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Thread: To Quit or Not To Quit...?

  1. #1
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    To Quit or Not To Quit...?

    Hi, I've been reading some threads here regarding spouse visa applications and reasons of its refusal. Just wondered how can I prove that I intend to live permanently with my hubby in UK? will be lodging my application soon but still haven't resigned yet from work. I worked as a Public School Teacher. The HR Officer has advised me to file for a one-year Leave of Absence instead of resigning. Say, i will just do what the HR has advised, will this affects my visa application? will this shows that I don't intend to live with my husband permanently in UK? My husband would want me to resign, but what if the visa will be refused? I don't want to end up jobless :(

    The maximum days of leave from work the school could give me is 1 year only, spouse visa if granted is 2 years. It's so impractical to just be back here after a year to reinstate and file a resignation.

    Is it ok if i will not state my job in the visa application form? cos in this case, the ECO might not question my intention to live with my husband in UK permanently.

    Please, I need some advise on this. it will help me a lot in coming up with a final decision.
    Last edited by aryM; 8th May 2011 at 22:34. Reason: misspelled word

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    why not resign once you surely got a visa already?
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    hi aryM, like you i been a public school teacher also before i came here in the uk last 2009, when i applied for my spouse visa i included all the supporting documents that shows i'm such like payslips, service record and the likes...and i also had just taken a one year leave, didn't resigned immediately just in case i'm not going to like it in the uk or if visa will be refused..but it turns out ok, the visa was granted ..the consul didn't question my application nor i had an interview. I resigned though after a year cause i have found a job here in the uk.

  4. #4
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acs View Post
    hi aryM, like you i been a public school teacher also before i came here in the uk last 2009, when i applied for my spouse visa i included all the supporting documents that shows i'm such like payslips, service record and the likes...and i also had just taken a one year leave, didn't resigned immediately just in case i'm not going to like it in the uk or if visa will be refused..but it turns out ok, the visa was granted ..the consul didn't question my application nor i had an interview. I resigned though after a year cause i have found a job here in the uk.
    Hi acs, thanks for the quick response. I like UK, I've been there last year for a visit. Did you travel back here in the Philippines just to file the resignation?

    I have read a thread here that says the visa application has been refused because It lacks proof that they intend to live together permanently in UK. Was wondering how will I be able to show that I intend to live in UK with my husband and kids.?

  5. #5
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    since being in this forum only twice as a spouse visa been refused, one was because of lack of money he didnt declare and the other i cant remember but after a appeal both will be given.

    let you and your hubby fill in the form and any silly questions you both have, just ask here

    just tell the truth and provide all you need.

    dont quit your job until you have the visa and i dont see the reason why you need to tell them about giving them the info about having a year of absence
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  6. #6
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    You're probably thinking more of fiancee visa refusals.

    Being a spouse naturally suggests that your intentions are more serious.

    I can't see any reason (as a spouse joining your husband) why the ECO would want to know anything about YOUR finances or employment situation back in the Phils.

    By all means keep your job open, but no need to even mention it to the ECO.
    Doing that WILL only complicate things unnecessarily.

    This is just my opinion.

  7. #7
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Thank you so much for all your replies,..will consider it.,you must be right. Thanks again Sir BAB and Sir Grahamw48. God Bless!!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    hello again aryM, I did went back to the Philippines when I resigned, cause I timed my holiday back home at that time when i'm up with my leave of absence but you can do it through writing a letter also through channel like writing to the school principal and to the school's division superintendent where you belong to, you can ask someone from your family to follow up it then, cause i know your thinking also of your gsis and other stuff. Just leave them a power of attorney so that they can transact in your behalf.
    As well as my husband writing a sponsorship letter/covering letter i did write one myself also stating that i will resign once visa will be granted and I'm settled in the uk.

  9. #9
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by acs View Post
    hello again aryM, I did went back to the Philippines when I resigned, cause I timed my holiday back home at that time when i'm up with my leave of absence but you can do it through writing a letter also through channel like writing to the school principal and to the school's division superintendent where you belong to, you can ask someone from your family to follow up it then, cause i know your thinking also of your gsis and other stuff. Just leave them a power of attorney so that they can transact in your behalf.
    As well as my husband writing a sponsorship letter/covering letter i did write one myself also stating that i will resign once visa will be granted and I'm settled in the uk.
    Thanks again for your advise acs, I like your idea, I am not sure if I can be back a year after once our visas are granted, cos i have 2 sons, and i couldn't leave them there. It will be expensive to go back here right away, though my hubby had assured me that i can have holiday back here if i had to or wanted to,..but considering the expense, I couldn't do that...

    Thanks again acs, i like you idea. i might consider it. Will be lodging my application sometime next week maybe. God Wish me luck

    God Bless!!!

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