Ok, I found this site online and am looking for some advice really.
Right firstly I’ll have to set the scene.
I am a British citizen married but separated and went to live in Thailand in early 2010.
I met a Filipina staying in Thailand on a tourist visa.
We became GF and BF. We stayed together as such. In February this year we gave birth to a baby girl. In Thailand the child does not get automatic citizenship so we decided to register her as British as our long term plan was to return to the UK.
Money started running dry in August this year so we decided for her to return to the Philippines (as she could not have applied for a visa from Thailand) and I was to return to the UK with our daughter.
So our current situation is that I live in the UK with our 9 month old daughter as a single parent and my GF is living back in the Philippines.
I am currently looking for at least part time employment, have started the divorce proceedings with my ex-wife.
My GF is living at home in the Philippines currently looking for work not an easy task as she lives in the middle of nowhere.
Obviously I want to be with my GF as soon as possible and certainly my GF want to be with me and reunited with her daughter again.
WHAT VISA could anyone recommend we should go for?
Wait for my divorce and apply for a marriage visa?
Family visit visa?
Tourist visa?
I know this is going to be a difficult one, because as soon as she applies and they realize she has a daughter here already they will suspect that she will not return to the Philippines after her visa expires.
Any suggestion or what kind of visa we should apply for and any ideas or thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.