Hi everyone,
Arrived saely in Cebu at 10.00 pm. Saturday night.
Very good trip to Hong Kong despite it being with British Aiways. Only downside was I was sitting with a Belgian and an Austrian (Hear the one about the Englishman, Belgian and Austrian?) They kept trying to outdo each other - the Belgian speaking German and vise-versa. I just sat there watching movies - but at one point they remarked on 'How quiet the Englishman was' I therefore got up and said to the Austrian - in German - 'Excuse me sir I am going to the bog to puke' Then - as I passed the Belgian I said to him in French 'our German isn't up to much is it?'
Lovely to wind up Nerds like that! Really cheered me up!
H.K. to Manila was the usual immaculate Cathay Pacific service.
Had to wait in Manila a few hours before catching one of Cebu Pacific's beautiful airbuses to Cebu.
What a pity CP's ground staff aren't as good as their in flight staff.
Spotty nerk at the check-in told me I had excess baggage. I didn't 'cos I checked in UK. He told me 120 pesos - went to pay and then found it was 136 pesos. That's bloody 2,350,000% inflation per annum by my reckoning.
Touched down in Cebu at 9.40 pm. and met Hanna!!!!!
We are staying in Cebu City for a few days - then going to Dumaguete on Friday and then - who knows?
Writing this from a cafe at Ayala Mall at the mo. Anyone around? My cellphone number is:
(Keith - am I disguising this enough?)
It starts with a 0 followed by a 9 - then put in 205. Have a rest then do a 9 and a 7. Make a cuppa, come back and try 5 and a zero then a nine and finish with a 2.
God bless you all,
Al ( AND HANNA!! YEAH!!!!!)![]()