Okay, so here goes.... I've been dating this girl here now for a couple of months. Met her working in a shop, I asked her out and that was that. Nothing too intense. I take it her out for lunch 2 or 3 times a week and on her day off. The plan was that I meet her parents and family in the province in a few weeks and we would be getting more serious after that.
Anyway, I have also been getting on well with one of her work colleagues, who she is quite friendly with. My girlfriend actually encouraged this. So today, out of the blue, her friend tells me that my girlfriend has been living with another man since before she met me. I'm told the relationship hasn't been going that well, particularly from the boyfriend's perspective, and that is why she was quite happy to meet me.
So I've weighed it up.....Reasons this could be true:
* I've visited some of her family on the other side of Manila but yet she hasn't once discussed me going back to her place. She claims to live with her Uncle and Aunt. So her takes me halfway across Manila to meet other family but not the Uncle and Aunt she lives with? It could well be that she hasn't seen the other family for some time but still a bit strange to never discuss taking me home?
* When we go out on her day off she claims she has to go home at 5pm. Yet I've had text from her the following day saying she has been out drinking with her friend until late? This 'home early' curfew also doesn't apply to when she finishes work earlier than her usual 9pm on some nights. This said, it could be because her aunt and uncle aren't aware she is finishing early? (or her boyfriend, of course!)
* Sex. Or the lack of it. Now, I've found Filipinas, generally speaking, once they like someone, are quite open on this front. The exception appears to be the Born Again Christians or other non-mainstream types who are a bit more serious about doctrine. My girlfriend on the other hand appears to have no interest in religion whatsoever. She certainly doesn't go to church or anything. So this isn't the reason. Also, I didn't jump on her after the first date or anything. We're talking 3 weeks here. She has told me she wants to wait until I meet her parents. I must propose to be her girlfriend in front of her parents. So is this true or it is a guilty conscience with regards to her current boyfriend? Of course, I actually want more than sex. This is why I was quite happy to wait.
* Often pulling out of meet ups on her days off. "I'm sick" and so forth.
Reasons her friend could be lying:
* A week or so back this friend told me they had a row after she had teased her too much and they weren't talking anymore. Although they seem to be getting on better since. Could this be revenge?
* She was persistent about meeting me face to face to tell me this. This raised suspicions for me. Why not just tell me by text or e-mail? Is she concerned that if I confront my girlfriend, and this is actually a lie, that she could deny she ever said anything? Whereas with a text, I have the proof. Eventually, after me constantly saying no to the face to face meeting, she told me by text.
* She has asked to borrow a relatively small sum of money from me before (P1000). Following on from the above, is she maybe looking for more and wants my girfriend out of the way? Especially now there appears to be some strain in their friendship? I have discounted the idea that she is interested in me. There have been no suggestions of this and I've met her boyfriend a few times, who she has been dating for 2 years, and she is very much in love with him. If she is a scammer, she is taking the long route.
My feeling is this... it is probably true and she probably wants to leave this guy for me. She asked early on after we started dating if she could come and live with me. Which I find slightly odd given the fact that I must meet her parents before we have sex but yet she wants to live with after about the 3rd date! But at the end of the day, why not tell me this? We could then have sorted something out. Quite possibly she can't afford to live on her own, so I can see how it would be a difficult situation for her. Or, am I just making excuses here? I should add, this girl hasn't asked me for a penny. The one exception was a small amount for a genuinely lost phone but otherwise, she hasn't asked for a penny.
Anyway, I think my mind is pretty much made up but I'd interested in hearing views on this and if there is anything I've missed that is obvious?