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Thread: She is coming home !

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello Guys,

    well its 2 nights and a wake up for me, guess who is coming back on Friday, courtesy of your friendly Quatar Airways, (Rob has done this trip).

    By the way, Rob has kindly agreed to answer any technical queries on Friday and over the weekend, since I will be absent, on pleasure Island, so any posts about the folllowing:

    " My BF is english, and he came to see me, I live in Eastern Samar, and my husband he abuse me, now I want to marry the English man, but I need to get a Legal Anulment, my BF say he on INCOME PORT" Do you think Consul give me visa?


    Many thanks

  2. #2
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Jan 10 2006, 07:51 PM

    " My BF is english, and he came to see me, I live in Eastern Samar, and my husband he abuse me, now I want to marry the English man, but I need to get a Legal Anulment, my BF say he on INCOME PORT" Do you think Consul give me visa?


    Many thanks
    Thanks mate :(

    We look forward to you returning to forum sometime in March then? :lol: :lol:

  3. #3
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    ......and that's a REAL email :lol:

    As soon as Gina lands, we'll get Ping & Elsa to call her, that should keep her busy for 6 hours and Pete happy

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  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Jan 10 2006, 09:33 PM
    ......and that's a REAL email :lol:

    As soon as Gina lands, we'll get Ping & Elsa to call her, that should keep her busy for 6 hours and Pete happy

    If Elsa and Ping call her...what about my private time, how can that make me happy ?
    the phone will be off hehehehehe, anyway its one night to go and a wake up....she gets up in 4 hours for her flight from the provinces aboard your friendly Cebu Pacific Airbus A320 to Domestic, Pete is off out to get sexy negligee, a new bottle of Paco Rabanne, (no smart comments pse Keith hehehe and no its not racing at Chepstow in the 3.30)


  5. #5
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    [quote=ginapeterb,Jan 11 2006, 06:04 PM]
    Pete is off out to get sexy negligee

    Bit too much information there, every time I look at your avator now I`m going to have a vision of you running around the house in a baby doll nightie
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
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  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    [quote=deepete,Jan 11 2006, 07:00 PM]
    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb,Jan 11 2006, 06:04 PM
    Pete is off out to get sexy negligee
    Bit too much information there, every time I look at your avator now I`m going to have a vision of you running around the house in a baby doll nightie
    Whats wrong with that ? dont worry about my avatar, I look worse now...thanks for the thought

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    A Wake up to go ! she is in Dohar reading a book right now

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Jan 12 2006, 07:35 PM
    A Wake up to go ! she is in Dohar reading a book right now
    Pete you sound really excited! :lol:

  9. #9
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Jan 12 2006, 07:48 PM
    Pete you sound really excited! :lol:

    I am Rob, I am normally the one who is flying in, this time Im the one doing the meet and greet, I guess youre right Rob this trip is a bit special, since I have always flown to the Phils to see Gina, that is 8 times, now this the first time she is flying back to me, so I am the one who stands in the greeters area, except we are allowed inside, so yeah I guess I am excited, you know how it is Rob, it will be nice to have her back, all the guys on this forum know how crappy it is to be living without your honey, so Im sure everyone at this forum knows how happy I am.

    Anyway when I go and collect her, it kind of says " Look it really does happen" they do get their visa's and they do come to UK, it just seems to take so long for all of us, you remember that Don't you Rob, John is going through this right now, AndyPaul, deepete, one or two others, all have been going through this, and my best mate in Scotland, I remember when his lady came to Glasgow, the guy was the airport at 10.00am when her flight was due in at 1pm, talk about keen, and I will tell you all something else, no one deserved that day more than he did, her visa took 2 years and lots of visits to get her here, I never knew anyone who pesevered and had faith like Steve did, every time he took a knock from the Embassy, he fought back, because his wife had children in the Philippines there were issues about that to be sorted, but n ow the family is all together and happy, now he says it seems like a blip, and we all know it is, but when I go down there, its not just for me, its for every guy out there who goes through allt he s**t we have to go through, its a funny thing, I realized that its being in a family, we all seem to have the same problems, thats why we are on this forum, and we get a good feeling when we see this forum has helped other people like us, since my website went listing No 1 to 3 on Google, with a little help from Win2Win Racing (thanks Keith) and also from Expat Hong Kong, and Google Listings, my traffic has doubled.

    Ive had 25 unique visitors today alone, that tells a story, there are lots of people out there who need our help, I had one person hail me on Yahoo last night, Ben our new member, spent about 45 minutes answering his questions, Ive had e mails from a guy in Hampshire in last 2 days, same sort of questions, has not been to the philippines, needs help with flights to Tacloban, told him Rob is our expert on Leyte, so he will be in touch with Rob no doubt, with the increases in e mails, chat sessions, and unique page views, it proves that this forum is invaluable, all of you who contribute are doing a great job, giving your opinions, those guys who have just been out to the Philippines like Eljohno, you are the life blood of this forum since you are keeping us on the ball as regards new changes that we might not find out about.

    Those guys who are shortly to apply for UK Entry Clearance, I know some of you are, you will be able to relate those experiences so that the forum can be altered, my website can be changed to accomodate new information, lets no be like those who come here and get their girls visa, then we never see them again, if you take out of the forum, come and put some back in, so as I have said, Im happy to go and pick up my wife, but also, its a symbol of success, that says " Yep its all worthwhile, they make it to the UK" it just takes time, I know my wife is very supportive of my work on this forum and takes a keen interest in it, there is no better forum in the Whole world than FilipinoUK, the Asawa forum is ok, but it doesnt have the UK Flavour that ours does, anyway, I will settle down cos tomorrows the day, best wishes to all.


  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Im Happy for you Pete, Like you say so well it is tough to be away from your Mahal. But once you are together it means so much

    We have all faced battles and strugles, im sure the majority of us have thought why are we doing this at some point. But then you think of your Mahal and it all seems worth while.

    Thats why i am happy to try and help by sharing our experiences, as i found others both here and other sites were most helpful when we went though the Visa process.

    Now my Wife has got her self a Job im hoping to post a little article on the things we have had to do once in the UK. I did think about the future but i guess i didn't want to think to far ahead.

    When i started looking around for such info i found it very thin on the ground as Pete said most couples seem to disapear from such boards.

    Hope you both have a safe journey back from Heathrow and im sure your both have a Happy Weekend

  11. #11
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thank you Andypaul for that nice post, Im sure we will have a nice weekend,
    thanks guys for the support I always get, it makes all the difference in the world.


  12. #12
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Jan 12 2006, 11:33 PM

    When i started looking around for such info i found it very thin on the ground as Pete said most couples seem to disapear from such boards.

    I've been with my little Filipina just over ten years now, married for five of those, but I still like to give advice on related issues if and when I can. I've recently gleaned useful info off this very forum for getting a UK visa for the mother in law, and also given back on our experiences with the embassy etc, so, what goes around, comes around

  13. #13
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    you know it has been 6 weeks since i got married and being without my Asawa over Christmas time has been very hard, you try to explain to your family and friends and they do there best to understand but what is great about this forum is that alot of people have already gone through the whole visa process and know what it is like.

    So when it comes to being away from your filipino girlfriend/ wife for a period of time where better to come than here for help and understanding.

    I know pete with you the whole visa process and wedding is still quite fresh and that experince has been so helpful to me and others in trying to get our head around what is truelly involved in bringing our wives home.

    I am sure like me many did not really understand what was involved in marrying someone from the Philippines but what a wonderful blessing to have the chance to do so and no amount of headache from the British Embassy will take the shine of it.

    It is great to have people like Pauldo who has been married a while and who can also help us newly married people with what he has learnt in the last 10 years.

    Thanks once again to keith etc for making this website available......


  14. #14
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    Thanks once again to keith etc for making this website available......
    .....I luv u :o

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  15. #15
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Jan 13 2006, 09:18 PM
    .....I luv u :o

    Hello....I couldnt stay away, you all know that, I just surfaced for a quick look, I forgot what Fantasy Island was like, Gina sends her regards to all, we spent the afternoon today at IKEA hahahaha how exciting, Gina will call Ping and Elsa soon, hahahaha, Im sure there is much to catch up on, in the meantime, she is adjusting to sleep differences.

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Jan 14 2006, 10:24 PM the meantime, she is adjusting to sleep differences.
    So why does Paradise taste salty?

    Pete's Paradise.....

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