I take this chance to wish you a great trip

In addition to the good advice already given on booking the best seats, I suggest that you log on to the Cathy Pacific website -
http://www.cathaypacific.com/cpa/en_GB/homepage - as your top priority on Tuesday at 12.30 pm

• Click on “ Manage Your Trip “ then from the drop down menu “ Manage My Booking “
• Select the button for “ Non-Member of Marco Polo Club / Asia Miles
• Enter your name exactly as booked, together with either Booking Reference Number OR eticket Number ( which presumably you already have, and should have printed in duplicate for security

• Select button for Hong Kong flight ( and then repeat for Manila flight )
• Click on “ My Details “ then “ Seat/Other Services “
• You should be able to book your chosen seats for both these flights at the same time

• The reason for booking your seats as soon after 12.30 pm as possible is that you will get the best choice of seats which are still available

. Seats with extra legroom will not be available ( unless you pay about 75 GBP extra for each flight ) . Similarly new Premium Economy seats have been recently fitted on some of the Cathay Pacific Long Haul flights to Hong Kong – they are the best but only available at a premium of at least 600 GBP. Once you have booked your seat(s) you can print your Self-Print Boarding Pass or send Mobile Boarding Pass to your mobile device for the flight to Hong Kong.
Good luck
