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Thread: Sending cigarettes to the UK

  1. #1
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    Sending cigarettes to the UK

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has had any experience about this.
    I am getting married at the end of the year, am a smoker, after talking to my mahal, we thought that a good way to save some money would be for her to send me 400 smokes every month, as it would be cheaper than buying them here (please no replies about why not just give up), anyway, has anyone here had any experience in sending cigarettes from the Philippines to the UK, is it allowed by DHL or any other company? As it is only 400 per month, will I be taxed or will they be destroyed by UK customs?
    Thanks in advance
    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    i think by law you could not the import tax alone wouldnt be worth it why not go on coach trip to france then bring as much as you like as long as its for your own use p;lus outside eu your only allowed 200 any over that you lose all

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    if there are bar codes on the packs, it will be picked up on scan ,

    is it realy any cheaper by the time you pay post and packaging

  4. #4
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    Sheriel from Leyte

    Cigarrettes ar much cheaper i think 70 pesos a pack,they are ok cos i used them in Leyte,Philippines,tell your wife to pack them and post,dont tell Lbc post in Philippines what is in package,not cigs anyway,tell her to post to you and try a dummie run,might be OK

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baliw99 View Post
    Hi, just wondering if anyone has had any experience about this.
    I am getting married at the end of the year, am a smoker, after talking to my mahal, we thought that a good way to save some money would be for her to send me 400 smokes every month, as it would be cheaper than buying them here (please no replies about why not just give up), anyway, has anyone here had any experience in sending cigarettes from the Philippines to the UK, is it allowed by DHL or any other company? As it is only 400 per month, will I be taxed or will they be destroyed by UK customs?
    Thanks in advance
    I'm sure you must know this already.

    I'm only going to inform you about the process and procedures for the legal route.

    The rules say you can BRING specific amounts of tobacco with you personally when you enter into the UK.

    Sending by post is not actually bringing them with you.

    If you're sending tobacco from a non-EU country to the UK, Excise Duty and a few other taxes must be paid by the recipient once the goods have arrived in the UK but before the goods are delivered.

    Additionally, cigarettes must bear UK health warnings and fiscal marks.

    The package carrier will pay taxes and duty to HMRC on your behalf, and charge a handling fee to cover:-

    - operating the postal customs depot
    - handling the package for customs examination
    - opening, repacking and resealing the package if required
    - paying the charges to HMRC on your behalf

    Depending on the regularity of shipments HMRC may require you to acquire an import license. More cost.

    When you add up all the charges legally due they'd actually cost you more than buying them at home.

    Doing it illegally may well result in quite unpleasant outcomes both for you and you g/f

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheriel View Post
    Cigarrettes ar much cheaper i think 70 pesos a pack,they are ok cos i used them in Leyte,Philippines,tell your wife to pack them and post,dont tell Lbc post in Philippines what is in package,not cigs anyway,tell her to post to you and try a dummie run,might be OK
    Why on earth do you feel the need to give that kind of advice.
    Do you have any real understanding of the potential consequences for sender and recipient following any discovery.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Why on earth do you feel the need to give that kind of advice.
    Do you have any real understanding of the potential consequences for sender and recipient following any discovery.
    unfortunately she/he dont have proper understanding my just be patience i suppose and give your understanding instead i know the feeling..
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  8. #8
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    They have sniffer dogs to detect most contraband materials in parcel depots now.

  9. #9
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    There is a much simpler, perfectly legal and almost as cheap option

    There is no limit on the amount of tobacco products you can bring back from EU countries, although Customs officers say they would question anyone with over 3200 ciggies on them.

    A few years ago when ciggies were 1.70 Euros a pack in Spain and the pound was worth 1.5 Euro's, I used to get a low cost flight to Alicante or Murcia spend a couple of nights there and bring back 3200 ciggies 2 or 3 times a year. The money I saved on my ciggies easily paid for the cost of the trip, plus I was still ahead on what I would have paid in the UK.

    Now the Euro is falling against Sterling, approx 1.20 now, it might be a cost effective method again, although I'd research on line to see which is the cheapest country in EULand, probably one of the former Eastern Bloc countries If you don't want the cost of a hotel for a night or two, you could get a flight out in the morning, spend a couple of hours in the airport and fly back later that day

  10. #10
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    Give up smoking it will save you money and prolong your life thus enabling you to spend more happy time with your wife to be

  11. #11
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    Sheriel from leyte

    Ok hands up,i have a labrador that can tell Benson @ Hedges from John Players Special,if the worst come to very bad Customs would seize parcll and destroy,but they dont find them coz they are very disguised,i can see headlines ten years for 40 cigs,i have to laugh

  12. #12
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    I was in Poland last year when i was getting 4.7 zloty to the pound. UK branded cigarettes worked out at less than £2 a pack and the best price i got was 4.3 zloty in Krakόw for fuel which works out at less than 90p a litre.
    Ok i am not saying drive there but the rate now is over 5.3 zloty to the pound making any brand you want well under £2 per pack, that should be cheap enough to kill you quicker.

  13. #13
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    On returning to UK this week, my Filippina sister-in-law was stopped and questioned by Customs Officers at Heathrow about having cigarettes. She didn't have any at all but knew why she was stopped ...... because passengers travelling from the Far East are notorious at bringing in large amounts of cigarettes.

    I can't see anyone getting away with regularly sending and receiving large amounts of cigarettes through the post ........ the authorities aren't THAT daft!

  14. #14
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Am pleased to think of the money I saved by never smoking

  15. #15
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    if you look hard enough you can find some shop selling cheap cigs mostly polish shops or asian i dont smoke ones i know go to them type shops

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    if you look hard enough you can find some shop selling cheap cigs mostly polish shops or asian i dont smoke ones i know go to them type shops
    An absolute bargain - they kill quicker

    Counterfeit cigarettes regularly contain much higher levels of nicotine than genuine brands, and produce more harmful carbon monoxide. They could also incorporate a seriously unhealthy mix of cancer-causing chemicals including arsenic, cadmium, benzene and formaldehyde – far greater than genuine cigarettes.

    Read more:

  17. #17
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Smuggling Cheapest I saw last year was Gibraltar,maybe £20 for B&H though there is a pakistani shop owner who will do fake B&H much cheaper,smugglers have made lots of people in Gib and just across the border very rich indeed,best thing to do in reality is dont bother lighting a stick up,its not really natural inhaling smoke for pleasure?Your choice but its not very practical sending from Pinas,some your going to lose some your going to win,but isnt it more certain just to pay shop-prices then you have them without hassle.

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