Good Morning,
My fiancee is an overstayer of a UK tourist visa from the Philippines of some 7 years. I would like her to move in with me & for us to marry legally. She has been working illegally cash in hand during most of this time (as someone whose never even had a parking ticket in 20yrs of driving I disaprove of all intently but when cupid strikes.....ha ha)
I am British born with all rights. We have no children. I want her legal asap, as does she, but she is very frightened and aware of her stupidity.
One option I understand, is for her to return to PH (though her passport is now well expired!!) and apply for a fiancee visa from there & if granted, we can marry here in the UK within 6 months, which is fine providing I can independantly support her. Which will be tight but do-able. What sort of amount of cash do I need behind me to prove this? Or is it simply that I can pay all domestic & cost of living bills with her residing with me.
How soon after marriage would she be entitled to apply for an N.I no whch will allow her to work in the UK (a further 6 months?)
She has very good English langauge skills, though has none of the key point based skills. Shop worker would be/is her skill limit at the moment.
Only logical avenue I can see is that she should she return home to apply for a fiancee visa? If so, how quickly, generally speaking would this take to process so she could return to the UK, weeks or many months? With the expired passport it makes leaving difficult?
Would her overstay create problems leaving & more so for the fiancee visa application acceptence, would the UKBA slap a ban on her return even if applying for a fiancee visa? She is petrified that should she leave she would not be allowed back in. I appreciate leaving at her own expense is far the better option than being caught & sent back.
Or is there any other way/grounds she has/could apply to remain based on our intentions to live together & marry without her leaving the UK? Would a discretionary ltr stand any possible chance? (I won't risk her living with me with her current status officially undeclared as I don't want to get into trouble for "harbouring an illegal" as the dramatic phone tapping red-top headlines often state!! However if the process for an application to remain of some description or whatever it would be, is initiated, then her moving in with me would be the best option as I can be upfront with council tax etc without that fear & she will have an address, one where she will be VERY welcome)
OR? Any other ways without being dodgy or deceitful.