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Thread: Dave and Chell

  1. #1
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Smile Dave and Chell

    Hello all,
    Just a quick note to introduce ourselves:
    I'm Dave - 45 living in Oxfordshire and I'm in a (so far just online) relationship With Chell - who is also joining the forum and I'm sure will introduce herself in due course.
    I've read with interest over the past few weeks of some of the experiences and other posts that members have written here. Using information I have gleaned from here and other websites it is my intention to write a kind of blog of our own journey through the legalities and visa minefield of getting Chell to visit, settle and receive her ILR - in the hope that should we be successful (or unsuccessful for that matter) it would be of some help to other members embarking on the same journey. A long journey I'm sure and will be filled with stresses, strains, mistakes, tests of endurance and hopefully all the opposites too.
    So wish us luck as we batten down the hatches and get on our way!

  2. #2
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    Welcome to the forum.

    You've come to the right place.

  3. #3
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    Good luck with your mission

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) chellnie's Avatar
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    Smile dave and chell

    hi... im chell from Phil. have relationship with dave just asking some help here in this website. Hoping that some our question or guides us wat to do. Pls free to say anything wat you like to share. love to hear or apprecate your comments and suggestion

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) chellnie's Avatar
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    hello dear

  6. #6
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Not trying to rain on your parade, and I’m sure the blog will be an interesting idea, but I think you’re both trying to run before you can walk.

    It’s all fine & dandy starting & developing an on-line relationship, whispering sweet nothings into the mic, seeing each other laugh and smile on the cam …… but the reality is that it’s very different when you actually meet in person.

    Both your efforts should be focused towards an actual meeting …. sooner rather than later. Then you BOTH can decide if the relationship is one that you want to build on, that you want to commit to. It’s pointless making on-line plans, if, when you actually meet, one or both of you think “Oh my God, I’ve made a terrible mistake, but I’m in so deep, how do I get out of this retaining my dignity and not hurting the other party….. or do I carry on and hope it gets better”

    You also mention “visa minefield of getting Chell to visit”…… unfortunately that’s very unlikely to happen unless you’ve visited her first. Visit visas are notoriously difficult to get, and even less so if you’ve never met.

    Your priority should be saving up and buying a flight ticket, and spending time in each others’ company. And then deciding if it’s for real.

    Sorry if I'm too blunt, but I really do wish you both well….. I really hope it all works out …. but don’t look at life through rose-tinted spectacles.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Dave & Chell
    Welcome and all the best.

  8. #8
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    A big hello to both Dave and Chell. A warm welcome here to the forum.

    Currently, the majority of visa applications are actually rather straighforward and fully compliant with immigration requirements. As such they do not cause many issues outside the normal anxiety of waiting for the outcome.

    You are both just starting out and haven't yet met face-to-face. To achieve that it normally requires a trip from UK to Pinas. Now that's always an interesting story to hear about.

    Interestingly, there are some planned changes afoot for immigration. These are likely to be introduced around April 2012.

    If at that time you find you are both setting a course on an immigration journey, then that could be an interesting learning experience for those who will follow the same journey after you.

    Good luck to you both as you develop your relationship and learn more about each other's culture.

    Interesting and exciting times ahead for both are assured.

  9. #9
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    hello!! welcome!!

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaRomeo View Post
    Hello all,
    Just a quick note to introduce ourselves:
    I'm Dave - 45 living in Oxfordshire and I'm in a (so far just online) relationship With Chell - who is also joining the forum and I'm sure will introduce herself in due course.
    , Dave ... we wish you well with your burgeoning online relationship, and look forward to welcoming Chell too.

  11. #11
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    welcome to the friendly and full of information forum, Dave ....let me also welcome you gf Chell....goodluck to both of you
    love makes life worth living

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi to both of you , good luck too, any questions just fire away ,

  13. #13
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    hi dave & chell

    welcome to the forum

  14. #14
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the welcome all,
    I didn't make clear which visa we are hoping to get.. It is a visit visa, so that Chell can stay here for 3 months. The reasons for that are that should we realise that we are right for each other offline and before life changing decisions are to be made, Chell will have experienced what it is really like to live here (and to live with me) and have the information necessary to base a decision on.
    I realise we may encounter difficulties with the visa process, but we are hopeful none the less and just in case - have our plan B at the ready
    You mention planned changes for immigration from April 2012.. that is not so long off.. can you enlighten us? Or is that information already elsewhere on the forum.. I will have to check.
    Thanks, and all the best,

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaRomeo View Post
    Thanks for the welcome all,
    I didn't make clear which visa we are hoping to get.. It is a visit visa, so that Chell can stay here for 3 months. The reasons for that are that should we realise that we are right for each other offline and before life changing decisions are to be made, Chell will have experienced what it is really like to live here (and to live with me) and have the information necessary to base a decision on.
    I realise we may encounter difficulties with the visa process, but we are hopeful none the less and just in case - have our plan B at the ready
    You mention planned changes for immigration from April 2012.. that is not so long off.. can you enlighten us? Or is that information already elsewhere on the forum.. I will have to check.
    Thanks, and all the best,
    Dave, don't have too many hope for visit visa of Chell. Chances are it may not be granted.
    She will need compelling reasons to return to Phils that outweigh her reasons to stay in UK. Visit visa is oftentimes more difficult to secure than settlement visa. Especially when the sponsor has a romantic link with the applicant.

    For potential changes to the UK immigration rules by April 2012 look here:-

    and here

    and here

    These potential changes may or may not impact you, nothing is fixed.
    Just something to plan for.

  16. #16
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the information Terpe,
    Well looking at the MAC report I am happy to see Chell and I will be unaffected by the proposed changes to income threshold, whichever option they decide on. So good news there.
    I hear what you and others are saying about the extreme difficulty in obtaining a visit visa. We are looking at it objectively. We have started to collate evidence for Chell's reasons to return and my sponsorship, if it will be sufficient remains to be seen. I am looking at it with the viewpoint of if we are unsuccessful.. we lose 80 quid and this is far outweighed by the chance of Chell being able to visit here. If it is unsuccessful.. I will of course make trips to the Philippines to see her.
    So I'm not holding my breath - but don't write off our chances just yet.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaRomeo View Post
    Thanks for the information Terpe,
    Well looking at the MAC report I am happy to see Chell and I will be unaffected by the proposed changes to income threshold, whichever option they decide on. So good news there.
    I hear what you and others are saying about the extreme difficulty in obtaining a visit visa. We are looking at it objectively. We have started to collate evidence for Chell's reasons to return and my sponsorship, if it will be sufficient remains to be seen. I am looking at it with the viewpoint of if we are unsuccessful.. we lose 80 quid and this is far outweighed by the chance of Chell being able to visit here. If it is unsuccessful.. I will of course make trips to the Philippines to see her.
    So I'm not holding my breath - but don't write off our chances just yet.
    With the careful approach you are taking you have a pretty good chance.
    If you do a couple of searches here and check the UKBA website you will be able to see just what kind evidence to submit.
    As you say the cost of the visa application is quite modest.
    Good luck.

  18. #18
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Well back in December Chell and I started to collate the evidence required for a visit visa in earnest and the application was submitted at the end of January. We applied for Chell to visit for 3 months.. having weighed up the costs against the benefits, we felt if there was a chance.. why not? so ever hopeful we waited for 3 weeks and received the Rejection letter.
    The probelem we had is that Chell lives with her sister and brother, has no property nor children but pays the bills as and when they are due. (I don't think the the bills are named either!).
    So the evidence we submitted consisted of:
    Letter from employer (stating 2 weeks leave would be paid, the remainder unpaid, but job would be retained for Chell's return)
    Receipt from sister for 3 months rent and bills, plus copy of bank statement showing the actual transaction. (I thought that was rather clever to show commitment to family and their living expenses!).
    Passport and past passport.
    Postal ID.
    Telephone bills / chat logs - and other proof of friendship.
    Letter of Invitation from myself, giving details of how the 3 months would work in conjunction with my annual leave and work commitments, example itinary for time together and how Chell could spend her time while I was working.
    Letter of Sponsorship - committing to pay all travel and associated costs plus living expenses whilst in the UK, also pointed out that Return flight for Chell would be booked in advance and held enough funds to pay for an earlier return flight if required.
    Sponsors 6 months payslips, 6 months bank statements, last P60, copy of passport, copy of driving licence, copy of tenancy agreement.

    The rejection letter stated that it was noted that the internal employers memo stated only 2 weeks would be paid leave and it wasn't credible evidence for a first visit to the UK and away from the Philippines.

    So, nevermind! At least we tried, I'm just writing this here to let other members hoping to apply for a visit visa know.
    Although bear in mind.. The 3 months we applied for was probably greedy, I think had we applied for 2 weeks there would have been a greater chance of acceptance.

    The following week I booked my stay in the Philippines.. 2 weeks in Manila, leaving London Heathrow on Monday 19th March. Woohoo! I'll let you know how that goes.

    As for future plans.. not sure at the moment.. probably a second visit in late summer and then go for the fiancee visa, if (as I am sure it will be) our relationship has strengthened further to that point.

    That fiancee visa though.. well we will have to be a bit more canny. I wouldn't want that one to fail at the price it is, so we continue to keep records and collect the evidence required.

    A question I have is.. now With a failed visa application, will that have any bearing on future visa apllications? I am aware that all previous applications must be stated on the current application form.

  19. #19
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about your gf's visa refusal dave, I feel for you. As many here have said, visitors visa is quite a 'lottery' to obtain but atleast you tried. It is wise to collect evidence now for future references as proof of the genuine relationship, please take note that your recent visa refusal won't affect your future application as every visa application should by based on its own merits. And yes you have to be honest with the next application, please don't omit to put the recent refusal.

    Nevertheless, I hope you will have a great holiday ahead with your loved one despite of the trials. Godbless!

  20. #20
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    Hello again Dave.

    Sorry to hear about the visa refusal (what a set of pratts they are at UKBA ).

    I just returned on Tuesday from a 2 week stay in the Phils, where I met my online girlfriend for the first time. (See thread on here).

    I wish you the best of luck, and hope that your meeting goes as well as ours did.

  21. #21
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    sorry to hear your sad news, but at least you tried, as long as everything was truthful on your applied visit visa aplication, a later fiancee or marrage visa with all your evidence should be ok, good luck and enjoy your visit to see your lady

  22. #22
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the sentiments guys.. although the application was made with eyes wide open.. I'm really not too disappointed - on the plus side I get to visit the Philippines earlier than planned, the negative side is of course I use some of my annual leave which makes seeing my kids that little bit more tricky.
    Chell felt more upset than I and seemed to think she had let me down... of course not the case.. But all smiles now, with my imminent visit.
    And imagine.. what are you suggesting? of course the visit visa application was truthful! Always believed that honesty is the best policy.. despite so many examples around - of those that prove the contrary

    Right.. I'm off to look at Graham's recent pics...

  23. #23
    Member lykayu01's Avatar
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  24. #24
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    Sorry to hear that the visit visa application was rejected.
    Gald to hear you'll be together soon in the Philippines.

    Your visit visa app was just not strong enough to convince the ECO that Chell had sufficient reasons to return.
    The refusal will have no impact on any subsequent visa applications.

    Have a great trip

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