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Thread: Visa refused

  1. #1
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    Visa refused

    I'm filipina married to english for two years.Me and my husband known each other for 5 yrs. I work in saudi hospital 2010 but resigned to look for new job in the city same country. Me and my husband always see each other every year when i get my vacation. Got pregnant last year 2011 give birth dec 2011. I apply for family visa for 10 days only to accompany my husband who is disable and my 4 months old baby to uk but got refused bec i dont have work. My husband dont work due to his condition. The problem now I got the job offer in saudi and my husband in uk and my 5 months old baby will be left in manila with my sister who takes care of my father who is ill and my 2 yrs old niece who is special child. My husband getting money from govt but i not used any of it since i am working and have good salary in saudi. These are the 3rd time i get refused in uk embassy for visit visa.1st refused due to where about my husband the 2nd refused due to my questionable account where the money came from the 3rd refused i dont have work.the ist and 2nd refused i got all documents even the bank statement in saudi where i get my salary to show i earning the amount of money i have in the bank. the last refusal no work . question is how i can work if the baby with me and i just give birth but i told them i am looking for new job in saudi. the question now if i will apply again maybe they will refuse me again. I need my daughter to get to her father im worried my sister cant cope with it..what visa should i apply parent shld look after the child...

  2. #2
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your visa refusals te. I suggest you reapply for Settlement (Spouse) visa next time less risky than Family visit visa. Your daughter is eligible to get UK passport, has she got one already?

  3. #3
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    my daughter got british passport already. i need to work to support my self and my child my saving i have in the bank now is not enough to support her for another year. she needs to be with her father ( settlement visa ) but my husband not working and he get only govt money . he not earning anything at all. I am 42 yrsold already and also my husband is 15 yrs older than me. I know for settlement visa he shld be working earning money to support us but he cant. i can support my child if i go back to work. the problem she to young to be left alone in manila.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALUB View Post
    my daughter got british passport already. i need to work to support my self and my child my saving i have in the bank now is not enough to support her for another year. she needs to be with her father ( settlement visa ) i can support my child if i go back to work. the problem she to young to be left alone in manila.
    your child is British by descent so shes entitled for the benefits , she can live with her father and the government can support them, what i can suggest is for you to go back to work and apply for family visit visa again.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they could refuse you, stating your applying for the wrong type of visa, if your married should be applying for a spouse visa, not a family visit visa - unless your husband was going to the UK with you.

  6. #6
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    If your child has a British passport then she is a British citizen and can go there to live with her father (or another relation) at any time, for the cost of a one-way air-ticket, but she is probably too young to travel 'unaccompanied'...check with the airline.

    She does not need a is HER country.

    Your partner will be able to claim money from the government to cover the costs of having her live with him.

    Do that first and then decide what is best for you to do, maybe find a job in Saudi again so you can save some money to help you apply for a settlement (spouse) visa for UK.

    Your daughter will have full entitlement to all govt. welfare benefits here, plus free education, so you don't need to worry about her too much.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
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    yes she is entitle to all gov't benefits but my husband said she needs to be there to claim it but she is with me now. My husband is not strong enough to take her by him self in a long flight thats why i want to accompany them, then back to manila. We both worried now of her welfare.
    Thanks for all the suggestions

  8. #8
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    Can't one of his relations come to collect her ?

    You would need to ask the airline what documentation would be required.

    Doesn't your husband have family who can assist ?

    It doesn't take long here to organise benefits to help with the care of your daughter.

    I feel that you would have a much better chance of getting a settlement visa be with your husband and child.

    Other members of his family could help sponsor you too, as 3rd party sponsors.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    It has always seemed inhumane to me, when a family is forced to live apart for financial reasons - as in your case - simply because the partner who would normally be the main breadwinner [your husband] is incapacitated to the extent that he can neither work nor be considered physically capable of raising a child on his own.

    I note, from your profile page, that you're a dentist by profession and, in an ideal world, a person with credentials such as yours, would be regarded as an asset to ANY country ... were it not for the fact that the General Dental Council in the UK is unlikely to recognise these as being of a standard equivalent to that required in order to register as a practitioner here.

    , Alub ... but seems to me, your only viable option is to return to the Philippines and apply for a Spousal Visa, taking care to include a covering letter -explaining your circumstances in full - to accompany your application.

    Meanwhile, to this friendly forum and stay tuned to the possibilities of receiving any alternative solutions others might offer.

  10. #10
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    Thanks to all the advices and suggestions. I talked to my husband and he is asking help to his family maybe one of his family will come to fetch her before I leave philippines.

  11. #11
    Member maccauk11's Avatar
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    We are about to marry in the Philippines in July. Though we have no plan to settle in the UK. We would like to be together in the UK when im here working. Does anyone have any advice as to visas and getting the application right. We were previously turned down for a visitors visa last xmas.( though i think this was because our application was not very good). The bureaucracy is mind blowing

  12. #12
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maccauk11 View Post
    We are about to marry in the Philippines in July. Though we have no plan to settle in the UK. We would like to be together in the UK when im here working. Does anyone have any advice as to visas and getting the application right. We were previously turned down for a visitors visa last xmas.( though i think this was because our application was not very good). The bureaucracy is mind blowing
    Once married, she should apply for a spouse visa to join you here in the UK.
    check this link
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALUB View Post
    Thanks to all the advices and suggestions. I talked to my husband and he is asking help to his family maybe one of his family will come to fetch her before I leave philippines.
    Make sure you get exit clearance cert for the child as you will need this on departure when the child first uses brit passport issued in rp..

  14. #14
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    Thanks for the info..... Need to go immigration then.....Is it better if she have two passport british and philippine passport? Still not clear if someone will come to fetch her but we still trying to get help and the airfare now very expensive......headache....headache....

  15. #15
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    I wouldn't advise wasting time getting Phils passport at the moment.

    It's not important. Much more difficult to leave Phils on local passport also.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    It has always seemed inhumane to me, when a family is forced to live apart for financial reasons - as in your case - simply because the partner who would normally be the main breadwinner [your husband] is incapacitated to the extent that he can neither work nor be considered physically capable of raising a child on his own.

    I note, from your profile page, that you're a dentist by profession and, in an ideal world, a person with credentials such as yours, would be regarded as an asset to ANY country ... were it not for the fact that the General Dental Council in the UK is unlikely to recognise these as being of a standard equivalent to that required in order to register as a practitioner here.

    , Alub ... but seems to me, your only viable option is to return to the Philippines and apply for a Spousal Visa, taking care to include a covering letter -explaining your circumstances in full - to accompany your application.

    Meanwhile, to this friendly forum and stay tuned to the possibilities of receiving any alternative solutions others might offer.
    We already include that in the letter when we applied for the visa.. including the condition of my husband that he is not strong enough to take care of the baby for long flight.... but still visa turned down. I include everything even the diploma all but the only thing i dont have work because i was pregnant and just give birth...but i even include that i am looking and waiting for the reply to my employer... and we are thinking bout the welfare of our child....but anyway maybe not right time....

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