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Thread: document tracking

  1. #1
    Respected Member ebony's Avatar
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    document tracking

    This is what the reply of VFS Philippines to my inquiry on how can i track my documents online since I submitted my application at the old UKVAC (TT Services).
    Think they are really busy because I emailed to them on June 4 and this reply was sent July 5.This could be one of the reasons why application results are also delayed.

    [I]Greetings from UK VAC!

    There maybe times that despite our best intentions, unavoidable circumstances may have interfered with our goal of providing you with the best possible service and for that we apologize for the delay in replying to your missive.

    Your visa application is still on process. It was delivered to the British embassy last May 10, 2007. For Non-settlement visa applications the visa section targets to process applications in 15 working days. This process results in one of 2 outcomes: Issuance of visa or Refusal of visa. It is also possible that the processing time may go beyond 15 working days as we are currently in the peak travel season to the United Kingdom . If an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) decides to require an interview, our office will inform you of the interview procedure. This could be done by calling you at your residence or by sending you a text message through your mobile and for settlement visa applications the visa section of the embassy targets to process applications in 3 months. There will be one of 2 outcomes: issuance of visa, or refusal of visa. If she requires an interview the embassy aims to provide a date within this 3 month period.

    You may not be able to check the status of your application to the VFS website as your application was submitted to the former outsource partner of the British embassy. You may track your visa application by calling the British embassy call center from any of the following numbers:

    For PLDT/Smart/Touchcard Subscribers: 1-909-858-4727 or 1-909-UKVISAS
    For Globe/Innove/Touchmobile Subscribers: 1-900-858-4727 or 1-900-UKVISAS
    For Bayantel Subscribers: 1-903-858-4727 or 1-903-UKVISAS

    Simply inform the call center agent of the passport number and full name. This service is available nationwide through NDD-enable telephones, Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm, Saturdays 8:00am to 6:00pm. For applicants or sponsors calling from outside the Philippines can call on +632 884 2661.

    Yours truly,
    UK VAC

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    everything so complicated there now.right after my application for my spouse visa everything had changed.
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    document tracking removed from VFS Philippines website

    email sent to VFS to ask if tracking will be up and running soon?

    so will get on the phone in a few weeks if no response.

    Cynthia submitted documents 14th June, so from Ebony's application of 2 months might find out the result in 2 weeks.
    anxiety setting in now, i think patience is called for.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    document tracking removed from VFS Philippines website

    email sent to VFS to ask if tracking will be up and running soon?

    so will get on the phone in a few weeks if no response.

    Cynthia submitted documents 14th June, so from Ebony's application of 2 months might find out the result in 2 weeks.
    anxiety setting in now, i think patience is called for.


    I noticed, too, that the link disappeared, so I immediately sent an e-mail, and surprise, surprise I received an answer within a couple of hours.
    I also e-mailed the visa section at the embassy, but for some reason I don't really think I am going to get an answer there..., this side of Christmas... anyway....

    The answer as you can see is pretty standard and as impersonal as it can be .

    I know that our application only went in on the 4th of july, and when I managed to speak to someone in VISA section, on the 18th, I was told that at that time they were processing applications submitted on the 26th of June.
    So I presume that the wait won't be that long. He would not comment on a time frame, unfortunately.
    Good job that I was at my best behaviour.
    And yes, Jet is growing restless and more worried by the day.

    Dear Mr. XXXXXXXX,

    Greetings from UK VAC!

    Please accept our apologies at not having been able to successfully track the application thru our website. It is currently unavailable due some updates. It will be available soon as the system is currently working out on it. Your wife’s visa application is still on process. It was delivered to the British Embassy last July 4, 2007. For EEA Family Permit visa applications the visa section targets to process applications in 15 working days. This process results in one of 2 outcomes: Issuance of visa or Refusal of visa. It is also possible that the processing time may go beyond 15 working days as we are currently in the peak travel season to the United Kingdom. If an Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) decides to require an interview, our office will inform her of the interview procedure. This could be done by calling her at her residence or by sending her a text message through her mobile.

    You may check her application thru our website using the barcode and passport number or by birth date, click on the “Track your Passport” on left side the home page.

    You may also track her visa application by calling the British embassy call center from any of the following numbers:

    For PLDT/Smart/Touchcard Subscribers: 1-909-858-4727 or 1-909-UKVISAS
    For Globe/Innove/Touchmobile Subscribers: 1-900-858-4727 or 1-900-UKVISAS
    For Bayantel Subscribers: 1-903-858-4727 or 1-903-UKVISAS

    Simply inform the call center agent of the passport number and full name. This service is available nationwide through NDD-enable telephones, Monday to Friday 8:00am to 8:00pm, Saturdays 8:00am to 6:00pm. For applicants or sponsors calling from outside the Philippines can call on +632 884 2661.

    Yours truly,
    UK VAC

  5. #5
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    thanks aromulus for the quick reply

    yes very standard and impersonal reply

    all the best


  6. #6
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    thanks aromulus for the quick reply

    yes very standard and impersonal reply

    all the best

    Visa application also changed here in Italy starting 26th of July they now use the VAC. Application should be made in person and have to go through all bio electronic thingy. I wonder what happened to my visa and yes like your wives guys I AM ON PANIC!
    We have no info on what will happen for the application that is already inside...Husband sent an enquiry email, we will wait until Wednesday and if no reply, I think we will try to contact the UK embassy again

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  7. #7
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    Another 2 links have gone from the website....

  8. #8
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    yes online appointment booking has gone

    The Visa Application Center Appointment system has been temporarily shut down for maintenance.

    To book an appointment, visa applicants are requested to contact the following email support or call center numbers:

    E-mail Support:

    Call Center: Monday to Friday (8:00am to 8:00pm) Saturdays (8:00am to 6:00pm).

    This service is available thru a toll call charge costing PHP 32.00 per minute for landline calls (excluding VAT and applicable NDD charges for calls made outside Metro Manila). Additional rates may apply for calls made through payphones, prepaid phone cards or mobile phones.

    Available nationwide through NDD-enabled telephones, the call center may be contacted through any of the following numbers:

    For PLDT/Smart/Touchcard Subscribers : 1-909-858-4727 or 1-909-UKVISAS For Globe/Innove/Touchmobile Subscribers : 1-900-858-4727 or 1-900-UKVISAS For Bayantel Subscribers 1-903-858-4727 or 1-903-UKVISAS

    For applicants or sponsors calling from outside the Philippines can call: +632 884 2661.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    yes online appointment booking has gone
    There you go......... from the horses mouth....


    In May 2007 UKvisas were made aware of a security breach of a website operated in India on our behalf by VFS, one of our commercial partners. A security flaw meant that applicants' personal data was viewable by other internet users. We immediately closed down our VFS-operated online application websites in India, Nigeria, and Russia. On 17 May 2007 Lord Triesman issued a statement announcing an independent inquiry into the issue. Linda Costelloe Baker, the UKvisas Independent Monitor, was appointed as the Independent Investigator.
    Report of The Independent Investigation (PDF, 264KB)
    Foreign & Commonwealth Office response to recommendations contained in the Report (PDF, 24KB)
    Written Ministerial Statement announcing the Report of the Independent Investigation (PDF, 12KB)
    UKvisas takes data security very seriously, which is why we immediately shut down the VFS websites when this came to light, and will not re-open them. It is important that neither UKvisas nor the investigator could find any evidence that those vulnerabilities were exploited and data actually stolen, or visas issued wrongly as a result. UKvisas and its commercial partners will learn the lessons from this, as the investigator has made clear that we have already made a big step forward through the new commercial contracts signed in February 2007. She said 'The new contracts have improved consistency and are more detailed in their scope'

    I suppose all the other links missing from the VFS website come under this...

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You've gotta love the way the go from an efficient system.......back to the stone age in about a month.......
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You've gotta love the way the go from an efficient system.......back to the stone age in about a month.......

    What will happen to our applications now? ...but Pretty_d30, let's still get fingers crossed and might as well do the legs too...
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    New Update;

    "Please ensure the information you supply is chiseled into the stone tablet in a readable form"
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member tomoboyle2000's Avatar
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    my wife applied on the 13 july, how long is it before they tell you the result???????????

  14. #14
    Member wynna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomoboyle2000 View Post
    my wife applied on the 13 july, how long is it before they tell you the result???????????

    Why dont you just give the embassy a ring about your application,in that case you'll hear it straight from them about the update of your docs.

  15. #15
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomoboyle2000 View Post
    my wife applied on the 13 july, how long is it before they tell you the result???????????
    My fiancee applied on 16 july, we hav been told "still processing "

  16. #16
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike1 View Post
    My fiancee applied on 16 july, we hav been told "still processing "[/quote]

    Did they give any other reasons?

    Don't forget to enquire whatever we think the embassy is a goverment department that has to respond to enquires within a certain time etc.

    A few years back now i think a user known as peterdavid wrote a great piece about how the embassy has to apply for certain paperwork from the phill authorities so in some cases it can take ages while waiting for paperwork to be issued it think the one in question was the cenomar which is to prove a person is single. I think also NBI and all the other phill certs need checking.

    Always worth just enquiring if you need help with the letter just put a shout on this forum im sure we can all help Sir

  17. #17
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    Yes, I did find out today that the delay in processing was mainly caused by the Visa Section request to the NBI.

    It seems that the NBI only have 2 speeds.... slow and stop...

    Obviously they didn't think to engage into first gear

  18. #18
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    Not worth me ringing up yet then, our application went in on the 28th July Trouble is that it seems months ago !
    I asked about tracking as well, just got the standard reply like everyone else.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplealien View Post
    Not worth me ringing up yet then, our application went in on the 28th July Trouble is that it seems months ago !
    I asked about tracking as well, just got the standard reply like everyone else.
    I know how you both must be feeling, but don't worry, it is there....
    Sooner or later it will wing its way to you...

    Just bureocracy... At its slowest.... well from our point of view, anyway....

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