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Thread: Costs to pay for my love to come here

  1. #1
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Costs to pay for my love to come here

    Hi my fellow friends,
    I read a link here PDF for VISA for my girl to come to uk, It says about items she needs to show, passport, birth certificate etc.
    Work wise she is Nanny for her cousin and gets very little money just enough to help her family members Consequenlty she has no bank account because of cost to set up and she doesn not earn enough to warrant it.
    I would be the one to finance in every way ie Flights, visa costs and stay here in uk, for either Spouse Visa and here for 6 months and get married or married there and come back here, OR just as a holiday.

    Would immigration control prevent her coming to uk being as she earns so little money and doesnt even have a bank account, even though I would fully support her and could prove it? I do send her money via western union.

    Many Thanks John
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  2. #2
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    Her finances should not prevent her from coming, if you are the sponsor of a fiancee or spouse visa, as long as YOU can prove you meet all the requirements. That you can support her and that she will not make any recourse to public funds or benifits, that you have regular income with proof payslips P60, bank statements, you have some savings, a place to stay, that you have met already and are still in regular contact and can provide lots of evidence of the relationship.

    There is lots of information on here about spouse and fiancee visas, use the search function and read lots.
    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ann1984's Avatar
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    if you read a checklist list visit visa where i give to you the link?? the ECO ask an legal status of the applicant, i not recommend about birth certificate, i convince, if she not married, get a CENOMAR with her. no need bank accounts John, if you send her a money, the money receipts will big help enough for her finances. that showing you support her. i submit my money receipts WU from march-december.

    ECO satisfied on it.

  4. #4
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann1984 View Post
    if you read a checklist list visit visa where i give to you the link?? the ECO ask an legal status of the applicant, i not recommend about birth certificate, i convince, if she not married, get a CENOMAR with her. no need bank accounts John, if you send her a money, the money receipts will big help enough for her finances. that showing you support her. i submit my money receipts WU from march-december.

    ECO satisfied on it.
    Thank you very much Ann!
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  5. #5
    Respected Member philuk's Avatar
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    hi songz,
    not to burst your bubble, but unless your GF owns property in the philippines, the chances of her getting anything short of a spouse visa will be remote to ziltch,
    a fiance visa may have a chance, best course of action would be to get yourself over there and and make an honest woman of her and then apply for a spouse visa,

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by philuk View Post
    hi songz,
    not to burst your bubble, but unless your GF owns property in the philippines, the chances of her getting anything short of a spouse visa will be remote to ziltch,
    a fiance visa may have a chance, best course of action would be to get yourself over there and and make an honest woman of her and then apply for a spouse visa,
    C'mon Philuk, that's very negative and defeatist thinking.

    The General Visit visa is notoriously tricky, but owning property is neither the key nor the complete story.

    There are thousands of people each year who arrive into the UK on a General Visit visa and yet do not own any property.
    I personally know of 4 from Philippines in my own town during the past 12 months.

    One of the key issues in the application of the General Visit visa is that of clearly demonstrating and convincing the ECO that on balance your reasons to return to your home country outweigh those of overstaying your UK visa.
    The ECO needs to see overall strong social or economic ties. He needs to feel comfortable that your whole application gives him a warm satisfied feeling that you intend to leave the UK at the time you state.

    Unlike other visa applications there is no clearly specified listing or checklist of requirements that must be complied with. The ECO has full discretion on what he believes and feels about the application and knows that there is no appeal to any refusal.

    But hey, the cost is very low and the risks are insignificant. So why not apply?

    Anyone who wants to visit the UK should not be detered from applying.

    By itself, owning a property is not proof of reason to return home, just as being married is not proof of genuine relationship.

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    Sheriel from Leyte

    Hello John,where in the Philippines is your intended living i would go for Visitors Visa,and have you been to Philippines before,i have been there,my personal experience dont marry in Philippines,you can marry here,i have freinds who have in the last two years here and every thing OK

  8. #8
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheriel View Post
    Hello John,where in the Philippines is your intended living i would go for Visitors Visa,and have you been to Philippines before,i have been there,my personal experience dont marry in Philippines,you can marry here,i have freinds who have in the last two years here and every thing OK
    Hi well she lives in Cagayan de or city ... we have to meet first and see how we still feel, but I have talked to her about marriage I know her dream is to marry there with all her family. Can you give a philippino outlook on your views for and against getting married there please?
    To help her decide as well. Also I have not been there yet, bookign flights very soon.
    Many thanks JOhn
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  9. #9
    Respected Member philuk's Avatar
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    (quote terpe.)
    One of the key issues in the application of the General Visit visa is that of clearly demonstrating and convincing the ECO that on balance your reasons to return to your home country outweigh those of overstaying your UK visa.
    The ECO needs to see overall strong social or economic ties. He needs to feel comfortable that your whole application gives him a warm satisfied feeling that you intend to leave the UK at the time you state.

    when we were refused refused, for this reason, i asked what sort of ties,"she should buy a house was the reply"

    so not being negatve terpe just realistic, visit visas are few and far between, would hate for songz to waste his time,energy and money not to speek of the dissapointment and stress levels

  10. #10
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    I think you really need to meet her first....and in her home country, otherwise you're getting well ahead of yourself.
    There's a whole culture and way of life to get to know and understand by BOTH OF YOU, as well as each other as individuals.

    No offense intended mate.

  11. #11
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I think you really need to meet her first....and in her home country, otherwise you're getting well ahead of yourself.
    There's a whole culture and way of life to get to know and understand by BOTH OF YOU, as well as each other as individuals.

    No offense intended mate.
    Hi Graham, yes I know my friend, must meet her first, we both know that, but I am a man who likes to have some rough idea a plan just in case things work out rather than suddnely do my research.
    many thanks John
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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    Sheriel from Leyte

    Hello John in Devon,Where do we start,this is my short version of eventsits a long way to go Courting,some 8000 miles and maybe two x 24hrs away from this country England,you have strong feelings for each other,the family will welcome you as there own,maybe as Sheriels husband,be introduced to Parents and family,i got to know,maybe more than 40 from Barangay Bunga,Leyte were curious to meet me the last time we were there ididnt have much time for ourselves,Beware,many families have 6,7,8,children and even more,1 not being rude,how much money are you prepared to budget,for this life changing adventure,if you have a prepared budget,you will find that you had better have a spare 1000 pounds in a bank,you will need it, i say get her to apply for a visitors Visa,before you meet in the Philippines and you will return with her,i found there important documentation process eye opening,slow isnt the word for it,things take weeks when here in England,sort out in maybe two days,most people there expect that all foreigners are very rich,Beware,many will need bribes to get things moving in your Favour,if only 250 or 500 pesos,these are employess are only earning maybe 250 pesos a day,any one on this Forum with experience of the Philippines will Agree with our story,i will not add any more comment,good luck John our thoughts are with you freind.

  13. #13
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheriel View Post
    Hello John in Devon,Where do we start,this is my short version of eventsits a long way to go Courting,some 8000 miles and maybe two x 24hrs away from this country England,you have strong feelings for each other,the family will welcome you as there own,maybe as Sheriels husband,be introduced to Parents and family,i got to know,maybe more than 40 from Barangay Bunga,Leyte were curious to meet me the last time we were there ididnt have much time for ourselves,Beware,many families have 6,7,8,children and even more,1 not being rude,how much money are you prepared to budget,for this life changing adventure,if you have a prepared budget,you will find that you had better have a spare 1000 pounds in a bank,you will need it, i say get her to apply for a visitors Visa,before you meet in the Philippines and you will return with her,i found there important documentation process eye opening,slow isnt the word for it,things take weeks when here in England,sort out in maybe two days,most people there expect that all foreigners are very rich,Beware,many will need bribes to get things moving in your Favour,if only 250 or 500 pesos,these are employess are only earning maybe 250 pesos a day,any one on this Forum with experience of the Philippines will Agree with our story,i will not add any more comment,good luck John our thoughts are with you freind.
    Hi my friend thanks for your advise yes the money is not cheap I expect to spend a fair bit if all works well but I know she will be worth it, keep in touch my new friend i need all your help here your friend John
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ann1984's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by philuk View Post
    (quote terpe.)
    One of the key issues in the application of the General Visit visa is that of clearly demonstrating and convincing the ECO that on balance your reasons to return to your home country outweigh those of overstaying your UK visa.
    The ECO needs to see overall strong social or economic ties. He needs to feel comfortable that your whole application gives him a warm satisfied feeling that you intend to leave the UK at the time you state.

    when we were refused refused, for this reason, i asked what sort of ties,"she should buy a house was the reply"

    so not being negatve terpe just realistic, visit visas are few and far between, would hate for songz to waste his time,energy and money not to speek of the dissapointment and stress levels
    My BF visit me last year that is our first met, when he return to UK. We apply a general visit visa, My BF made a letter to ECO, explaining. that i had my daughter and he only to support me all my living expenses and for my travel and he stating on the letter he make sure i will leave in UK, on the date wish i be home of my country.

    what i did? coz i am the applicant i don't have any properties??

    I submit only the WU money receipts. showing evidence that my partner can able to sustain me and he support of my livings. i had now 100% believe that ECO not also looking for the applicant background.

    50% the strong tie of the sponsor background.then
    50% for the applicant reason of her return.

    as well as you are honest, and sincere, made your work from the bottom of your heart.

    Will i have my visa in 7 days, so quick and no interview.

    Is this only my point of view:

    It's not waste for money. if songs try to apply a visit visa when he return in UK, why not is an Trial. he wish to further their relationship before go on commitment. what if the girl you go on commitment is a prostitute?? you only met a couple of weeks. many this happen on this times. chatting is a big difference when you be with someone in 1 house. if got Error for application, go back to country and decision. what if songs, apply immediately a fiance visa much very difficult for him to obtain, ECO will not believe you only met in chatting then you met the girl in real you commit her already,,,,this is wrong. i not convince eco believe.. ECO believe many couples failed that is why they believe in Genuine Relationship.

    Take times getting know each other. many get rush had failures.
    Last edited by Ann1984; 17th February 2012 at 05:57. Reason: addiontal input words

  15. #15
    Respected Member aronbabev's Avatar
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    Hey Songs I agreed with Terpe that no need to show Property of your girlfriend,But You need to Show that you can afford to support her stay, and need to convince the Eco that she have a Strong ties for her to come back in Philippines.but before anything else you should see her first and open your eyes widely.. Don't rush and over excited,time will come.expect little,ask little, The most Important thing is" Prayer" that God will always be with you in all your plans so that everything will be perfect.. Filipino culture is "When you marry a Filipina you marry the Family" we have a family strong ties,We love each other and helping each other..

  16. #16
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aronbabev View Post
    Hey Songs I agreed with Terpe that no need to show Property of your girlfriend,But You need to Show that you can afford to support her stay, and need to convince the Eco that she have a Strong ties for her to come back in Philippines.but before anything else you should see her first and open your eyes widely.. Don't rush and over excited,time will come.expect little,ask little, The most Important thing is" Prayer" that God will always be with you in all your plans so that everything will be perfect.. Filipino culture is "When you marry a Filipina you marry the Family" we have a family strong ties,We love each other and helping each other..
    Thanks for your good advise oh i pray a lot we both and yes i know she said to have her means to have all her family to, i am glad family ties are strong. Well we talk evry day and skype for hours weekends and try to as much as possible reveal all our character traits so that all major issues have been covered, we then hope and pray that when we meet in June it will be the start of our journey, of which I am prepared to wait for, because she is worth it.
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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