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Thread: charity

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    when we was over in bicol thisyear we went to san miguel just off the coast of tabaco, the local kids there was amazing , very helpful and always had a smile , the thing is there cloths where just like rags, full of holes and worn out, the things we would never ever wear, how do you send cloths and what nots to help kids and adults like those, and how would you know they would get them too

  2. #2
    Member Smurfette07's Avatar
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    yes i know what you mean, i remember when Typhoon Ketsana (Ondoy) hit my mother's hometown, in Zambales, very tough time for her and her family living there also other people we know. Their homes were taken away by the sea or blown down by strong rainy wind. I know you would like to help, that's very nice of you but I'm not sure if they will receive those things you will send them. Unless they will be delivered by someone you trust or by a charity aid. I know from experience, because when i used to volunteer for a community, it was called operation tuli (free circumcision for barangay kids) and aside from the operation we were also giving out free medicines (boxes of them) for families. There was a long queue for this, while handing them out i over heard a barangay official whispering to a few other barangay officials to keep the other boxes and not give them away for their own personal use. I was shocked and angry about this, even if i wanted to complain or do something about it i knew that it was my words against theirs..

    Hope you find a way to send what you guys would like to send to help out..

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    the stuff that arrives here from the uk or usa donated by so called charities end up in the hands of ukay ukay traders..the poor that they were intended for cant afford the items and it makes me bloody angry..
    the only way it can work is if a local organization packs the goods into large bb boxes and delivers them directly to those trusted to simply hand them out to the poor.. there lies the problem..

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    ... the only way it can work is if a *local organization packs the goods into large bb boxes and delivers them directly to those trusted to simply hand them out to the poor..
    ... like is done with the *Church of Scotland's 'Annual Shoebox Appeal' for Romania? Until then ... it would seem "Charity begins at home"!

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