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Thread: Home office lost my passport? HELP! EEA2!

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) missiehj's Avatar
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    Exclamation Home office lost my passport? HELP! EEA2!

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new here and I'm in need of some advice. I sent my passport back home to Philippines for renewal in April 2010 as I thought it is cheaper and faster. I then found out from my brother who's supposed to renew the passport for me that it's no longer possible as I will need a personal appearance which I thought was fair. I asked him to send it back to me here but it never got to me. It was held by the courier and was "moved" to customs/home office and they said, parting with your passport isn't allowed!

    June 2010 me and my partner applied for EEA2 stating that my passport is already with them as they got hold of it and hasn't returned it since and we received our COA in July.

    October 2010, my application was refused reasons being that "they don't have my passport and I have to submit it to have my application considered." I have a solicitor and since October, it has been a constant chase on where really the passport is. One moment it's in Wales, then in Liverpool etc., February 2011 they finally returned one of my Two passports, (I have my expired one attached with my recent one). But they only returned the expired one, they said on their letter that my recent passport wasn't returned as it has been TAMPERED. They said on their letter that I can use my expired one to acquire a new one which my embassy didn't agree! They said I have to have the recent one to renew.

    March 2011, Home office got in touch to my solicitor saying that my recent passport has been returned to my embassy. I spoke to my embassy and they said they don't have it.

    My solicitor spoke to the Home office again, and HO said that they will get in touch to the Liverpool branch to see if it's there. -Although they just said it's been sent back to my embassy. I kept phoning my embassy asking if anything is received, yet nothing.

    I have no clue where my passport is, we're being passed from people to people. My problem is, that passport should be where my expired passport was sent from right? We haven't moved any bit since the refusal in October and it really gets me so down at times.

    Thank you guys for reading my post.

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by missiehj View Post
    Hello everyone,

    t never got to me. It was held by the courier and was "moved" to customs/home office and they said, parting with your passport isn't allowed!

    June 2010 me and my partner applied for EEA2 stating that my passport is already with them as they got hold of it and hasn't returned it since and we received our COA in July.

    Thank you guys for reading my post.

    I dont really understand what happened here who said parting with passport is "not allowed"?

    which customs/home office do you mean and how did you know this?
    Absit invidia

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  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) missiehj's Avatar
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    Hello keithangel!

    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    I dont really understand what happened here who said parting with passport is "not allowed"?

    which customs/home office do you mean and how did you know this?

    That was the reason that the courier told me when they decided to keep my passport and not deliver it. They then said it will be handed over to the UK customs. I spoke to customs and they said, it's with the home office. The list goes on. Seems like they themselves lost track exactly where it is now.

    Thank you for your reply.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by missiehj View Post
    That was the reason that the courier told me when they decided to keep my passport and not deliver it. They then said it will be handed over to the UK customs. I spoke to customs and they said, it's with the home office. The list goes on. Seems like they themselves lost track exactly where it is now.

    Thank you for your reply.
    Is there any reason you cannot simply declare 'lost' passport and obtain a new one?

  5. #5
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    lets get this straight. sent your passport back to the philipines..

    2. your bro sent back to the uk.

    3.the courier sent it to the uk customs instead of to you as it was a passport. it is lost

    didnt the courier have a tracking number, so at least it was given to them
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You're not supposed to have your passport out of technical reach.

    Why did you send it to the Phil? All you do is send it to the Phil Embassy in London and they do what is needed in less than a week and send it back!
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access) missiehj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Is there any reason you cannot simply declare 'lost' passport and obtain a new one?
    My visa is currently attached on missing passport.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by missiehj View Post
    My visa is currently attached on missing passport.
    That's not a reason to ignore the fact that your passport is 'lost'
    Unless you know specifically where you passport is located, then it's lost.

    You are not the first to find yourself in this position, and likely will not be the last.
    Do something about it. Report it as lost.

    Also on a slightly different tack, I am not a lawyer, but logically isn't the courrier is in breach of contract and acted unlawfully in delivering to an unauthorsied address?

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