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Thread: Cenomar

  1. #1
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    I am planning on getting married in Phili to my maganda girlfriend this october .I know i need to get my C.N.I from my local registry office in the uk . But i have also been told i need a NSO CENOMAR is that applied for here in the UK and from where is this obtained , I have looked on the web and cannot find where to apply .Or is it applied for in Phili and how long does it take for the process to be completed ??? Any help gratefully received !!

  2. #2
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    When we got married last year, we didnt need a CENOMAR for me. But I believe you do now. We got one anyway and just simply applied on the internet to the NSO. I had it delivered to my wifes (gf at the time) house. No problems.

    Having said that, I cant find the exact website that we may have changed but it was the NSO and E Census. My wife got her CENOMAR that way too.

    This looks like it might be the one...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    I am planning on getting married in Phili to my maganda girlfriend this october .I know i need to get my C.N.I from my local registry office in the uk . But i have also been told i need a NSO CENOMAR is that applied for here in the UK and from where is this obtained , I have looked on the web and cannot find where to apply .Or is it applied for in Phili and how long does it take for the process to be completed ??? Any help greatly received !!
    Will it be a civil wedding or Catholic Church wedding?

    In addition to the info and links posted by lastlid. here is some other useful general information about overseas marriages and civil partnerships

    and some CNI information here including the British Embassy appointment system and how to apply

    CNI information here

    Please do remember the CNI has only 3 months validity, so plan out carefully what needs to be done and when. It's a good idea to make a project plan from wedding day backwards so you can line it all up.

    The CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.

    You'll need to pre-book an appointment at the British Embassy in the Philippines to be issued a Philippine version called a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry.
    This certificate is needed for the application of a marriage license.
    Yes, many people are now reporting that you may well be required to obtain a your own CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from NSO (National Statistics Office) so you might need to include this contingency as well.

    I suggest you always check the latest information for paperwork needed before leaving UK

  4. #4
    Member chieldave's Avatar
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    As I remember before we got married last November,I went NSO office personally,(but prefer Laslid links if don't like waiting for long hours to get it on hand) to get mine and my hubby's(fiance that time) cenomar a month before wedding cos it has only 3months validity of it...Cenomar is only one of the requirements when applying in local registrar here to apply for marriage licence(hmmm,not really sure at other local registrars but as far as I know it is)....
    be positive,everything is gonna be ok

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... it looks like at least some of us got married - in the nick of time - when CENOMARS were only needed by the bride to be!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    I am planning on getting married in Phili to my maganda girlfriend this october .I know i need to get my C.N.I from my local registry office in the uk . But i have also been told i need a NSO CENOMAR is that applied for here in the UK and from where is this obtained , I have looked on the web and cannot find where to apply .Or is it applied for in Phili and how long does it take for the process to be completed ??? Any help gratefully received !!
    Hello,yes you do need a can let your fiancee get it from NSO just give her your authorization letter with scanned copy of your valid i.d(that's what i did when i get my hubby's CENOMAR) or you can get it from e-census.It's only valid for 3 months so better get one when your about to come..

  7. #7
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replys ... so i get the cenomar in Phili not the uk before i travel ???

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    Thanks for the replys ... so i get the cenomar in Phili not the uk before i travel ???
    I ordered mine online on the NSO website, but from here in the UK. But had the NSO post it to my girlfriends house in the Philippines (wife now of course). My then gf paid for it at her local bank.

  9. #9
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    The easiest way to obtain the CENOMAR as lastlid says is online at the ecensus website but allowing it to be delivered to the Philippines, you then get a reference where you fiance will goto the local bank and pay in the money. About 2 or 3 days later she'll receive the CENOMAR.
    There is the option to pay by credit card, and have it sent overseas, I haven't tried this but can foresee complications.

    As has been mentioned regarding the CNI, you first goto the registry office, submit your application and wait 21 days and voila you can collect the CNI.
    The CNI when used in the Philippines is valid for 3 months, so you must take it to either the British Embassy in Manila or Honourary Consul in Cebu to have it converted into a local document before that 3 months is up. You need to make an appointment to complete this part, and sometimes its done the same day or sometimes the following day.
    You then need to submit this with the other documents to city hall and wait another 10 days for your license to marry.

    Essentially it takes some careful planning to get the timing right.

  10. #10
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    no one has mentioned how much this costs its now £35 for cni i uk as i get min e next week and was told i need to pay £65 at uk embassy in phil for changed to local one

  11. #11
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    yep, not cheap!

  12. #12
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    Thankyou all for the advice it is all a lot clearer now to me ..I hope everything goes ok just the small matter of waiting for my divorce to be finalised and Moneras anullment and then it can all go ahead ....i cant wait !!!!!
    Even if it means more stress and worry to come .Making sure everything is sorted for the big day

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