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Thread: Has Anybody Ever Written Directly to ECO Manager at Brit Embassy Manila ????????

  1. #1
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Has Anybody Ever Written Directly to ECO Manager at Brit Embassy Manila ????????

    In relation to my thread regarding having our Fiance Visa refused..........

    It has been suggested by a couple of forum members that a letter with additional documents, sent to the ECO Manager requesting they possibly reconsider the refusal decision may result in the decision being reversed.

    Has anyone actually done this?

    If so, was it successful?

    I intend to write the letter and see what the response is before lodging an official appeal.....

    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    not many on here have asked for reconsideration or appealled.

    but all appeals when lodge are reviewed by the Entry Clearance Manager to see if the decision on which the earlier refusal is valid or not in view of what you have stated in your appeal form and any documenst that you may have provided to back up your point of argument.

    If the ECM is satisfied, he will grant a visa. If not then it will be forwarded to IAT for a full oral hearing.

  3. #3
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply.

    BTW, I've contacted Davies / Kahn Assoc. via their website and am awaiting their reply. Might give it until the end of the day and I'll give thema ring.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you search on here, i can remember a couple of people getting the decision over turned or winning an appeal, maybe search for 'appeal' or 'reconsideration' might find the posts..

    i've got to get back to work now

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The very few that are refused on here have all been overturned as far as I remember
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The very few that are refused on here have all been overturned as far as I remember
    ... and ... hopefully, Dave's fiancee's case WILL BE too!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    I've posted this draft letter in my other thread, but thought I'd post it here to.......

    OK guys,

    Here is a draft I did this afternoon. I have missed out ref numbers etc, it's just the main body of the letter.
    I've tried to be factual, cool and respectful.

    Let me know what you think.......
    I am writing to you in my capacity as Miss XXX’s partner and also as her visa sponsor. She recently submitted a fiancé visa application, which unfortunately has been declined. Please find attached a copy of the attached Notice of Immigration Decision.

    The reason for the refusal was stated as being that the application did not meet the requirements of UK Immigration Rules paragraph 209 (iii) which reads; each of the parties intends to live permanently with each other as his or her spouse or civil partner after the marriage or civil partnership.

    As part of the visa application, we enclosed the notice of the provisional booking of the wedding showing date and time of the ceremony as provided by my local Register Office in the UK. As the wedding ceremony is intended to by a simple affair with only my parents and close friends in attendance, I did not obtain provisional or confirmed bookings for the wedding meal at a restaurant, wedding flowers and cake.

    I have now obtained these booking receipts and have enclosed them with this letter.

    The reason for writing to you is to respectfully request if you could possibly consider a review the application in regard to these additional documents, and in particular, reconsider the decision.

    Miss XXXX and myself are at a stage in life, both being in our mid forties, where we have both been lucky enough to find someone again with whom we have a meaningful and loving connection and relationship with. I hope we can be given the opportunity to be allowed to spend our lives together.

    As an aside, being a XXXXXX with XXXXX County Council’s XXXX Services Department, it certainly is not in my interests to break any laws, least of all immigration laws.

    I hope that this letter and the enclosed documents showing proposed arrangements will meet with your approval and form a suitable basis to enable a re-evaluation of the visa application.

  8. #8
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    Sorry...just noticed this thread.

    Yes, I wrote a letter to the ECO in Manila concerning the entry clearance for my step-daughter, who was 7 years old at the time (wife having not declared that she actually HAD a daughter on her spouse visa paperwork a few years before ).

    My explanation was accepted, and settlement visa issued. She has a British passport 12 'O' and 4 'A's, AND a degree from Nottingham Uni'.

    The little waif from the province done well.

  9. #9
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Hi Graham, thanks for the reply.
    I hope my letter will be as successful as yours was.

  10. #10
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    My brother is in the FO...and was actually at one time overall head of all the EC sections worldwide.

    He assures me that all they are looking for is the truth, but the standards of locally-employed staff can be variable.

    I'm pretty certain the actual ECO would be a Brit' though.

  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Hi Just seen your post as in Phill myself at the moment. Dont forget in case wheels are not turning (rember easter is almost upon us and thats big big news in Phill of course) try to contact your MP as tehy have access we plebs simply dont have on Visa matters..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'm pretty certain the actual ECO would be a Brit' though.
    your probably right, i think most of the managers or heads of departments will be

    when i complained to the embassy, i sent an email to each department of the embassy, and all the names appeared to be brits that i got a response from..

  13. #13
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Yep they will be british I saw a job application for a job with the Italian embassy a week or so ago and you could not be a dual citizen.

    From what I have seen of the British embassy in Phil the mangers and ECO's are all Brits and the plebs locals.

    Same in the Uk for foreign embassies

    I had need about 5 years ago to send an email to the ECO due to changes which happened and due to the ECO it was directed to being off the manger replied and responded to emails i sent.

    Dont forget as with all British cvill servants the will have KPI's and hopefully one of them is replying to enquires with in a certain amount of time.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #14
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Again, thanks for the replies! I appreciate the support.

    I recieved an email this morning from the Correspondence Team at the embassy informing ....

    "Thank you for your letter and fax which was received on 18 April, on your request to consider the application of Ms. XXXXX.

    This has been forwarded to the Entry Clearance Manager for their review and decision."

    So, all I can do now is hope and pray that the ECM will see that my gf and I do intend to get married and he will therefore reverse the decision and issue a visa

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Shoes View Post
    Again, thanks for the replies! I appreciate the support.

    I recieved an email this morning from the Correspondence Team at the embassy informing ....

    "Thank you for your letter and fax which was received on 18 April, on your request to consider the application of Ms. XXXXX.

    This has been forwarded to the Entry Clearance Manager for their review and decision."

    So, all I can do now is hope and pray that the ECM will see that my gf and I do intend to get married and he will therefore reverse the decision and issue a visa
    hope the result is good news for you both

  16. #16
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    New Shoes, I also wish you good luck and hope you both get the best outcome.
    I've been impressed with the way you have kept your head and handled this set-back. You have moved forward very sensibly and in a considered way. Well done.

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