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Thread: JOb Sites SCAM!!!

  1. #1
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    JOb Sites SCAM!!!

    Looks like scammers have moved on, They are taking cv's from job sites and offering you on the job training and being paid for it aswell.... they pay you your training fee... in to your or any bank account plus a sum for you to train with ... you training involes taking the training sum out of your account and with the details you are supplied for your traing transfer the money using moneygram ect. to your "training partner" then collect a sum back from said partner.
    Apparently you need to do this a few times and with your 5 day traing course the sum's get bigger.....So if you can't work it out for youself then good luck but it is illegal to send money via moneygram etc to people you don't know, and also before you take on a job like this do a little research about money laundering, I thought that job sites were a safe place to look but I guess you need to be on your guard all the time. There's always someone out there to use a sucker to do their dirty work. And if anyone unwittingly got involved where would it stop ?
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  2. #2
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    just always remember to check or investigate the company (ask straight to the main company if they are hiring), you don't pay such amount or give out bank account details until u are given a contract, always ask a friend about the news.
    last 2 years ago, some for my friends in the Philippines and in Dubai asked me a certain company & I asked the contact information. When I investigate it in the UK by phoning the company (some I emailed them), they replied straightaway that I'm not the first person who ask & they reported it to the police as they are aware that scammers used their names for advertise such scam. Mostly work for hotels/ housekeeping/ restaurant in London.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maria B View Post
    just always remember to check or investigate the company (ask straight to the main company if they are hiring)
    what if the address of the company is a ''virtual'' one??
    checking the domain address is one way to do it , but some are just recently created...they usually stole the copy or name of a company, very smart geeks
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    i didn't go to the virtual one. I just forgot the name of the hotels in London that the scammers used. But knowing the name of the hotel, I phone straight the HR office and she knew it straight away as they have reports about the scammers. Also scammers used big name company & when u visit the proper website, there isn't any hiring.
    'It's just like when I went back home to visit the family in the Philippines, I got an email from halifax that they need my bank account and password but I knew from the email add that's it's not genuine. U can sense the discripancy of thier email add sometimes & for as long as u are aware that Halifax is not doing such thing like that (or other companies).'
    Hope everybody is aware of what's going on in the world & always look before they leap. Just like this Filipino UK forum....we all learned a lot from here

  5. #5
    Member jon richard's Avatar
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    I had a request from AOL to send my bank details so they could update my account
    Told me my account would be closed within 7 days if they did not get this info..
    Having closed my account 12 months ago myself i resisted the temptation....
    but it was very very very well done....
    Its easy to be drawn

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