For the first time in my life I'm commuting to work. As many people know i'm a seafarer, and whilst I still work on ships, I now commute to the ship. Work give me a house to stay in near work with my family, and as long as the ship isn't sailing (obviously), I can go home home in the afternoons.
My commute takes about 10-15 minutes and involves going along the highway through some small mountains before facing the blue ocean and driving into the port to the ship (with a few salutes on the way).
I've never liked and understood the idea of commuting, having been at sea pretty much since I left school. The commute for me before has always been a case of waking up, showering and walking upstairs to the bridge or to my office. Whenever i've been on leave in the UK, I've always found it scary when I've seen people sat in their cars in the traffic at 7am, puffing away on a cigarette and wondering about the meaning of life.
Whilst the 28 degrees and guaranteed sunshine here helps, I find myself listening to 'Darren' on the local radio station with his inane jibberish, is this really what normal people listen to?
Just made me wonder, what sort of commutes to work people here have, and how they cope with them. Would you ever consider living closer to your work to avoid the commute?