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Thread: Englishman marrying Filipina in Philippines

  1. #61
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    I'm a bit confused about this .

    So does that mean that folk like me who got married in the Phils but subsequently divorced in the UK, can't get married again in the Phils....obviously having shown CNI. ?

  2. #62
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    they just want your money
    That I can well believe ok then

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'm a bit confused about this .

    So does that mean that folk like me who got married in the Phils but subsequently divorced in the UK, can't get married again in the Phils....obviously having shown CNI. ?
    I imagine it would throw a spanner in the works and take quite a bit of running round providing everyone and their dog with a photocopy of everything.

  4. #64
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    do you need origanal birthcert? what if you lost it ...and got a replacement from the births and deaths authorising body?????????????/ would that still count? as origanal? when you speak of origanal...i suppose you mean not a photocopy?????????????????????????????? is a replacement copy legal???

  5. #65
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    So you need this cenomar to inform the church people you are/havnt been wedded in the filipines before well as you need to have a CNI which you get from the british embassey in london ...which you take with you to the filipins , which then gets you end up with two forms....1.a cemnomar and a 2 CNI........

  6. #66
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    If you do not have a CENMOMAR cert......does that mean you wont be allowed to wed the church minasters?

  7. #67
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    1.passport 2. birth cert (not photocopy)..3. Cenmomar cert(not been married in filpines before )...4.CNI cert.................send CENMOMAR ahead ...and CNI .....? is that correct?
    all confusing a bit?
    need to re-read before penny drops in ...i think :$

  8. #68
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    Have you eaten too many E Numbers? Anyway, original in this context refers to an official copy from the registry office.
    Yes you need a CENOMAR from the Phils and yes you need a CNI from the Registry Office in the UK converted by the British Embassy in Manila (There is no British Embassy in London, maybe will be one in scotland in the near future....)

  9. #69
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    (There is no British Embassy in London, maybe will be one in scotland in the near future....)

    ...and Leicester ?

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I'm a bit confused about this .

    So does that mean that folk like me who got married in the Phils but subsequently divorced in the UK, can't get married again in the Phils....obviously having shown CNI. ?
    I am not an expert on this but I can remember its a complicated one and make sure you tread carefully Graham and get the official view discretely as in the worse scenario you would be committing bigamy which would not be with handy in pinas.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #71
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    Thanks, yeah, that thought had crossed my mind.

    Looks like it'll be a while yet before I need to investigate though.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Hi, silly question maybe, but I am reading that if I got married in Phils, one thing I would need is a CENOMAR - and am I reading this right - I would need to apply for that in Phils?

    Surely this isn't right, I mean, my divorce won't be registered there, my birth won't be registered there - how would they know I am ok to marry?
    Obviously I'd get the CNI here and get it converted, but this CENOMAR is confusing me
    I ordered my Philippine CENOMAR online from the UK. Had my wife pay for it in Phils and had it sent to her home address in Phils. At the time it wasn't a requirement but seemingly it is now.

    On the "how would they know" bit. Thats what I thought but they just took my word for it that I was divorced. No proof required. Daft eh!

  13. #73
    Member Ian S's Avatar
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    Ok, I just arrived back from the Philippines a married man . I was only there for 2 weeks but luckily everything went ok and we managed to get married without any problems. We went to the office one day to give the details and sign the forms, and then went back 10 days or so later for the ceremony.
    In my experience this was easily achieveable in 2 weeks, but I still think it's best to follow other peoples advice and allow more time incase something goes wrong.
    Once again my main advice is to get your fiancee to get the CNI for you. This will save your precious time when you are there.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian S View Post
    Ok, I just arrived back from the Philippines a married man . I was only there for 2 weeks but luckily everything went ok and we managed to get married without any problems. We went to the office one day to give the details and sign the forms, and then went back 10 days or so later for the ceremony.
    In my experience this was easily achieveable in 2 weeks, but I still think it's best to follow other peoples advice and allow more time incase something goes wrong.
    Once again my main advice is to get your fiancee to get the CNI for you. This will save your precious time when you are there.
    Thats pretty much what we did. Except we did the ceremony 10 days in advance. So we didnt have to go back, save to pick up the Marriage Certificate, which my wife did. I just had to be in the country for 10days after the ceremony.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian S View Post
    Ok, I just arrived back from the Philippines a married man . I was only there for 2 weeks but luckily everything went ok and we managed to get married without any problems. We went to the office one day to give the details and sign the forms, and then went back 10 days or so later for the ceremony.
    In my experience this was easily achieveable in 2 weeks, but I still think it's best to follow other peoples advice and allow more time incase something goes wrong.
    Once again my main advice is to get your fiancee to get the CNI for you. This will save your precious time when you are there.
    Congratulations to you both

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian S View Post
    Ok, I just arrived back from the Philippines a married man . I was only there for 2 weeks but luckily everything went ok and we managed to get married without any problems. We went to the office one day to give the details and sign the forms, and then went back 10 days or so later for the ceremony.
    In my experience this was easily achieveable in 2 weeks, but I still think it's best to follow other peoples advice and allow more time incase something goes wrong.
    Once again my main advice is to get your fiancee to get the CNI for you. This will save your precious time when you are there.
    Congratulations..join the club of us who married in Phil!....Next stage is getting a Visa for your wife to join you here. Good Luck to you both

  17. #77
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    Hi folks, nice to see this thread still has life lol Im the guy who originally started it so feel a tad guilty Ive not been on for a while.

    Good news is Im now married :-D

    Went to the philippines and JUST managed to squeeze wedding in on my LAST day there of a three week visit. Despite having all my documents (I thought) and a ready booked appointment at the embassy a day after landing...I was shocked to learn I was one document short (cenomar?) so applied for that the same day waited 4 days to get it (well 6 as weekend not included in 4 day waiting period grrrr) then of course I had to wait the regulation 10 days before the wedding AND attend the silly course on birth control (all in Tagalog, only recognised the word CONDOM). Wasnt a fun course as I was severely hungover on the local Red Horse strong beer.

    Anyway, married by the mayor on the last day then jetted home :-(

    Now folks, just need your expert advice on getting my beloved wife back to the uk.

    Is is correct that basically she has to make an appointment at the British Embassy for a settlement visa?

    Looking forward to your help/advice

  18. #78
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    Congratulations on your marriage, best wishes for a great future together.

    Take a look here for 'Applying for a UK visa in the Philippines'

    Here's how to book an appoinment with VFS Global

    Please do take some time out to review this thread on How To Apply For A Spouse Visa

    Finally, watch this space as some significant changes for settlement visa's are expected soon.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulypoos1973 View Post
    Hi folks, nice to see this thread still has life lol Im the guy who originally started it so feel a tad guilty Ive not been on for a while.

    Good news is Im now married :-D

    Went to the philippines and JUST managed to squeeze wedding in on my LAST day there of a three week visit. Despite having all my documents (I thought) and a ready booked appointment at the embassy a day after landing...I was shocked to learn I was one document short (cenomar?) so applied for that the same day waited 4 days to get it (well 6 as weekend not included in 4 day waiting period grrrr) then of course I had to wait the regulation 10 days before the wedding AND attend the silly course on birth control (all in Tagalog, only recognised the word CONDOM). Wasnt a fun course as I was severely hungover on the local Red Horse strong beer.

    Anyway, married by the mayor on the last day then jetted home :-(

    Now folks, just need your expert advice on getting my beloved wife back to the uk.

    Is is correct that basically she has to make an appointment at the British Embassy for a settlement visa?

    Looking forward to your help/advice
    Ha ha ha. I see you got bitten by the Red Horse too! It's strong stuff and gets you drunk quicker that you think (as I found out). Congratulations, it was a close call but I'm glad everything went ok for you and you don't need a return trip.
    My wife and I are about to start the visa process too. I'll keep you updated and try to help where I can.

  20. #80
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    Even the ordinary San Mig is supposedly 5-6% case you've been blaming the climate and the women for that light-headed feeling.

  21. #81
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    Thanks for the help folks and Im glad Im not the only one bitten by the red horse :-s

    Anyway Ive been looking through the list of documents required for my wife to apply for a visa and one is "evidence of your English language ability" well her English is first class but how can she prove it? Theres the need for her to present documentary evidence of this, some kind of certificate. Any ideas folks?

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulypoos1973 View Post
    Thanks for the help folks and Im glad Im not the only one bitten by the red horse :-s

    Anyway Ive been looking through the list of documents required for my wife to apply for a visa and one is "evidence of your English language ability" well her English is first class but how can she prove it? Theres the need for her to present documentary evidence of this, some kind of certificate. Any ideas folks?

    She needs to take and pass an English Language test at an approved test centre. Where does your wife live? My wife took hers at Hopkins Manila.

  23. #83
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Get taught to speak english abroad

  24. #84
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    Ive been going out with my gf for over a year. I was wondering what is the 1st step i need. What form of ID to start the ball rolling. I know one thing is for sure, and thats to have the blessing of the parents, but i would rather do that in person and not over the phone.

    Ive looked on other websites, namely Americans marrying a filipina and one of the requirements is to prove you've been baptised. As i'm CoE, i gather RCC would not accept this. Would i need to convert to Roman Catholic before they except.

    I also followed the link which someone gave to the British consol in Cebu for the CNI, but thats the last thing i need to do/collect. I need the other stuff 1st which i'm unsure of.

    Can anyone tell me please. Thanks

  25. #85
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Forget looking at American sites. They will have different requirements.

    You need to look at the UKBA website for current and accurate information regarding settlement visas for UK.

    I'm an Atheist and that certainly didn't stop me getting married in the Phils, but civil ceremony.

    If you use the search facility on here you'll find the answers to most of your questions, after checking the UKBA site.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Istoryahe View Post
    Ive been going out with my gf for over a year. I was wondering what is the 1st step i need. What form of ID to start the ball rolling. I know one thing is for sure, and thats to have the blessing of the parents, but i would rather do that in person and not over the phone.

    Ive looked on other websites, namely Americans marrying a filipina and one of the requirements is to prove you've been baptised. As i'm CoE, i gather RCC would not accept this. Would i need to convert to Roman Catholic before they except.

    I also followed the link which someone gave to the British consol in Cebu for the CNI, but thats the last thing i need to do/collect. I need the other stuff 1st which i'm unsure of.

    Can anyone tell me please. Thanks
    If you search this site there are loads of threads all about the procedure. Do some looking/research yourself first, everything is here.

    Use the search top right to narrow your vast question. Or look at the UKBA website for forms and guidence.
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