied that a young lad had tried to pick his pocket as he was waiting in cue in a shop in gloucester. My grandfather asked if the pickpocket got away with any money or valuables to which the forester replied that all the pickpocket got was a bite from the ferret that the forester kept in his coat pocket.
Very encouragingIt reminds me my annual subscription to the Tony Martin Appreciation Society is now due
Could you see that happening here, neither can I.
The hairy fairy civil rights movement would have a field day.
The French police take a similar line of action against low life like that.
There's the answer, get our police to change tact, hey presto! The streets will be ours again![]()
i think its time that the EU passed a law, if you break a law in the EU country your in (which your not a citizen of) then they have a right to ban you from that country, if you commit a crime in the Uk and your not European the gov can deport you or ban you, so why is it not the same for Euro criminals ?
...erm .... if you're over 10 you're very unlikely to be prosecuted for shop lifting as it is no longer a criminal offence as it is only theft![]()
..... remember, 99%+ of shoplifting is done by UK citizens, and we all pay for it with higher prices, the way we pay higher insurance premiums for the 1 million drives who prefer not to pay the £500 and break the law, and when caught get fined £200
Keith - Administrator
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