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Thread: How long.

  1. #1
    Member zef's Avatar
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    How long.

    Hi all, still a newbie here, male 33 single, devilishly good looking and incredibly charming (so my mum tells me )

    I'm wondering how long you were dating your girl before you got chance to meet her for the first time. I'm not a wealthy man and it could be some time before I get chance to visit the Phils (jumping the gun a bit I know), so I was just curious what was the timescale on your relationship.


  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Hanna and I started talking in November last year. We spoke nearly every day. I first went to see her in April of this year.

    I was quite surprised about how cheap it was to fly over. I paid £500 approx return.

    I was even More surprised when I got over there - everything is so CHEAP (to us of course.)

    Hope this is useful for you.


  3. #3
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    Hi Zef, I started talking to my GF in Jan/FEb and went to visit her in April - since then lots have happened and we were planning on her being here for xmas, even just for a visit. since then other things have happened - see I just found my Filli GF lies! doh
    good luck!

  4. #4
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Chin up Mark - remember!!!


  5. #5
    Member zef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barnsley-mark View Post
    Hi Zef, I started talking to my GF in Jan/FEb and went to visit her in April - since then lots have happened and we were planning on her being here for xmas, even just for a visit. since then other things have happened - see I just found my Filli GF lies! doh
    good luck!
    Hi Mark, have you had chance to talk to her yet about what happened?

    Sorry, that sounds really nosey, just concerned.

  6. #6
    Member zef's Avatar
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    And thanks to you also Alan

  7. #7
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    Hi ya, I am doing really well! in one respect i am happy something has come to light and i have so much support on here. I received a couple of emails earlier today from Wynn saying it must be her friend messing about on friendster and she has now got NBI clearance in Butuan. I have not had chance to talk to her on Yahoo, but i will let you know.

  8. #8
    Member zef's Avatar
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    Mark you seem like a really nice guy and I sincerely hope you sort out any problems out that you may be having, It's reading stories like yours and Alans that make this site so refreshingly genuine.

    Good luck mate

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zef View Post
    Hi all, still a newbie here, male 33 single, devilishly good looking and incredibly charming (so my mum tells me )

    I'm wondering how long you were dating your girl before you got chance to meet her for the first time. I'm not a wealthy man and it could be some time before I get chance to visit the Phils (jumping the gun a bit I know), so I was just curious what was the timescale on your relationship.


    I don't think many of us a to loaded on this site well defintely not now the better half is here.

    The first meeting online was in jan and first met in june for others it has varied from months to years in some cases.

    As well as money the other thing most of us brits have to consider is leave form work. This can be more complicated than finding the cash for a holiday.

    If i was you i would start saving for your trip now and keep saving if you want to apply for a visa having some savings or at least being in a fairly stable fincial situation is vital.

    You will be more prepared than most of us when i first started chatting to the now wife i had no idea where the phillpines really was or the current situation there. I knew about the marcos, the shoes and the overthrow thats about all and i thought it was easy for phills to come here as there were so many nurses here.

    A trip to phill can costs thousands but a mate went there recently on a real tight budget and i don't think he spent in total more than 1300-1500 pounds all in total including flight, hotel, travel in phill, clothes for the trip etc.

    Sounds alot but with some careful saving can be achieved.

    Other lessons i have learned include

    FInd a cheap way of calling both mobiles and landline in phill. This is vital even a penny a mintue difference can cost a lot over a month.

    Make sure you have yahoo installed on your pc most phills tend to use it. Also make sure archiving is turned on and on for as long as possible.
    Two reasons i can think of one so you can look back on your chats either together or alone. Also incase required for any visa application.

    Make sure you make mental notes on the details anyone you speak to says. I have read about people being scammed and when they put all the details down in writing things don't add up.
    But be careful about being to parinoid as Angelbird story tells you both sides can find it hard in an ldr. If something sounds odd run it past people on here what seems strange to us might not be so strange to a phill from a particular area.

    I hope you meet your mahal and have much happiness together

  10. #10
    Member zef's Avatar
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    Many thanks andypaul, theirs obviously a lot more for me to read up on than first meets the eye, but if I put the work in the rewards are obvious

  11. #11
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    i knew jenny and chatted every day for just over a year before we met. its a long wait.

    my trip cost £1500 all in.

    but if it was not for jenny it would have been alot lot more!!!
    we didnt travel to far of fly about the place. but we stayed in nice hotels, some maganda hotels and one crap one. and we dinned out every day. a few hundred went the familys way. but we had a great 21 days.

    i only got stung once by a taxi driver in manila but everything else was fine. be ready for the humidity! i wasn't and it took me 3-4 days to get used to it.

    good luck

  12. #12
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    Hi Richard,
    you must have the patience of a saint. I am so used to things happening when i want them to. I could never wait a year for anything, eben my birthday
    Long distance relationships are hard work - i know only too well

  13. #13
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    we all get stung the first time in manila! taxi drivers are very good at it!

  14. #14
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    yeah he took 2000peso for a 300peso trip and drove round half manila for an hour. then the taxi home took 15 mins lol

    yeah im good at waiting but you want to top yourself more as time passes.

    but it proves jennys commitment totally, when i have no money she has no money when im stresses she is to so were getting there.

  15. #15
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zef View Post
    I'm wondering how long you were dating your girl before you got chance to meet her for the first time.
    Also a newbie here, but I was over I Phils within 2 months! Perhaps I'm just a quick worker, but at my age I don't want to waste time hanging around!

  16. #16
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I met my fiance online last march of this year and we met personally this month of August..we have a great days together and hopefully will apply for a visa soon..

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