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Thread: Just had a hit by Burglers - Security

  1. #31
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    you can get "cages" to fit round your air con units, they do a good job. My wife shoots at the poilce gun club with two of her pals and as we have small business there she can if she wants get a liscence to carry. To be honest I do not want that and she sees no reason to and I do find it sad that even having a jolibee or visiting the drug store or 7 11 means having the door opened by an armed guard!!! Still it is very poor country and we are fortunate to have a nice property and lifestyle that might need protecting.
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  2. #32
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    steve sorry to hear about the attempted burglary there is nothing more i can add to what has already been suggested its good you will be out in the phils very soon so you can make improvements quickly
    Cheers Steve
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #33
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I just took a call from my asawa, our house just had an attempted burglary.
    ... not a pleasant experience! Several years ago, a former girlfriend of mine had her flat in Dundee burgled one Sunday evening when she was at my house. Seems there'd been a spate of break-ins in the area.

    In YOUR case, it's fortunate Charie's mom had the presence of mind to act decisively by calling the uncle living nearby ... and nothing was taken. And, most importantly, no one was hurt physically.

    But still ... it's a nasty shock to learn your property - and privacy - has been "violated"! I've just been reading that it has happened before. There's nothing I can add to what has already been mentioned about security measures, Steve. Suffice to say, I know you'll be doing everything in your power to prevent a recurrence.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Steve. Suffice to say, I know you'll be doing everything in your power to prevent a recurrence.
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  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i'm thinking of getting something like this to use in the uk..

  6. #36
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    if you could wait awhile steve i would be prepared to undertake secuirity of your home , would only eat little but would clean the pond and water the new grass daily and emma could clean too, have to wait only a few years mate

  7. #37
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    we have just had delivered some wireless network nightvision cameras for my caravan park- they were about £80 each

    might give you peace of mind while your away being able to log on from anywhere in the world and see your home night or day

  8. #38
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    we have just had delivered some wireless network nightvision cameras for my caravan park- they were about £80 each

    might give you peace of mind while your away being able to log on from anywhere in the world and see your home night or day
    Yeah, been looking at that sort of thing today Sparky, but it would mean leaving a laptop connected all the time right ?
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  9. #39
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Yeah, been looking at that sort of thing today Sparky, but it would mean leaving a laptop connected all the time right ?

    as long as you keep an interent connection then you wont need a laptop connected i think- will read the box tomorrow and confirm tho

  10. #40
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Thats bad news steve sorry to hear about it. a bloke I worked with who lives in Manila built a house with a wall round it. On top of this he got an electrified fence installed that has something like 20000 volts running through it!! Be careful though, he had a tree that grew against it and when it rained the tree became live apparently!!! bad news when his dog went for a wee up it!!!
    It's been emontional

  11. #41
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    bad news when his dog went for a wee up it!!!

    I have also been looking at high powered electric fence units, not 2000v but enough to give you a good jolt. I have had plenty of those from years on farms, might be worth it as a deterent
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  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    as long as you keep an interent connection then you wont need a laptop connected i think- will read the box tomorrow and confirm tho
    That's OK in the UK where internet connections are fairly stable, but in the Phil's it's going to get d/c every 5 mins or not have enough bandwith to transmit the images

  13. #43
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    That's OK in the UK where internet connections are fairly stable, but in the Phil's it's going to get d/c every 5 mins or not have enough bandwith to transmit the images
    many of the usb wireless units will send a pic when triggered to an email account, so pretty handy if you've got a mobile

  14. #44
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    Steve, I too was really sorry to hear what happened.
    It's upsetting and feels like an personal invasion.
    On the positive side, this thread is really most informative for many.

    Graham, you got it spot on, especially regarding the strength and security of the security devices. (attachments)

    Always look for weaknesses. Be really hard on yourselves an think how you would get in (knowing what you know). These people know very well all the simple little ways you may never think of. That's their life, maybe they do it everyday.

    I would also strongly support what Graham mentioned about firearms. Think very carefully about that. If your are determined to have firearms in the house, make sure the legality is rock solid.
    Better still do some research on what happens when a foreigner and a firearm are in the same place as a threat, a wounding or worse.

    A lot of really good security stuff is now very reasonably priced in UK, and is much easier to install than it used to be.

    Just on an amusing note. A friend of ours has a room in his house which is completely steel -lined, including the door and ceiling. The window is glazed with bullet proof glass .. twice. It has to be seen to be believed. Whatever he keeps in there I have no idea, why he did it nobody knows....... but oddly everyone for miles around knows.

  15. #45
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe, yes lots of great info here. We did have a 45 on loan, but it has gone back to the owner now. We are seriously thinking about getting a licenced firearm very soon.
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  16. #46
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    I no a friend who has put lights all round his property in phils also has put alectric cable on the fence to stop anyone climbe the fence this is not good at all I hope all goes well

  17. #47
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by northampton_gir View Post
    I no a friend who has put lights all round his property in phils also has put alectric cable on the fence to stop anyone climbe the fence this is not good at all I hope all goes well
    Like anywhere in there world where there are great divides of wealth or oppertunity, there will be people who want what they think you have. (by the way, I am not rich at all, but being white, we stand out in the crowd) No different to here really. We just have to be aware, be streetwise and not put ourselves in situations where the worst thing happens. I know you Jess are more aware of this than most.
    But, we discuss these things here and come up with ideas to help others. Like Graham suggested, think like they do, see the weaknesses and protect yourself. Protecting your property and family effectively, without causing too much harm to the perpetrator is not easy, a fine balance. But I am sure I can get it sorted next month.
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  18. #48
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    I would totally agree on the liscensee, needs to be your partner and or you caretaker, best to stay away from any potential problem. Oh and you if wing a burglar exiting over your fence, get your caretaker to drag him back in and finish the job, no problem on your private property. as told by the Chief of Police
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  19. #49
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    get your caretaker to drag him back in and finish the job, no problem on your private property. as told by the Chief of Police

  20. #50
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    Hi Steve.r,

    I don't live there but what about lights that go on if someone tries to get in?

    I had a conversation with a UK cop (in the UK) who told me big dogs are the best things to prevent break-ins.

    They make a big noise too, hope the neighbours wouldn't mind

  21. #51
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Hi Apo'

    Yes, that will be the first thing I do, fit strong lights with PIR's The lot has a garage area with living area also, so that has to be covered. On the back of the house there is a boggy field, so access from there is very limited, but the front by the road has easiest access. We have metal rails all round, so hooking that up to an electric cattle fence unit will be easy. Dummy cameras are another option, the house next door has them also.
    Any visable deterrant will help I an sure.
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  22. #52
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    you being there all the time will be the best

  23. #53
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you being there all the time will be the best
    of course Steve... soon i wish
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  24. #54
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    I agree with the big dogs as a deterrent, Buy a couple of Doberman puppy's then have them properly trained. Be careful with firearms, as only Filipinos can use them legally. If a foreigner does happen to plug someone, make sure you clean your prints of the weapon and give it to a Filipino you can trust. this I have heard from the chief of police, so shhh.

  25. #55
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    Hi again Steve.r

    I know this is a little off-topic but I like the yellow/green colour scheme of your house.

    My wife and I often look at the colours of houses when we travel on the Seres Liners and we like yours the best, it is bright

  26. #56
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    A little tip, when painting over Galvanized metal, make sure you FIRST apply a coat of "CALCIUM PLUM BATE"... and other bare metal with red oxide primer. I noticed this on your gate Steve. The Finished paint is peeling, noticed this on all galvanized metal in the Philippines.

  27. #57
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    Littleuns can be scary too (the dog!).

    This one would kill anything that came within reach...cats, chickens, dogs, people, and a great ratter too. Good with the family though.
    Rarely barked. Silent but deadly.


  28. #58
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    you being there all the time will be the best
    If they are going to rob you they will do it if your there or not and shorley its best ur not there?

  29. #59
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Be careful with firearms, as only Filipinos can use them legally. If a foreigner does happen to plug someone, make sure you clean your prints of the weapon and give it to a Filipino you can trust. this I have heard from the chief of police, so shhh.
    We will invite the Chief over for dinner and barangay captain, I know him already so will get the local low down on how they regard these issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi again Steve.r

    I know this is a little off-topic but I like the yellow/green colour scheme of your house.

    My wife and I often look at the colours of houses when we travel on the Seres Liners and we like yours the best, it is bright
    You know Apo', the house wa that colour greeny/blue both inside and out and with the green roof Not much I could do about the roof, but it is now all painted with the white and yellow scheme now, makes it look clean a fresh. But you are right, there are so many different colour schemes, I love looking at some houses, they look really good.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    A little tip, when painting over Galvanized metal, make sure you FIRST apply a coat of "CALCIUM PLUM BATE"... and other bare metal with red oxide primer. I noticed this on your gate Steve. The Finished paint is peeling, noticed this on all galvanized metal in the Philippines.
    Thanks Jim, those photos were take last year before I bought the place. Mind you, the gate still looks like that but we are going to re-paint all the metalwork, not all is like that gate. We have black and silver metal paint, but red oxide primer on the galv should do the trick first

    Quote Originally Posted by northampton_gir View Post
    If they are going to rob you they will do it if your there or not and shorley its best ur not there?
    Hmm .... maybe, but I love my mahal and cannot bare being away from her. That is our home and castle, so defending her and my family comes first
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  30. #60
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i thought the reason for having a maid was so they could look after the house when your not there just buy them a gun and shooting lessons
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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