What an amazing lack of response to an issue which concerns women ( and increasingly men ) of all ages, from UK and Philippines

How long do you think it took to prepare this thread ?
The only replies have been from males, and where their ages are stated, the youngest is 57
I only hope that the 159 views included a few females, who either agree with what has been said, or don't feel motivated to reply. Whether or not you choose to respond, please at least be aware of the scandalous lack of regulation of cosmetic surgery and injections both in the UK and the Philippines.

The president of the appropriately named British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons ( BAAPS ) - entirely reputable - has actually claimed to know of some dentists who have put breast implants in.

If you have got this far, please think twice, and again, about cosmetic procedures. It's an expensive minefield

Consider yourself lucky if you have never needed surgery. Use what savings you may have more sensibly.
Yes, that's my opinion - but it's shared by others, and backed up by facts
