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Thread: UK passport renewals from RP.

  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    UK passport renewals from RP.

    What a nightmare! As my daughter was born in RP and her PP needs renewal,I have to adhere to jumping through new UK hoops just to get her a new passport!
    Not only that but I have to send these to HK for processing and the new ones sent from Britain..
    They also want my passport,my wifes passport and her siblings! Not to mention an exorbitant costs plus courier fees!

    CHILDREN UNDER 16, BORN OUTSIDE OF THE UK (where only ONE parent was British at the time of birth)

    Current British passport
    Local birth certificate, if born in the Philippines, NSO version
    British Birth Certificate (if held)
    Parents passports at time of the birth of applicant
    Parents current passports
    Home Office naturalisation/registration document of applicant and parents if applicable
    Parents Marriage Certificate
    CRS Form no 5 - Advisory on Marriages (available from the NSO)
    CENOMAR for Philippine citizen parent (if parents are not married)
    Birth certificates of all other siblings
    Annulment/Divorce/death certificate for parents
    Mother's antenatal/postnatal/delivery notes, scans and ultrasounds from hospital.
    We understand that not all of the above documentation will be available. Please provide as much as possible when you submit the application.
    Whats wrong with these twots? Dont they believe that her almost expired biometric British passport is enough?

    They want my passport too..What if I needed to travel whilst they are pissing around with my precious documents?

    ....... useless jobworths!

    Mother's antenatal/postnatal/delivery notes, scans and ultrasounds from hospital.
    Parents passports at time of the birth of applicant


  2. #2
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    I totally agree with you. The system and the cost is totally ridiculous. By next year all applications will be dealt with in UK not even Hong Kong and will incur an even heftier courier fee.
    I have heard recently from some expats that DNA evidence was required as well as a myriad of other documentation before registration and a UK passport would be issued for their child
    According to the previous consul a team from the foreign office spent two months at the embassy in 2009 examining applications from the previous five years and deemed that more than 30% were fraudulent. This was mostly in relation to applications from newly naturalised citizens applying for settlement visas for offspring.
    Hence the reason for asking for these requirements many of which will have no bearing on the validity of the application.
    There's absolutely no procedure for applying a little basic good old common sense

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Been there done that Fred.
    You only need to send a photocopy of your passport, thats what I did as I needed it to get home again so was accepted. But you need to prove that you were in country for the conception!! We had to submit all of those papers, but for some reason we never had the CRS Form5, so it meant a trip to the local NSO and 800peso bung to get it for the next day.

    To be fair, the original papers were sent within 3-4 days back to our local LBC and on a quoted 6 weeks processig time we received Vincent's UK Passport in 4 weeks. That too was delivered to our local LBC for collection. But what a faff!! We were applying from scratch so I guess we knew no different, but if your daughter already had a biometric one..... why????

    The biggest problem we had was getting Vincent to look at the camera for his photo, which has very strict rules on how he should look. Kind of difficult for a 4 week old prem baby lol
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
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    Why don't they just ask.....'Are you or your partner of Indian Sub-Continent origin ?'.

    Answer 'Yes' the long list of documents.

    Answer 'No'.........send in the old passport.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Steve..My daughter was born whilst we were on holiday here 13 years ago..She spent her first 8 years in the UK ..Thats when we moved here.
    The passport she has now (about to expire) is her second Brit passport!
    No such problems for the 2 boys as they were both born in the UK.
    Crazy situation IMO and a real pain in the ass.

  6. #6
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    One of the main reasons I made certain my boy was born here in the avoid such problems.

    His first British passport pic, at 2 months old.


  7. #7
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    My son's passpot photos, as you can see one rejected by the Embassy and the other accepted.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  8. #8
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    Can't imagine why it was rejected.

    Come to think of it though....probably more realistic since babies ARE asleep most of the time.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Why don't they just ask.....'Are you or your partner of Indian Sub-Continent origin ?'.

    Answer 'Yes' the long list of documents.

    Answer 'No'.........send in the old passport.
    Too complicated for them, Graham....

  10. #10
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Come to think of it though....probably more realistic since babies ARE asleep most of the time.
    At 3-4 weeks old.. what do they expect !!! They also reccommend applying for a passport within 8 weeks of birth.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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