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Thread: which Visa

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) antchristie's Avatar
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    which Visa

    Dear forum members.
    I planning to fly back home for hoilday some time this year with my family.
    I shall be applying for British passport for my daughter. So should only be mywiffe who needs a Visa.What visa do we apply for a family visa of vist vist.Only intend to be home for a couple of weeks.

    Secondly i may settle back home next year would i have to be at home firstbefore applying for a stettlementvisa for my wife?

    Thank to you all.

  2. #2
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    If your daughter has British Passport she will not need to apply for visa to enter UK.

    I'm not quite clear on your question about family visa so I hope I haven't misunderstood. I take it your wife is Filipina.
    If she wants to make a family visit to UK she will need to apply for family visit visa.

    The UKBA Family Visitors page is here

    An example of The Family Visitor application form VAF1B is here

    The Guidance Notes are here

    Your wife will need to convince the ECO that she has no intention of overstaying the visa expiry, and that she has sufficiently
    strong social and economic ties to the Philippines that on balance outweigh any benefit in overstaying.

    I have no idea on the actual circumstances but I suspect she will find it very difficult to satisfy the ECO.

    Concerning you question on settlement visa for your wife.
    Your wife is the one who will make the application for UK settlement visa. This will be made within Philippines.
    It makes no difference to the visa application if you (the sponsor) are in Philippines or if you are in UK.

    The UKBA page for husband, wife or civil partner is here

    Take a look around the UKBA webpage and follow the links for information.

    You may also find it worthwhile to read the forum thread How To Apply For A Spouse Visa

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) antchristie's Avatar
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    Yes my wife is a Filipina,Will be applying for British passport for are little one.
    We currently dont have ties as such to Philippines as we as my work means we live in China.We is have a res visa which is renewed each year like mean.

    So yes would be hard to say she has strong ties to go back to PHILIPINES.The ties she has are that my contract is for two years.So as i have a job and bank accounts in china we will return.

    Any only applied for family visit visa from a country that they were a vistor like We are in China.

    Thanks for you help.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by antchristie View Post
    Yes my wife is a Filipina,Will be applying for British passport for are little one.
    We currently dont have ties as such to Philippines as we as my work means we live in China.We is have a res visa which is renewed each year like mean.

    So yes would be hard to say she has strong ties to go back to PHILIPINES.The ties she has are that my contract is for two years.So as i have a job and bank accounts in china we will return.

    Any only applied for family visit visa from a country that they were a vistor like We are in China.

    Thanks for you help.
    As your wife is currently in China she would apply for visit visa from China.
    I believe in the circumstances you describe (contracted Employment) there is a reasonable chance that a Family Visit could be granted. Depends a lot on the arrangements/circumstances here in UK. A good supporting letter from you and your employer explaining everything would be helpful. The ECO just needs to be sure there will be no reasons to overstay.
    The cost of the visa is very small currenty £76 (£78 from April) so it's very well worth applying. Nothing much to lose really.

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