i will drop by at HOPKINS makati on WEDNESDAY NOV.23,2011 morning to register for the possible examination this coming DECEMBER ;') any tips will be greatly appreciated!!! thanks!!! ;')![]()
i will drop by at HOPKINS makati on WEDNESDAY NOV.23,2011 morning to register for the possible examination this coming DECEMBER ;') any tips will be greatly appreciated!!! thanks!!! ;')![]()
Yes. Try and do the workshop day, if you can. They go through the format of the exam and give you some practice papers. Of course there is a fee for the workshop but it isnt a lot.
My wife did hers there. They came across as a very well organised outfit.
Judging by your posting, you should pass okay. Your english is good. So dont worry about it. It is easier than you think it is. You dont need a very high score to get the necessary requirement for the UKBA spouse or fiancee visa.
My wife worried a lot about it and in the end passed very easily.
We found some practice papers on the internet too. I will try and dig them out over the next few days, if you are interested. Or do a google search and you will find them.
Thanks very much lastlid we plan to apply by jan or feb before april2012 rules get changed hehe crossed fingers![]()
I think this was one that my wife used for practice. Have a google and you may find some more. But like I say, if you do the TOEIC workshop at Hopkins, Makati, they will give you some practice papers.
Thanks so much lastlid im worried and so very confused on how to apply...Online filling up the form so confusing really seen the visa4uk website i dont know if thats the right process the "do it online" then submit then will receive email with the GWF then Go to VFS website for booking the appointment... Really very confusing :\![]()
Hi ate grace whats keeping me thinking is how to fill up the form... Is it right to fill tge form up on visa4uk website? Then after completing the form i will click submit to receive an email of my GWF ??? Then after will book appointment on VFS website to lodge the application and required documents... Am i right???![]()
Thanks ate grace nreceive ko na po yung sagot mo and links![]()
Here's another. There's some stuff on there about scores etc too.
etc etc
thanks lastlid been practicing it and resultsseems to be good ;')
Good luck with this - I think the A1 is quite easy to achieve our personal experience of Hopkins wasnt really very good but its a necessary evil (as I'd say). The good thing is you have plenty of time before you submit your application, we found the 3 weeks waiting time (twice becuse Rina didnt do the workshop and didnt know what to do in the test and failed the forst S&W) very frustrating.
I'd recommend the 1000PHP workshop as mentioned already - because during the test they dont explain what you have to do it seems.
hi tone...
wonder why they dont explain the directions as first part of the exam...hope my experience would be better well i just self study as we couldnt afford spending much at the moment... so cross fingers in taking the exam once ;')![]()
I seem to recall, from what my wife said, that in the workshop they go through the format of the exam, so that you become familiar with it. Otherwise you walk into the paper with no prior idea of the style of the questions.
And then they set you some example questions for practice and also give you practice questions to take away with you.
mmmmm.....i really need a good luck by the time of taking the exam in that case ;') cross fingers ;') thanks!!! thanks!!!
i have already reserved a slot for the TOEIC exam on DEC.15 will take the 2part exam in one day ;')
i hope to pass it all much nervous on speaking part hehehehe... ;') cross fingers wish me luck!!!! thanks everyone ;')![]()
Yes. Good luck. The TOEIC test is easier than you think it is. And with all the practice papers done you should do okay. The pass marks for A1 are set quite low.
thanks so much Lastlid im really nervous though....been practicing all the links u sent me ;')
Same as my wife. She was exactly the same! Very worried. She was certain she had failed but she got quite good scores after all. The exam itself isnt so easy, as you can tell from the practice papers you are working on, but because the pass mark is set so low it is easier than you think.
Hello. I didnt do them myself. I had a quick look at them, thats all. I will try and dig out the score requirements that I got from VFS and TOEIC. BRB.
Email for Hopkins Makati:
Dear Lastlid,
Yes, we are confirming that the skills requiring English proficiency scores are just the Listening and Speaking skills. We are assuming therefore that whatever other data that may be seen on the submitted document (e.g. score report card) should not affect the application.
Effective July 17, the minimum TOEIC score requirements are as follows:
Listening - 60 (out of total attainable score of 495; 12%)
Speaking - 50 (out of total attainable score of 200; 25% )
TOEIC Philippines
I am not sure where the 5.5 comes into it as the requirement is to score at least 60 out of 495 and at least 50 out of 200 to pass the A1 requirement for the UKBA. That 5.5 sounds more like an IELTS type mark.....
I just did this one. It has 10 questions. So the score is out of 10, just for the practice test. On the day the Listening test is out of 495 and you have to get 60 out of 495 to get the A1 pass mark.
look at this i repeated the exam level and the result is this http://www.examenglish.com/leveltest/index.php7.5 hehehe
I dont see a result when i access that webpage. Presumably 7.5 is an IELTS grade which is high I believe?
However, look at this thread. You can see some folk have provided info on comparison between the test types.
thanks much lastlid i guess i have been disturbing you so much hehehe thanks so much just worried for the upcoming exam and result ;')![]()
No problem. Good luck.
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