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Thread: about Fiancee Visa application (1st timer)

  1. #1
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    about Fiancee Visa application (1st timer)

    Hello everyone... My name is Mary, 21 years old, from Pampanga, Phils. I registered here today as I am hoping to get help from this forum about my fiancee visa application. I have alot of questions running in my head right now and I don't know how to start. I hope this won't get too long that it will be boring to read.

    I met Matthew, my fiancee, when we were in highschool. We were classmates, he is 23 y/o, born in UK from both Filipino parents. He spent some childhood years here, and then he went back to UK but we continued to be friends and communicate for many years until we realized that we have special feelings for each other. We confirmed our feelings for each other by meeting each other again in person, and then yes, it's final, we really want to be together, spend our lives together... he went here to be with me twice already. so to make it short, now we want to be together in UK. I already finished my college and have work here.

    so questions are:
    1. My fiancee quit his job last year, right now he got a new job for only about a month. Can we apply for a fiancee visa with just a month of payslips?
    2. I have emails, fb msgs, skype, pictures together as proof of our relationship. -what else do they need as proof?
    3. Oh just please please tell me the steps you did when you applied for Fiancee settlement visa....what's the most important thing in the application? His parents are willing to be co-sponsors and they rent a house and will show that I can stay with them....

    thanks for reading my post. hopefully I can get all positive responses here and alot of ideas on how to apply for visa.

    God bless.

  2. #2
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    Hi there msmaganda, welcome here to the forum.
    The UKBA page specifically for Fiance(e)'s is here
    Please take a look for the requirements. It's well structured to help you understand what is required.

    The key issues in the eligibility of a UK Fiance(e) Visa are:-

    - Your Fiance(e) (or proposed civil partner) is currently living and settled in the UK, or is returning to the UK with you to live there permanently.
    - You're both at least 21 years old on the date of arrival in UK or on the date when a visa will be granted.
    - You intend to marry or register a civil partnership within 6 months.
    - You intend to live together as husband and wife or civil partners after you are married or have registered your civil partnership.
    - You have met each other.
    - You meet the UKBA English language requirement.
    - Until you are married or have registered a civil partnership, there is somewhere for you and any dependants to live without help from public funds.
    - There will, when you are married or in civil partnership, be adequate accommodation where you and any dependants can live without help from public funds.
    - You and any dependants can be supported without working or needing public funds, before appllying to extend your stay as a spouse or civil partner.
    Please take some time to review How do we apply for a UK Fiance(e) Visa (in the Philippines)?

    Once you have read the information, if you have any other question please feel free to post bthem here in this thread.

    Your fiancee (sponsor) will need at least 3 months bank statements and 6 months payslips. Do not supply any bank statements that show overdrawn funds

    Good luck with your reading

  3. #3
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    welcome msmaganda my fiancee comes from near you she lives in guagua she,s hopeing to come over on a special visit visa for marriage and she can stay upto 6 months but she has to go back to phil were she has to show funds not me in that time i hope to be able to get all payslips i need to get a spouse visa i know its long way round but its way were going to try good luck

  4. #4
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe! thanks for your reply here...
    - My fiancee is currently living and settled in the UK.
    - I am 21 and he's 23.
    - Yes, we intend to marry w/in 6mos, but how can we show proof that we really intend to marry? We have promise ring, more so like engagement ring receipt from a jeweller. what else can show proof of that?
    - We intend to live together after marriage.
    - We have met each other. (many times already)
    - UKBA English language requirement??? Should I still take this if I'm a Bachelor's degree holder? I had work experience in call center and also teaching English to Korean uni. students.... if Yes, where is the address of testing center in Manila?
    - He lives with his family, his parents are willing to support my stay there and provide us an accomodation.

    We are planning to hire a solicitor to help us in our visa processing, is that a good idea?
    Is it really should be 6 months? We want to go with my application with his 1-2 month of payslips only...
    We will apply in October, the solicitor in London will come in PH by Oct...

    @Hawk.. Hello there, your plan is to get her as special visitor? then she will come back in PH, then come back there for spouse settlement visa? it looks like a long way to me and more costly solution... I was also thinking about your way, but I thought I won't get approved coz my real intention is to settle with him there. So it won't look right to officers if I apply only for visit visa. ah well that's what I think.

  5. #5
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    The ECO needs to be convinced that a marriage/civil partnership in the UK will take place.
    The law relating to marriage in England and Wales does not allow for any arrangements to be made with a Registrar until the foreign national has arrived in the UK. Of itself, a booking at a Register Office or church is not proof that a marriage will take place.
    However the ECO can reasonably expect the couple to have made some tentative plans for the wedding. Any evidence at all, however small, that's available to show that wedding arrangements are in hand will help in this respect.
    Think about including any facebook messages, e-mails or texts that specifically refer to wedding plans. The engagement ring receipt is a good. Even a supporting letter from your fiances parents saying that they support the future marriage and that they are looking forward to meeting and welcoming you into the family. Nothing complicated.

    Regarding your English language ability - see the English language page
    My personal advice would be to organise the test and submit the pass certificate. It's the easiest and safest way.

    The UKBA require statements covering at least 3 months, and clearly demonstrating that there is adequate amounts. They will not accept statements/letters etc that simply show the balance in on a particular day, as these documents do not show that there are consistent funds to meet the maintenance requirement.
    The maintenance test will, in most cases, be based on the sponsor's income/employment

    If your circumstances are straightforward there is really no need to hire a solicitor.
    If your case is complicated then the experience of a good immigration advisor would help.

    Don't forget that you and your fiance will still need to supply all documents/letters and information required yourselves, the solicitor cannot do that.

    Have your fiance write a good letter to the Embassy supporting your application, and outlining how long you have been together and important events and meetings between yourselves.
    You may also briefly outline the start of the relationship, how it developed, the times you met face-to-face, some things you did together, your feelings for each other, why you want to marry, plans for the future and where you will live and how you will support yourselves.
    Keep it simple and above all be honest about everything.

    Hope this helps

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Have your fiance write a good letter to the Embassy supporting your application, and outlining how long you have been together and important events and meetings between yourselves.
    You may also briefly outline the start of the relationship, how it developed, the times you met face-to-face, some things you did together, your feelings for each other, why you want to marry, plans for the future and where you will live and how you will support yourselves.
    Keep it simple and above all be honest about everything.

    Hope this helps
    Coincidentally, I did just as Terpe explains. I wrote the letter like a story. About 1.5 pages of A4. Pretty much exactly as Terp suggested, with events in chronlogical order, including meet-ups with friends and relatives. And both of us signed it.

  7. #7
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    Hi Mary,

    Regarding the English exam requirement, you'd have to take an English test (list of tests are provided by the embassy) even if you hold a degree that was taught in English. I'm an AB English graduate but I was still required to take the exam when I was about to lodge my app in the UK VAC centre. However, you have the option to send your docs to the UK NARIC for certification purposes of your diploma or transcript if you don't want to take the exam. UK NARIC is the only legitimate body in UK which certifies documents from abroad. They have to see whether your records/subjects pass the standards of UK education. And you have to wait for 3 weeks for their reply. So in my case, I chose to take IELTS since I am also an IELTS reviewer here in Davao. I will lodge my application on Oct. 10 or 17 soon.

    Goodluck with your application as well. Just be positive. As long as you have ALL the requirements needed, then, i'm sure it will be fine.


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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginelovesPaul View Post
    ........... UK NARIC is the only legitimate body in UK which certifies documents from abroad. They have to see whether your records/subjects pass the standards of UK education. And you have to wait for 3 weeks for their reply.....
    You also have to pay. I think it's around £40 or so.

  9. #9
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    57 this is visa center manila it costs around 55,000 ph for fiancee visa when you marry in uk you will need to change to spouse visa which will be around another 30,000 ph thats £810 then about £500 more my way is only £75 sure it seems along way round but she can do same as fiancee visa but less £735 if we get it then thats £1235 less than you will pay if you both went to phil then marry it will only cost £810 for visa you dont pay the other

  10. #10
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Coincidentally, I did just as Terpe explains. I wrote the letter like a story. About 1.5 pages of A4. Pretty much exactly as Terp suggested, with events in chronlogical order, including meet-ups with friends and relatives. And both of us signed it.
    i had a good laugh with this,coz my fiancee made 5 pages of A4,its like a novel of our love story hehehehe.....but its genuinely true whats written on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by toging View Post
    i had a good laugh with this,coz my fiancee made 5 pages of A4,its like a novel of our love story hehehehe.....but its genuinely true whats written on it.
    Yes. I nearly wrote that on mine...."True Love Story". But yes it was all true. You can just picture the ECO wiping a tear from his eye as he reads it........

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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    ......You can just picture the ECO wiping a tear from his eye as he reads it........

    If only......

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmaganda View Post
    Hello everyone... My name is Mary, 21 years old, from Pampanga, Phils. I registered here today as I am hoping to get help from this forum about my fiancee visa application.
    Hello, Mary ... to our friendly, online filipino/uk site, and goodluck to you and your fiance, Matthew.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    If only......
    Maybe a box of kleenex tissues should go in with each application?

  15. #15
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    has anyone have an outline of a co sponsor letter that my fiance father can use as an outline as to what he can write in his letter?

  16. #16
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    Hello friends,
    I'll have my English exam soon! will take PTE Academic English exam (Pearson) as listed in the new approved English test centers... Well, I was feeling relax and easy that I could pass it until I saw the practice exam! I was shocked! PTE academic is really hard in my opinion. I can speak, read, write in English well, but when I saw the PTE Academic practice test I felt really like a dumb dumb. The first time I heard the audio, I could not repeat it at all! There was a part where it asked to describe the graph/pie charts in just a few seconds, really hard.. everything is hard for me in PTE... I'm , really sad... I hope I can score and pass it though. I have only one week to train my memory and brain... huhuhu.. please help me to pray..... thanks everyone..

  17. #17
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    Best of luck for your test
    Try to practice as much as you can.

    The PTE Academic is a very broad range test and covers all levels from A1 to C2
    I'm sure you reach the required score level

  18. #18
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    I made the ECO cry with my sponsorship letter.... I covered it in pepper spray
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    I took PTE exam yesterday, and got the results the same day! I am happy, really happy, I got 73, more than what is required for fiancee visa..

  20. #20
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    our next step now is to submit our papers, I want to ask how to present them all, is it like put then in big envelope? or a folder with divisions?

  21. #21
    Member sexyvictoria's Avatar
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    hi msmaganda im also applying for fiance visa and im from angeles city too. wow! congrats i will going to take my ielts on 22 of this month. im very nervous now good luck to your application

  22. #22
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    goodluck Victoria! I know you can make it, no doubt! I first thought PTE exam is extremely difficult, but when I took it and saw my score, it is so easy to pass the required score for fiancee visa. i will pass my papers too soon! pray for me.. goodluck to your application too!

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    My wife was convinced she had failed her english language test, after she had sat them. She was a bag of nerves for days before the test. But she passed and passed quite well.
    Looking at the English content of your posts, Victoria, I would say that you have a good chance of passing.

  24. #24
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    Thanks lastlid

  25. #25
    Member yanghwa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReginelovesPaul View Post
    Hi Mary,

    Regarding the English exam requirement, you'd have to take an English test (list of tests are provided by the embassy) even if you hold a degree that was taught in English. I'm an AB English graduate but I was still required to take the exam when I was about to lodge my app in the UK VAC centre. However, you have the option to send your docs to the UK NARIC for certification purposes of your diploma or transcript if you don't want to take the exam. UK NARIC is the only legitimate body in UK which certifies documents from abroad. They have to see whether your records/subjects pass the standards of UK education. And you have to wait for 3 weeks for their reply. So in my case, I chose to take IELTS since I am also an IELTS reviewer here in Davao. I will lodge my application on Oct. 10 or 17 soon.

    Goodluck with your application as well. Just be positive. As long as you have ALL the requirements needed, then, i'm sure it will be fine.

    Hi regine, i leave in davao and im planning to take IELTS. if u dont mind, where in davao can possible to take the exam? salamat


  26. #26
    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    I got my marriage visa already, and the CFO sticker, I only have one way ticket, would that be okay? do I need to show a return ticket?

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    Quote Originally Posted by msmaganda View Post
    .........I only have one way ticket, would that be okay? do I need to show a return ticket?
    In our case a single ticket was fine. I think Graham advised me on that and it worked well.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    In our case a single ticket was fine. I think Graham advised me on that and it worked well.
    Thank goodness for that.

  29. #29
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    congrats msmaganda...

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    Member msmaganda's Avatar
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    Thank you all so much for your advices. Finally i'm going to be with my love very soon. We will get married maybe by January or Feb, then another visa application... hope it will be easier to apply there. I am just bit worried coz the embassy here got the original copy of tenancy agreement, I can't find my copy, uhm maybe i'll need it for applying a spouse visa in uk? hmmm

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