After just finishing a stubby bottle of Carlsberg Export hic!! I must admit that I am not a heavy drinker, or to put is another way I am a light weight!! but I am happy with that. I have always lived in the countryside, so meeting friends always meant driving and I have never drunk and driven in the Uk.
While in Phils though, I find the drinking culture much more easy to slip into. In the heat or to be social it is nice to down a bottle of Red Horse in the evening or at a party. Last time I was there, on one particular night I did go over the top one evening, my asawa had said she had never seen me drunk before but that night she saw me. I dont do it very often as I hate the after affects, but once in a while shouldn't do me too much harm. My other half said she thought I was funny being drunk as all I did was smile and laugh. But drinking to excess for me is not what I like. Probably like many, you know your limits and know when you have a 'buzz' and know when to stop.