£499 for QM II sounds pretty good then a cheap 1 way air ticket back
£499 for QM II sounds pretty good then a cheap 1 way air ticket back
Looks like you need to book by October 10th. Bit quick for me.
But thanks for the link. My wife has often fancied a cruise.
Yes Arthur, I think you may be right about flights back.
If cruising's your thing, then it could be a good deal. I've done a few mini cruises to Northern Europe and Spain, I know they don't compare for the luxury of a proper cruise liner, but the conclusion I've come to is that I'm probably a good few years too young for a cruise![]()
This was an 8 am cruise a few days ago to view the Queen Mary 2 passing Scarborough.
Cost of cruise : £ 5
Cost of coffee on board : £ 1
Sea sickness pills : not needed
Zoom lens and Photoshop : not needed
All day breakfast at cafe by harbour AFTER cruise : £ 5 P1000018(1).jpgP1000024(1).jpgP1000019(1).jpgP1000022(1).jpgP1000023(1).jpg
I don't suppose your cruise ship featured the following Doc
14 bars, including a traditional English pub, and 10 restaurants
Nice pics !
That looks great Doc and good value too
A few hours, or even a day on a boat is fine, in fact its quite good fun, but the idea of being stuck on a boat for 2 weeks with loud and fat Yanks is not my idea of funAt least on a land based holiday you can walk away to escape from them, on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic you're stuck.
I did a P&O Portsmouth to Bilbao mini cruise in late December a few years ago. The force 10 gale in the English Channel and Bay of Biscay was great fun. Of the 2000 or so passengers on board, I was one of only a handful who werent ill) It was a bit like a roller coaster at sea, when we docked at Portsmouth, I almost queued up for another go
I'd like to go on one of those Pompey Bilbao ones. When I was a student we went 3 times on a "Business Studies" trip to Holland & Belgium - high points were the overnight beer fuelled P & O crossings Hull/Rotterdam Europoort with pig out help yourself buffets, plus the cultural tours around the Amsterdam Red Light District & Heineken Brewery.
When I was a kid we used to go to Europe frequently by boat as air travel was far too expensive then. I remember well one Dover to Ostende trip in 1974, Sunderland were playing in the Cup Winners Cup knockout competition, the boat was full of drunken fighting fans. I'd never seen a drunk before, it was pretty scary for a 7 yr old boy. I remember my dad taking me to the Gents for a pee, there were drunk fans being sick everywhere and collapsed in the trough urinals, whilst the other fans were peeing all over them
I also took the " Pride of Bilbao " to Bilbao, drove to Biarritz for 10 days' surfing with my kids, and then back to Portsmouth. Even in August the sea was rough.
My recommended OTC ( over the counter ) drug for motion sickness is Cinnarizine ( " Stugeron " ). It's an antihistamine, and should be taken 30 mg two hours before travel, then 15 mg every eight hours during the journey if necessary ( half that dosage for child 5 - 12 years ; avoid during pregnancy ). The only one in our group who didn't take it was seasick !
... Alan, Mick, John Carr and myself are more in the age bracket
for say, Carribean cruising.
folks ... luxurious as the QM2 appears
... to me, at least, it'll never compete with the sheer elegance of the original Queen Mary.
Berthed as a 'floating museum' at the LA suburb of Long Beach Calfornia since 1967, this magnificent liner had been launched on Clydeside 33 years earlier - and "boasted" such illustrious passengers as King Edward VIII [later Duke of Windsor] Wallis Simpson (whom he'd renounced the throne to marry) and the future Sir Winston Churchill, to name but three. My dad had told me as a kid, how he'd been among the thousands present to watch her pass gracefully down the slipway at John Brown's Shipyard in 1934, and this subsequently instilled in me a strong desire to see her for myself - an ambition I finally realised in the summer of 1992 - when I visited the West Coast of America.
1st Girl: We are going on a cruise cause my husband works for Cunard!
2nd Girl: Well my husband works fa cunard too but we can't afford it!
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Nice one NigelI had to read it a couple of times but got there in the end, at first I thought your comment was "Norfolk and good" (say it in a Scottish accent)
lol, had to read that a few times.
Seriously though, QM II is a wonderful ship and I think you'd be hard pressed not to enjoy yourself on it. 4-5 days across the pond isn't too bad.
The Queen Victoria on the other hand.... Shameful.
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