also, I remembered when I took the exam "life in the uk" from the Wolverhampton public library...set of 20 applicants. Mostly indians & pakistani...a seatmate of mine told me that it was her 3rd time. I just wish her good luck...After the exam, I got the "pass notification" result and went out straight to my husband whose waiting outside to tell the good news. Other husbands waiting as well & one asked, "how did u do it?" as it was his wife's 2nd time. I really don't know how to answer w/o offending him, as all I knew was I understood everything what I'm reading from the book & living in the uk helps me understand of what's going on. The only I thing I hated was about the politics topic. In which indeed the things that I hated pops in from my screenYou will have 45 minutes to answer 24 questions, i finished at 10 mins but glad I made it & got only one wrong answer. I am blessed that Pinays/ Pinoys understand & speak english as our second language. As any one can do the same. No offense to some indians/ pakistani as some of them really have a hard time to speak/ understand english (depends what region they come from as well).
All the best to wives/ husbands who are about to take the life in the uk test & ESOL test from the Philippines. Wish u luck!