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Thread: Can you translate plz this text from tagalog or bisayan to english? (it's critical)

  1. #1
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    Can you translate plz this text from tagalog or bisayan to english? (it's critical)

    i found this text in my gf profile talking with someone. it seems for me that she is cheating but i can't understand the language, i know it's a long text but i reallly need some help in translating it or to have a brief summary. millions thxs in advance.
    this is the text:

    He: Beh,ang taba muna pala ah...jejeje!!!pro mganda at maputi ka nman???
    She:hahahahahahaha.salamat po
    He:yes my beh...kmsta mn ka???
    She:ok lang
    She?online man lagi ka?
    He:ok lng pod ug sunday ako larga,nausab mn....luv u
    She:ha sunday na diasy/
    He:oo,tawag lng ko nmo ugma ha...miss u my beh...
    She:ag ym ta kadiyot beh
    He:la my cam ni ako g gamit krn beh..
    She:ok lang ako mag view sa imo
    She:para kita ka nako
    He:ok rman kaha beh...
    She:nganung dili man
    He:la lgi cam beh...
    She:cge ayaw na lang
    He:ok beh...luv u always...amping baya dha ha...

    He:bhe,dia nako mexico krn ug ng,hotel pa me?msta..
    He:duty b nmo krn
    She:tapos na
    She:musta man ka?
    She:sorry wala ko katawag ha kay nakatulog nako
    He:ok lng beh...dia me ng,hotel krn dri sa dha beh ha....
    She:kinsa man na imo gigamit na laptop?
    He:sa ako kaubn beh...nki gmit lng kariyot?..
    She:pwede ta mag ym beh?
    He:add mo ako Ym ano yung Ym mo?..
    She:ini add na kita
    She:i accept mo na lang
    She:i open mo yong ym mo now na
    She:i add mo na lang ako beh
    He:ano yung YM mo?nakalimutan ko..
    She:nakita mo na?
    He:bhe,la pa lgi u m2log.....
    She:karon taod2 pa me mangaon mn?tc..
    She:nganu man?
    He:sau pa mn beh...6:30 pa me mgkaon?luv u..
    She:maot nako karon kita naman jud ka
    He:dli mn beh oi...ako noon?..
    She:unsay dili?
    He:dli maot gud.....
    She:maot oi
    He:ug ikw unsa mn pod imo tan,aw nko beh.....
    He:hmmm...atik lng ko nmo dah?heheh..
    He:itom n bya ko beh?..
    She:ningputi noon
    He:ikw,ky puti na maulaw nko nmo pohon....
    She:nganu kaha
    She:karon paka maulaw
    She:mura man kag tala
    He:cge,tala nman kaha ko...hlak jud ko krn?..
    She:hilak diha
    He:lipay mn pod ka beh b nga mo hilak ko..huhuh..
    She:tala jud oh
    She:kabalo na imo kauban na karon pa ta nag cam to cam
    He:oo,ok raman cya
    She:love pa japon ko nimo after ko nimo nakita sa cam?
    He:luv gud beh...ikw,luv b kaha pod ko nmo?..
    She:love oi
    She:naunsa man ka oi
    He:hmm...tnuod b beh?..
    She:dili ka motoo?
    He:tinuod b lgi human u kta naho.....
    She:oo lagi
    She:nothing change
    He:salamat kung ganun.....
    She:nganu mang kapangutana man ka ana karon?
    He:ky nkta nman ko nmo sa personal.....
    He:basin ikulaw hehehnko nmo beh.....
    She:ay bahala ka oi
    He:ky hilig ra b ka ug gwapo...heheh..
    She:kung gusto ka mu atras sa ato sabot way problema
    He:btw beh,luv jud ka nako?..
    He:ug atras b gud oi.....
    She:kinsa man nag ingon sa imo na hilig kog gwapo ba?
    She:ambot sa imo oi
    She:ikaw hilig man gani kag gwapa
    He:hmm...dli beh oi...knsa b pod ko ky mili ug gwapa?..
    She:so buot pasabot maot jud diay ko
    She:paita ani oi
    He:tan,aw lng jud ko nmo ba.....
    He:dli oi...ikw b?..
    She:ikaw baya nag ingon
    He:unsa oi..
    He:beh,sakit ako likod ba?..
    She:balik ra ko kadiyot lang
    He:kiss sa ko beh..pra mwala..hehehe..
    She:nganung ningsakit man na?
    He:sa byahe guro ni ky layo jud amo g,traavel.....

    She:kaluoy dali ato hiluton
    He:la raba ko ka palit ug tambal ba....
    He:hmm...dali ari sa mexico beh...hehehe..
    She:pwede?,sure beh...hahaha..
    She:imo ko ilibre og pamasahe
    He:hmm...dali beh?heheh..
    He:btw,mgkta lng ta pohon beh ha...luv u..
    She:when man ka makauli ana puhon?
    He:2012 pa jud ko pohon makauli beh?pait..
    She:pag ym beh
    He:1st week ng jan...ikw?..
    He:chat nlng gud ta beh...pwede ..
    She:ok mahuman ako contract oi
    He:tnx beh...luv u so mch..
    He:ok,bsta amping lng knunay ha.....
    She:after sa imo contract musakay na pud kag balik?
    He:ambot lgi tagaan mn gud me ug line,up dyon....
    He:bsta,tigom sa ko beh ha...b4 ko dsyd nga mg,minyo ta?..
    She:after 5 years?
    He:no,after 3yrs beh.....
    he:ngano ha mn beh.....
    She:ingon ka 2013
    He:oo,bsta naa ipon beh...luv u..
    She:wa man klaro oi
    He:tiaw gud wla beh...ngtarong bya ko nmo?..
    She:ingon man ka after 3 years
    She:kadugay ato oi
    He:btw,tigom sa lgi ko ako baya laki?..
    She:cge matulog nako
    She:ikaw gud bahala oi
    She:ikaw pagbuot sa imo life oi
    He:ok beh...luv u..
    She:cge ayo2 na lang
    She:ako pa nimo ayaw na lang pagminyo
    She:para forever ka naa sa imo pamilya
    He:dli pod beh oi...ikw b ky lain.....
    She:kalimti na lnag to ato plano
    She:kay ako mag re contract na lang pud ko dre
    She:ok cge tulog nako
    He:beh...laina pod oi,,,..
    He:cge 2log nlng ky kapoy raba ka?..
    She:basta mao nato ako palno
    He:nga unsa mn beh.....
    She:from now on dili nako magbuot sa imoha
    She:iya2 ta og plano
    He:cja ky msuko dyon.....
    She:ay da gikapoy nako
    He:ayaw gud ana beh..pls..
    He:cge na beh,2log na ky pra mka relax ka?ako pod dri krn,,,..
    She:di pag relax na
    He:luv u so mch my beh...mwah..
    She:i cant answer taht one anymore
    He:hmmm,,,,suko jud dah.....
    She:it seems like youre not ready then i wont force you
    He:ready ko beh oi...dli pa jud enuf ako money?..
    She:mao gani di ayaw na lang pagminyo kay imo money enough man lang sa imo family
    He:beh...ayaw gud pg,ana?..
    He:luv raba jud nako.....
    She:ambot lang na imo gitawag na love kung asa na adulong
    He:ikw b,ky la japon ka motoo nako.....
    She:unsa may ako toohan vincent?
    She:pirme na lang ka ani
    He:nga ikw lgi ako minyoan beh.....
    He:ikw gud,ug dli ka m2o nako beh...miz u..
    He:beh,2log nako ha....luv u so mch..mwah..

    He:hi,my beh...msta?
    She:karon paka online?
    She:or kaganina ra?
    He:krn pa beh...tan-aw lng ko kdiyot ky duty pq dri mn
    He:oo,ug nq krn ky blik nq work my always
    He:tnx...luv u so mch.....
    She:ok bye

    She:k lang
    He:unsa u lingaw krn behhtc
    He:bg.olng q sa aq fb..
    She:wala lang
    She:wala man ko nangutana
    He:suko ka nq beh...paita pod oi...
    She:wala man ko nasuko
    She:naa ba koy angay ikasuko sa imo?
    She:pwede mo ask og favor?
    He:unsa mn?
    She:kung naa kay lain nagustuhan na girl na taga inyoha or taga asa just tell me in advance ok
    She:cge adto nako
    She:ayo2 na lang
    He:la lgi always
    She:bye murag busy man ka sa fb
    He:ingon ka beh...adto nka?
    She:kinsa diay ni si anna paman llego?
    He:taga bohol na sya naa nman na sya lain..toa sa canada?
    She:ex na nimo?
    He:oo,2g-an q pra dli ka msuq?
    She:bhe man lagi inyo tawagan until now?
    He:ambot naa na lgi sya lain dd2..canadian boy?
    He:ayaw lng selos beh...
    He:tawa jud na sya b...
    She:unsa man diay maghilak ko?
    She:hayahay pud ka
    He:beh...suko na sya b...
    She:basin ganahan pa siya nimo?
    He:ambot lgi beh oi...bsta la jud q mgbnuang nmo beh?
    He:lgi beh...ikw gud ug dli ka m2o nq....
    She:unya kabalo na siya nga naa naky uyab?
    He:oo,ug only god know's nlng daw me...hehehe
    She:naay katawanaa?
    He:sori beh....
    She:saeryoso ba ka sa akoa or wala?
    He:seryoso gud beh...
    She:unsa ka seryoso?
    He:na ikw jud aq mahal beh...
    She:hala mao man kaha
    He:sugot p lng jud ka nga tipon nata bsan dli pa kasal?pra mka sure jud ka nq beh...
    She:no way
    He:mao jud lgi na mg-ipon sa jud q beh...
    She:nakaplit nakag laptop?
    He:la pa beh oi...internet ni dri sa barko..
    She:cge tulog sa ko ayo2 n lang
    He:ok beh...gudnyt...mwah
    He:amping baya dha permi ha...
    He:lgi beh...dli jud na sya m2o b...
    She:nganung dili man lagi ka mag yahoo?
    He:dli mn pwede dri beh...intrnt lng?
    She:kinsa man na ingonna dili pwede?
    He:lgi ky la webcam dri sa barko fb lng?
    She:cge adto nako
    He:ok,ingat beh...luv u
    She:nganung gusto man ka makig ipon before ang kasal?
    He:pra msayod gyud ka nga seryoso q nmo ok ra mn b qng dli p ta kaslon?
    She:maova diha diay masukod kung seryoso ka or dili?
    He:oo beh...pra mkta ang matag-usa ka ugali nato duha qng angayan b gyud ta?tc
    She:unya kung dili?
    He:hmmm....hlak nlng q sa tago beh...
    She:ok ra man mag ipon pero way tandugay
    He:oo b...
    She:dili ko oi kasab!an ko sa ako mga maguwang
    He:adto gud q pra mkta q nla beh nga seryoso q nmo?
    She:sure?when man?
    He:kanus-a lgi ka uli mn beh... exact na date pra kblo q?tc
    She:basin sa december next year lagi
    He:ok,bsta tawag2 lng q nmo beh q ky 2g nq beh..luv u
    She:pag uli nako puhon kuyog ka sa akoa?
    He:oo, q ky 2log na jud q?bsta sabot nata ha...
    She:tawag ka ha
    He:ok beh...luv u so much
    She:love you too
    She:tc ok
    She:paghinay sa work
    He:ok beh...tnx

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    lets hope someone as time on their hands

    btw welcome...
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Yes my Mahal agrees with what you already think yourself.
    She has been and is in a relationship with this guy who is a seaman.
    He seems very in love with her.
    Hes asking to get married but shes not sure
    he is working to save for their future.
    She is jealous of some social network comments about an ex of his

    I think you have dissected it all enough before to know what appears to be happening

    Good luck

  4. #4
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    no need to translate every sentence people, i know it's long. just a summary thx

  5. #5
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    thx, alanmf1 and thx for ur time and reply. can u plz give me some more details please. salamat

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmf1 View Post

    Yes my Mahal agrees with what you already think yourself.
    She has been and is in a relationship with this guy who is a seaman.
    He seems very in love with her.
    Hes asking to get married but shes not sure
    he is working to save for their future.
    She is jealous of some social network comments about an ex of his

    I think you have dissected it all enough before to know what appears to be happening

    Good luck
    thx, alanmf1 and thx for ur time and reply. can u plz give me some more details please. salamat . sorry dor the double post, i'm new here

  7. #7
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Yup,she really likes the guy,she wants to know is he serious or not,she seems keen,dump her

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  8. #8
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    What is your relationship with this girl?
    How long have u known her?
    have you met her in person?
    How old are you/she?
    Where did u "stumble" upon this text?

    As Tawi2 says " get rid" sorry to be so candid!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    saeryoso ba ka sa akoa or wala?
    He: Baby, you are fat then but you are still beautiful and fair(white).(Thats correct mate,tell her she is fat,thats sure to win her over )
    SHE : hahaha Thank You(she is dumb enough to actually THANK him for calling her fat?This chat is comedic gold).
    HE: Yes my Baby, How are you now? (His chat up lines are uber-cheesy)
    SHE: I am Ok, You? WHy are you online?
    HE: I am also ok, On sunday I will depart, the schedule was changed. I love you.
    SHE: What!!! Its already on SUnday???
    HE: Yes, I will just call you tomorrow. I miss you my baby
    SHE: Lets have Yahoo messenger for a moment.

    Dump her mate,let him have the hassle of her.And she is fat (according to him anyway)and isnt as smart as she thinks she is.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  10. #10
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    Having some emails translated also sealed the fate of my (12 year) marriage.

  11. #11
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    He: Baby, you are fat then but you are still beautiful and fair(white).(Thats correct mate,tell her she is fat,thats sure to win her over )
    SHE : hahaha Thank You(she is dumb enough to actually THANK him for calling her fat?This chat is comedic gold).
    HE: Yes my Baby, How are you now? (His chat up lines are uber-cheesy)
    SHE: I am Ok, You? WHy are you online?
    HE: I am also ok, On sunday I will depart, the schedule was changed. I love you.
    SHE: What!!! Its already on SUnday???
    HE: Yes, I will just call you tomorrow. I miss you my baby
    SHE: Lets have Yahoo messenger for a moment.

    Dump her mate,let him have the hassle of her.And she is fat (according to him anyway)and isnt as smart as she thinks she is.
    I would love to read the whole lot, I'm at this.

    On a serious note though..... dump her
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Seems she's probably playing a few guys to see what she can get..... plenty of honest girls out there
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    plenty of honest girls out there
    And Honest Pinoy Seamen
    He: Baby, you are fat

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  14. #14
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Seems she's probably playing a few guys to see what she can get..... plenty of honest girls out there
    i lot of ladies do this, ie chatting to several men at the same time...maybe hes a former bf and is keeping her options open.

    instead of getting mad at her, ask her about it?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  15. #15
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Collect and select Many,many pinays chatting online have multitudinous chat-mates,first one to actually arrive in Pinas and propose gets the prize It actually happens

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  16. #16
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Its all true Tawi, though maybe mostly to get out of poverty. There are still plenty of decent filipinas who pursuits the love and happiness no matter what the distance. And it doesn't happen to westerners but to fellow pinoys as well.

    This one though sounds like sailing between two rivers like what most men would do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Collect and select Many,many pinays chatting online have multitudinous chat-mates,first one to actually arrive in Pinas and propose gets the prize It actually happens
    Life as we make it

  17. #17
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i read it as she had won the euro lottery and telling him to swing his boat

  18. #18
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    This is turning to be very annoying, she's a good girl and don't judge if u don't know the situation or her. i dunno if we will make it or not, but we are trying. and if she ever read this i tell her i forgave her and i love her, hope it will never happen again. God bless

  19. #19
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacknose7 View Post
    This is turning to be very annoying, she's a good girl and don't judge if u don't know the situation or her. i dunno if we will make it or not, but we are trying. and if she ever read this i tell her i forgave her and i love her, hope it will never happen again. God bless

    U Did ask us in the 1st place....

  20. #20
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacknose7 View Post
    This is turning to be very annoying, she's a good girl and don't judge if u don't know the situation or her. i dunno if we will make it or not, but we are trying. and if she ever read this i tell her i forgave her and i love her, hope it will never happen again. God bless
    whats annoying, you did start the thread and ask for it to be translated?

    are you not bothered about what is really going on in her life and what shes doing...then you need to ask her!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  21. #21
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    By gum yer can't do right for doing wrong.

    No wonder I've heard so many LDR sob stories over the past 21 years, when people are so naive.

  22. #22
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    thx for the help but i asked for translation not psychological analysis!!

  23. #23
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    You put up a personal and private conversation up on a public forum between YOUR girlfriend and HER boyfriend telling that you suspect she is cheating(with you against him or with him against you,or with others against both of you ) yet you throw a paddy when we voice our opinions

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacknose7 View Post
    thx for the help but i asked for translation not psychological analysis!!
    ...but you asked on a forum with years of experience of long term members who have seen this type of thing many many times before, and try to freely help others as they are just trying to help you before you discover you are so far in the you're screwed so far up your own .... it's sticking out of your mouth
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Rather than make her "affairs" public and because you love her so much you should have asked her the score instead of airing your/her/his/their dirty washing in public,after all,its you who said it was "Critical"

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  26. #26
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    But on a lighter note:


  27. #27
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    so how many is she currently playing ? or
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  28. #28
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    There still might be a chance for you though as by the sounds of it he still has the hots for his ex

    He. She is from Bohol baby, and she got another man now. She is in Canada now(obviously thinking of a canadian passport)
    She. Is she your ex-gf? ( )
    He. yes, I tell you so that you won't get angry
    She. You call each other baby until now?( )
    He, I don't know about her why she still calls Baby, She got another guy in canada, canadian boy (hope she dumps him and gets back with me,vancouver here I come)
    He. don't get jealous baby
    She. hahaha ( )

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  29. #29
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    i agree mr.alanmf1

  30. #30
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacknose7 View Post
    She:nganung gusto man ka makig ipon before ang kasal?
    He:pra msayod gyud ka nga seryoso q nmo ok ra mn b qng dli p ta kaslon?
    She:maova diha diay masukod kung seryoso ka or dili?
    He:oo beh...pra mkta ang matag-usa ka ugali nato duha qng angayan b gyud ta?tc
    She:unya kung dili?
    He:hmmm....hlak nlng q sa tago beh...
    She:ok ra man mag ipon pero way tandugay
    He:oo b...
    She:dili ko oi kasab!an ko sa ako mga maguwang
    He:adto gud q pra mkta q nla beh nga seryoso q nmo?
    She:sure?when man?
    He:kanus-a lgi ka uli mn beh... exact na date pra kblo q?tc
    She:basin sa december next year lagi
    He:ok,bsta tawag2 lng q nmo beh q ky 2g nq beh..luv u
    She:pag uli nako puhon kuyog ka sa akoa?
    He:oo, q ky 2log na jud q?bsta sabot nata ha...
    She:tawag ka ha
    He:ok beh...luv u so much
    She:love you too
    She:tc ok
    She:paghinay sa work
    He:ok beh...tnx

    She: How come you want us to live together before we get married?
    He: So you can be sure that I’m serious about you, babe…..and is it ok with you if we don’t get married right away?
    She: Is that right? Is that how being serious or not be measured?
    He: yes, babe….so we’ll know each other well and if we really can live with each other…take care
    She: What if we find out we’re not meant for each other?
    He: hmmm……I’ll just cry in the corner
    She: It’s fine with me to move in with you as long as long as we wont sleep in the same bed.
    He: sure
    She: Never, I get scolded by my elders.
    He: I’ll visit your place so they’ll know I’m serious about you
    She: Are you sure? When?
    He: When is your plan of going home? Give me an exact date
    She: Next year, on December
    She: I hope
    He: Ok, I’ll call you, babe….I’ll log out now coz I need to sleep, babe….love you
    She: You’ll come with me the next time I’ll visit home?
    He: of course….babe, I better be going, I’m so sleepy….dont forget what we talked about
    She: ok
    She: Call me okay
    He: Ok, love….love you so much
    She: love you too
    She: take care, ok

    I hope I made the right translation and I hope this will help you. It is best if you find someone else, it seems like they already have an understanding. I dont want to judge her but base on the conversation she is in love with this guy. I speak Cebuano so I understand everything that was going with the two. Best if you talk about it with her. Goodluck.

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