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Thread: cost of living

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    cost of living

    hi all, just a quick one this, what other cost are there when buying a lot or a home over in the phils, ie land tax, rates and so on, if you do buy a lot do you have to pay any sort of tax on it monthy or per year like our rates,

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    hi all, just a quick one this, what other cost are there when buying a lot or a home over in the phils, ie land tax, rates and so on, if you do buy a lot do you have to pay any sort of tax on it monthy or per year like our rates,
    ... sorry I'm unable to answer your question, Steve. But you do know that, under Philippine Law, foreigners ... e.g. the likes of you or I ... cannot buy property over there - unless we become naturalised Filipino Citizens.

    Having said that, the obvious way round this obstacle, would be for Emma's name to appear on the deeds of purchase.

  3. #3
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    depends if you buy a house and land on a subd.. first you have to assume it from the orig owner unless you could find a property being forclose then u can buy it directly from housing office itself..which is more lesser but if you assume it from origibal owner or the one eho occupies..depends on the location will probably cost you rought minimum of 400-500 k or more excluding the mortagage so about 1.5 M pesos is a reasonable price.. tax is another thing to do and will be assess first and varies on the condition of property you wish to bought

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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