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Thread: Why is it so difficult to get a job here?

  1. #31
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Been to our local college this afternoon and made inquiry about Sage Line 50 and they said they have tutorial for that course and I will take Level 2. Need to inform hubby first then will start next week. [/SIZE] I wish I could finish that course like you [/QUOTE]

    Hi, Penny. Ofcourse you will finish that course. Looking at those credentials you've got, skills you have...Girl, only mental can't see your potential. I've just noticed, there are many of us here that does Accounting. Perhaps, we should build an association let's call it Brit-wives-Job Seekers or whatever You can do it Penny, although SAGE Line 50 has many types...there are SAGE Line Accountant Proffesional, SAGE Line Financial Accounts, etc. I was at PC World today and was actually looking for that software because I thought it's cheaper to buy a software CD than fetting a tutorial course. Although, the advantage we get from a tutorial is obviously someone will teach you and guide online and they will give you books and materials to practice the system. But still, am confused which SAGE Line 50 am going to get, so I ended up empty handed coming back home
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  2. #32
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    I thought having a good educational background and great working experience will place my feet in a greater position to get a job here. We as filipinos has this culture of helping our families back home and I have obligation to fulfill. I just felt bad that having great experience and degree isn't enough to get the job. I had interview yesterday from one of the hotel for receptionist position and after all the great compliments that I received from the interviewer I still ended the day with unfortunate message of not getting the job.

    Hi, Rita...Don't give up...You're not alone...I received the same treatment as well. I used to complain the same. Asked the same questions. Even claimed I was a victim of racial discrimination...but it never stop me from fulfilling my goal to land a job...Reading informative threads from this forum and receiving advices from JoeBloggs, AndyPaul and the rest of good members here I took a course which I think will help me to gain qualifications, UK's demand, plus it helps me to stop from getting bored. Don't worry, we will soon find a job.We can start from a blue collar job and get some experience from this country. Then, we will see. In the mean time...go find yourself another thing to do to polish your CV. Regards.
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    I thought having a good educational background and great working experience will place my feet in a greater position to get a job here. We as filipinos has this culture of helping our families back home and I have obligation to fulfill. I just felt bad that having great experience and degree isn't enough to get the job. I had interview yesterday from one of the hotel for receptionist position and after all the great compliments that I received from the interviewer I still ended the day with unfortunate message of not getting the job.

    Hi, Rita...Don't give up...You're not alone...I received the same treatment as well. I used to complain the same. Asked the same questions. Even claimed I was a victim of racial discrimination...but it never stop me from fulfilling my goal to land a job...Reading informative threads from this forum and receiving advices from JoeBloggs, AndyPaul and the rest of good members here I took a course which I think will help me to gain qualifications, UK's demand, plus it helps me to stop from getting bored. Don't worry, we will soon find a job.We can start from a blue collar job and get some experience from this country. Then, we will see. In the mean time...go find yourself another thing to do to polish your CV. Regards.
    LET'S JUST DON'T GIVE UP LOLS CHEER-UP, We can fight this feeling I didn't receive a call from factory yesterday where I applied, but still hoping that someday I could have one that I could enjoy. I had a call yesterday for my QC application in a factory which I don't expect anymore because I applied there for ages and glad to receive a call for final interview yesterday

    I am still hoping that someday, I will enjoy with the job I got I really want to work with NUMBERS AND WITH PEOPLE

    Goodluck for all of us CLUB MEMBERS

  4. #34
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Goodluck to all of us Job Hunters
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  5. #35
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post
    Been to our local college this afternoon and made inquiry about Sage Line 50 and they said they have tutorial for that course and I will take Level 2. Need to inform hubby first then will start next week. [/size] I wish I could finish that course like you
    Hi, Penny. Ofcourse you will finish that course. Looking at those credentials you've got, skills you have...Girl, only mental can't see your potential. I've just noticed, there are many of us here that does Accounting. Perhaps, we should build an association let's call it Brit-wives-Job Seekers or whatever You can do it Penny, although SAGE Line 50 has many types...there are SAGE Line Accountant Proffesional, SAGE Line Financial Accounts, etc. I was at PC World today and was actually looking for that software because I thought it's cheaper to buy a software CD than fetting a tutorial course. Although, the advantage we get from a tutorial is obviously someone will teach you and guide online and they will give you books and materials to practice the system. But still, am confused which SAGE Line 50 am going to get, so I ended up empty handed coming back home[/quote]

    Hi singkit!
    do u have ebay account? you can buy sage line 50 interactive training cd there. only cost £4.49. i was planning to get it but i changed my mind coz i won't get certificate/qualification from it. so i enrolled in ics. my course is sage instant accounts. i don't really know what the difference is. i think i'll buy the sage line 50 cd after i finish my course so i can compare them. also thinking of studying IAB manual bookkeeping so i can take exam for certified bookkeepers. just a plan. anyway my husband's friend told me that after i finish my course i can do bookkeeping for them. i think it can also be a good freelance business. i really want to do all of this within 3 years. clock is ticking. i want to have a baby after 3 years. hehehe.

    Hi Fred!
    i have signed up for 2 agencies only. they've been emailing me vacant positions but i haven't really found yet the job that would suit me. prob is i don't drive yet so i have to get a job from our local area only.

    I got a friend from Boots who told me they might need me for xmas. i think it's a good thing to do while looking for the job that i want.

    Hi Rita!
    i think it's better if you get just any job for the mean time until you get the job that u really want to do.hehe. Coz like me, i applied for a job since june. and up to now, i still got no job. i wasted my time looking for job that i want. just an advice from me.

    Hi Penny and Singkit!
    there's philippine nurses association. why not call us Aga -accounting grad association? hehe.

    That's it guys! God bless!

  6. #36
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Hi singkit!
    oh you won't believe it! i have just researched about sage softwares. latest sage line 50 is now called Sage 50 accounts 2008. just cost £616.88 don't bother buying it unless u have ur own business. if you wanna have a look, here's the link:

    the software i got here at home is sage instant accounts which im using for my course. it all cost me over £500. im only after the diploma really. then study sage line 50 on my own.

  7. #37
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilda_danao View Post
    Hi singkit!
    oh you won't believe it! i have just researched about sage softwares. latest sage line 50 is now called Sage 50 accounts 2008. just cost £616.88 don't bother buying it unless u have ur own business. if you wanna have a look, here's the link:

    the software i got here at home is sage instant accounts which im using for my course. it all cost me over £500. im only after the diploma really. then study sage line 50 on my own.
    Good job Hildz, better do something worthwhile while waiting for a job we want. We don't just waste another time, but we spend it wise...and it refreshes our skills as well. AGA sounds good, huh
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  8. #38
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Preparations to get a job in UK

    To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:

    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    Anything else?? Can you add more????

  9. #39
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    Hi Guys!

    I have not been on for a while but maybe my experience will give a bit of hope to filipinos...Like most of you I have a bachelor's degree in accounting back home, never took up CPA exam, 1 year audit experience, 3 years finance & admin assistant experience in the Phils., 2 years in Saudi as executive assistant plus 14 units of MBA which I didn't finish back home in Ateneo.

    I came here with the heart to start as a crew at Mc Donald's. As soon as I got my FLR, I thought It won't hurt to try applying for jobs which I know quite well. Just a try, I thought. I applied for any jobs I see on newspaper, internet...etc. I managed to get a job as finance assistant in 1 month at a local government, worked hard, closed my ears and eyes to office politics i.e. gossips and monsters in the office. I tried to apply for promotion after 5 mos but was turned down due to lack of enough experience for the higher post. I was tasked to do a high level job but being paid as assistant until I realised they were just taking advantage of me. I tried applying again within the same organisation when a vacancy came up, but this time I was turned down for office politics again i.e. could be racial but I can't tell. They're usually very good at cover up. Anyway, I tried again for 3rd time by applying in another team as finance officer in the same organisation but this time I brought home the bacon! It was my moment! When the boss in my team knew about it, he offered the same level of job but I refused. In my mind, I said, too late, bitch!

    I'm taking AAT and I will finish it next year and of course it's for free. I am looking forward to applying for my next promotion and do higher level studies.

    I know discrimination exists either for real and sometimes simply in our mind...WE SHOULD NOT LET ANYBODY PUT US DOWN BECAUSE OF OUR RACE.

    - Practise developing your English language, accent, and confidence which are vital in this day and age. They judge people by how they speak and look, so make sure you are very smart and confident or at least appear to be like it during interviews.

    Don't give up, keep fighting, we have a degree. Show that you know what they ask and that you are the right person for the job.

    Smile (which is our mark as Pinoys) and show you have a positive attitude which will take you farther in your career.



  10. #40
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    My wife also came here with a 'bachelors degree' She knew from the outset she would not get the type of work she desired here in the ' good old UK'. She was just being realistic. Like she says, better to be on 700 pesos an hour here than be on 300 pesos A DAY in the Philippines doing what I'm trained to do.
    Discrimination is also big in the Philippines from what I've experienced. I wasn't even allowed to use our surname for our businesses because we were informed that it sounded too foreign!!

  11. #41
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    Discrimination is rife in every country, my sisters and there families in both Perth and melbourne Australia get it every day and they have been there 20yrs, it's something we all have to go along with, we can never beat it

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    To sum it up, I can see from your posts that getting a Bachelors Degree in Phils wont easily make u get a job in the following should also be taken into consideration:

    1. One must know how to drive well;
    2. Better to sign up with various employment agencies;
    3. Must always have map to know the way around or should know her way around (just in case prospect office is far from residence);
    4. Must of course can speak and write good english (jeeze, I need to learn more on that )
    5. Must look smart and professional during interviews;
    6. Meet Patience and Perseverance and make sure they are always with you (oh, but I should say those virtues are innate to filipinos)

    Anything else?? Can you add more????
    Don't mention your bachelors degree or any other degree you have gained from the Phil. So when you are applying for that lowly paid job the interviewer won't be put off!!!

  13. #43
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    discrimination is more wide spread in the phils than in the uk, age, height, etc

    as for qualifications depends on the job your applying for, my misses was even told at interviews, "sorry, your over qualified, i've just realised what qualifications you've got", so we took off her cv she had a biology and medicine degree, adjust your CV for the job your applying for. as for discrimination about promotion, just becuase you didn't get it, you think of reasons why you didn't, and it's easy for the race excuse to pop up..

    as for your degree, you can get it evaluated by

    and you can compare your degree to an english one..

  14. #44
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the link Joe..I am glad to read this thread at least I am aware now on ways to find jobs here but I wonder how does the cv here in the UK should look like?? is it the same how we do it in the Phils..?

  15. #45
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    Keith - Administrator

  16. #46
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Thank u so much Boss, I am just getting ready as early as now..

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by rands View Post
    I have not been on for a while but maybe my experience will give a bit of hope to filipinos...Like most of you I have a bachelor's degree in accounting back home, never took up CPA exam, 1 year audit experience, 3 years finance & admin assistant experience in the Phils., 2 years in Saudi as executive assistant plus 14 units of MBA which I didn't finish back home in Ateneo.

    I came here with the heart to start as a crew at Mc Donald's. As soon as I got my FLR, I thought It won't hurt to try applying for jobs which I know quite well. Just a try, I thought. I applied for any jobs I see on newspaper, internet...etc. I managed to get a job as finance assistant in 1 month at a local government, worked hard, closed my ears and eyes to office politics i.e. gossips and monsters in the office. I tried to apply for promotion after 5 mos but was turned down due to lack of enough experience for the higher post. I was tasked to do a high level job but being paid as assistant until I realised they were just taking advantage of me. I tried applying again within the same organisation when a vacancy came up, but this time I was turned down for office politics again i.e. could be racial but I can't tell. They're usually very good at cover up. Anyway, I tried again for 3rd time by applying in another team as finance officer in the same organisation but this time I brought home the bacon! It was my moment! When the boss in my team knew about it, he offered the same level of job but I refused. In my mind, I said, too late, bitch!

    I'm taking AAT and I will finish it next year and of course it's for free. I am looking forward to applying for my next promotion and do higher level studies.

    I know discrimination exists either for real and sometimes simply in our mind...WE SHOULD NOT LET ANYBODY PUT US DOWN BECAUSE OF OUR RACE.

    - Practise developing your English language, accent, and confidence which are vital in this day and age. They judge people by how they speak and look, so make sure you are very smart and confident or at least appear to be like it during interviews.

    Don't give up, keep fighting, we have a degree. Show that you know what they ask and that you are the right person for the job.

    Smile (which is our mark as Pinoys) and show you have a positive attitude which will take you farther in your career.



    We have same degree and same feeling. That's why I enrolled my courses.I tried to enrol ECDL computing but according to our local college, I need to finish first the Intro to Computing. I feel boring and silly because I'm always the first one who finished our works. My classmates are almost all elderly and first time in PC. My teacher said, she will talk to the higher-ups if I can be assessed early and jump for a higher level. Will wait for that

  18. #48
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    try temping also as this can get your foot in the door. the company i work for employs so many temps and some are converted over to regular employees.

    good luck

  19. #49
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgets View Post
    try temping also as this can get your foot in the door. the company i work for employs so many temps and some are converted over to regular employees.

    good luck
    Good advice also gives you a chance to try out different work enviroments. So you can get an idea of good and bad employers.

  20. #50
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    My Job experience

    When I moved here in UK, I have no idea what kind of job I will be able to find. There was no pressure for me to look for a job, my husband can provide a better living for both of us.
    Base in my experience, the first thing you need to learn if you are going to live in a foreign country is the LANGUAGE.
    You need to learn the language not only colloquially but also in a professional level.
    If you are confident of yourself, you don't need to dress very smart. Of course, you do not go in jeans if you have a job interview!
    I would dress accordingly, professional and simple. (avoid too much accessories, strong perfume, mini skirts and too much make up)
    I assure you that interviewer can spot a promising candidate by the way he/she looks in your eyes and by the way you deliver your answers to his/her questions.

    Good advise about temping, it is happening to me. I am on temp at the moment but by next week I will be employed directly by the company. The company will pay the temp agency to release me (sounds like a ransom) and I will be employed directly by them. Temping can offer you a lot of opportunity.

    To sum up:
    Language- High importance
    Self confidence- very important
    Professional attitude- important
    CV- important
    Appearance- important
    And never, never say negative things!
    If you need to say negative things, do it with nonchalance and a smile...

    Goodluck to everyone whose job hunting.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  21. #51
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    My Job experience

    When I moved here in UK, I have no idea what kind of job I will be able to find. There was no pressure for me to look for a job, my husband can provide a better living for both of us.
    Base in my experience, the first thing you need to learn if you are going to live in a foreign country is the LANGUAGE.
    You need to learn the language not only colloquially but also in a professional level.
    If you are confident of yourself, you don't need to dress very smart. Of course, you do not go in jeans if you have a job interview!
    I would dress accordingly, professional and simple. (avoid too much accessories, strong perfume, mini skirts and too much make up)
    I assure you that interviewer can spot a promising candidate by the way he/she looks in your eyes and by the way you deliver your answers to his/her questions.

    Good advise about temping, it is happening to me. I am on temp at the moment but by next week I will be employed directly by the company. The company will pay the temp agency to release me (sounds like a ransom) and I will be employed directly by them. Temping can offer you a lot of opportunity.

    To sum up:
    Language- High importance
    Self confidence- very important
    Professional attitude- important
    CV- important
    Appearance- important
    And never, never say negative things!
    If you need to say negative things, do it with nonchalance and a smile...

    Goodluck to everyone whose job hunting.
    Great advice Peanutz from one who has done it herself.

    Language and understanding the way business british is done is very important just as it is any where. But remeber to as well as brush up on all you basic skills and learn new ones. Always enhance and expand skills you already have. If you are a people person as many phills are my brit standards, look for a job where you can use these skills.

    My wife has found a job where she is in sales,she would never have dreamed of it a few years ago but finds it easy naturally to relate to people and put them at ease and make them feel good about themselves (this is a quote from her appriasal recently)

    She has also found her self good at organising a small team and department well run. Again in phill she was used to bossing people around as ATE and look after her bro and sister.
    Skills she didn't even know she had.

    So Ladies (and gentleman) take a good look at your skills and ablities and you might surprise yourself and others

  22. #52
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Well done to your wife too, Andy. Like what Rand says to her previous post 'we can all do it'. Open your horizon and widen your knowledge, never get tired to enriched your self and your skills.
    In the long run, the time and sacrifice invested will give you back a self satisfaction that no one can give you. You owe it to yourself

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  23. #53
    Respected Member Terrielicious's Avatar
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    Oh sadly to hear that but I think it is better if you keep trying who knows, somethings comes when you least expect it. Smilez from here...

  24. #54
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    I have just read a few of the posts here. New arrivals must not expect to walk straight into a job they feel their Philippine qualification equips them for. The UK education system is different and the qualifications gained in the Philippines don't match. In my experience there is little real prejudice, but there are expectations about suitability. If it is a job in which you have to communicate with customers, directly or indirectly, then remember that your English won't yet be "anglicised" and may well still contain many americanisms, which don't go down too well here. What is valued is the Filipinas reputation for having a caring and hard work ethic. If you try to aim at jobs which you can actually get, and then obtain local qualifications you will find work and gradually work your way into better jobs.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    You're not alone Rita, I also received lots of good comments from interviewer. It seems they need us to follow their UK high standard. I finished BSBA-Accounting and had experience as Payrol Acct, applied as Payroll Clerk here but I need to take Sage Line 50. Applied IT Support but they are asking for ECDL Cert., Applied higher position but I need to learn DRIVING .

    I am now in a factory and applied to another company which offers more overtime. The interviewer said, I am more clever than him as I'm a Bachelor and can speak 3 foreign language. He said he likes filipinos because he heard that we are hardworking and dedicated to work. We'll see tomorrow if he is just kidding because he said he will contact me tomorrow.

    Hi Pennybarry, i would to ask what factory company is this your reffering to?

    I'm on job search now!

  26. #56
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Hi Rita

    Its not really easy but keep persevering In time you will get your dream job.
    When I stsrted finding a job after i got my flr here took me more than a month to get a job. It was actually funny coz i sent nice cv with all the companies i applied and get nice feedbacks aswell after the interview but still didnt get the job, when i applied for my current employer i never send a cv just phone them i can apply for the job and they asked me to come straight away for an interview and then got the job.

    I am working in a shop owned by a couple and im with them since then. Its my first and still my job now. I just came back after my 9 months maternity leave and they are so good about my time i can work with since my husband has different off days in a week so i can work everytime my husband is off which is very flexible for me.

    I just hope you will land a job soon.
    praying po.


  27. #57
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    I`m glad people are aware of the fact that they have to improve their english and lose the american part of the language. That a very important point.
    Also I don`t know why a degree from another country would mean anything here? Just like ours probably doesn`t mean alot anywhere else. It certainly shouldn`t mean that you can just walk into a job here!
    The title of this thread is "Why is it so difficult to get a job here?"
    My answer is why wouldn`t it be? It`s not the promised land and I don`t believe anybody is forced to come here.
    It`s hard work here in England and you`ll be rewarded if you do so.
    On the driving point, well of course you should drive. Employers want you there at work no matter what as they pay you for that.
    I think if anybody wants to come to England then maybe it`s a good idea to study here and not in Phil.
    Of course every country favours its own people wether right or wrong, for example how I have to pay double at some hotels in Phil! Just cos i`m white I believe!
    How can that be when its the same room regardless of skin colour?
    Because it`s just another example of racism, yes it does happen to white people!!
    Im not saying England is right and anything else is wrong, but these situations are the same in every country.
    I just watched Lewis Hamilton win the F1 world championship and he was booed heavily by the Brazilian crowd. And as for the Spanish people with their websites and racism , well thats just terrible.
    But thats what makes every country different and it would be boring if we were all the same!
    So anyway, good luck to anybody finding work especially at the moment.
    And thanks to America for proving again that biggest most certainly isn`t best by ruining the worlds economy.

  28. #58
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    This is not discrimination at all, although many Filipinos seem to believe it is. The education system in the Philippines, where I am right now, is very different to the UK and the "degrees" given are simply not accepted at home. I could bang on about how the system here is another form of corruption and is selling false dreams to the poor but the result is that they won't count for anything in the UK as my wife found out the hard way. She had to go to college for 2 years in the UK so she could get the job she wanted. My advice is to use the personal approach and convince employers through the force of your personality rather than through the hope of your CV or paper qualifications. Network, visit people, ask questions, offer to help, do voluntary or charitable work. Demonstrate how great you are rather than expect them to be impressed by paper, because they won't be.

  29. #59
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    Thats a very good point David. From what i`ve read on here many people can impress potential employers with their enthusiasm and positive outlook.
    Also making as many friends as possible helps as someone always knows someone else thats looking to employ new staff. Though maybe with the current financial climate that may prove to be harder than usual.
    Forget about the paperwork and try to impress using YOURSELF.
    Good luck with your search.

  30. #60
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    >>>Having a degree doesn't guarantee you a job, much more a job that you like. Majority of the work depends on the individual, the degree is just something to beautify you.

    >>>I don't believe that Philippine Education is so behind as compared to US, Canada or the UK standards. However, i believe that there is a "general impression" that Phil. education is not at par with their standards - this is where you prove them wrong but it won't be easy.

    >>>For those that have thought that they are over qualified - Never assume that they think highly of you. Assume the opposite and then work your way up. Once they realize your potential, things will be easier because they will now view you as "one of them".

    >>>Even in the Philippines, being competent in the English language will open a lot of opportunity for you.

    >>>Never think that the interviewer is being intimidated by you if you have a good education back home. It's the other way around - NO British experience.(this is for first timers seeking for a job). You just need to stumble upon that company that will take its chance on you.

    >>>And lastly, it is not true that our Education in the Phils is not recognized. It is just that it won't be the basis in hiring but still they will look into your CV if you had studied and what course.

    Good luck to all job hunters.....
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

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