By Adam Parris-Long | Yahoo! News – 16 hours ago..
A man has been jailed for 14 months after he knowingly gave his former girlfriend genital herpes.
By Adam Parris-Long | Yahoo! News – 16 hours ago..
A man has been jailed for 14 months after he knowingly gave his former girlfriend genital herpes.
If you can't say something nice.
SHUT UP!. Simple.
As he KNEW what he was doing, I believe castration and at least 10 years in jail would have been more appropriate for ruining her whole life.
Might make others think twice.
it will not hurt to always follow the golden rule..."wear socks all the time"but seriously, this is a horrible experience to the victim
So ladies, don't just open your legs...(likewise w/ man, don't just inject your thingy)...unless u know each other too well.
If you can't say something nice.
SHUT UP!. Simple.
Always clean the merchandise before using![]()
Keith - Administrator
This man was unfortunate to be " infected " with apparently poor legal representation ; Crown Prosecution Service and a judge comparing herpes simplex virus with human immunodeficiency virus ; and a medical " expert " calling genital herpes incurable. In most cases there are no symptoms to cure. If all 6 m people in the UK attempted prosecution for " grievous bodily harm by deliberate " transmission, the courts would be swamped.
I would not sit in judgement on this case. I don't know what evidence there was that transmission was deliberate or malicious, or even that this man knew the facts about genital herpes. However, the psychological stigma already attached to this NON-life threatening infection will be made worse, and partners LESS likely to admit they might have had infection in the past. In the vast majority of cases the infection is transmitted without either partner being aware. The minority who ever had symptoms probably think they're cured once those symptoms go.
I know " Health Issues " is not as popular as " Tottenham riots " threads. But please at least look at my separate thread ! There's a world of difference between genital herpes and AIDS.
Doc, re, ur health issuses... i think as we become older.. we shy away from the truth.. but we also take note of the facts you state... but we dare not accept the realities of the evidence in black and white print... we read it and then think..omg... prescription time.. but in reality most of us do shy away from a medical check up until its too bloody late.. and then we dare not appreciate ur posts .. costs its already affected us.. and we dare not admit it.., .. does this make sense ?
Thanks Branno, I understand what you're saying and you have made kind comments to me already which I appeciate.
It's never too late to face realities and take responsibilty for your own healthThis great forum is here to help members, and my contribution is ( I hope ) to give the facts clearly whenever it's a topic that I know something about
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