11,111 posts ... all the 1s!!!!! And my thoughts immediately drifted backto the final topic discussed on last Thursday night's Question Time:
"Does England need more Grammar Schools?"
Now I was under the impression that those - along with the old Secondary Modern establishments - disappeared (for the MOST part) when *Comprehensive Education was introduced during the 1970s.
Simultaneously, here in Scotland, the former Senior and Junior Secondaries were similarly replaced by, well ...... a more or less identical system using the *same terminology.
One of the panelists - Conservative MP, Anna Soubrey - suitably impressed me, with HER view that creating more Grammar Schools would be like returning to the 'Bad Old Days' when many children of that era - in consequence of their [apparent] "inability to **qualify" for admission to Grammar School - were left feeling "inferior" to their peers (who **did!) at the tender age of eleven.
Having been an 11+ failure, myself,I fully empathise with these sentiments; you felt as if you were "branded for life"! <
Comments please.