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Thread: Moving to Manil - Working for UK Company - requirements?

  1. #1
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    Moving to Manil - Working for UK Company - requirements?

    Hi folks!!

    First time post here and need some careful advice on visa implications for this Xmas. I have been travelling to and fro from Manila now since 2004 as my partner, a native Filipino is based there. We intend to get married in December 2008 but I would like to get a job secured there before hand. This is proving difficult to do -a lot of companies have shown interest but none yet have so far shown their hand.

    My existing company have offered me the opportunity to work remotely which I would now like to do. I would do my usual work through laptop and mobile phone etc. from my apartment in Ortigas and get paid into my UK bank account. I would not be working for a Filipino business or doing business in the Filipino economy so my interpretation is that I can stay on a tourist visa until I get married and have it extended for up to one year or until I get married and then move to the normal non-quota immigrant visa.

    Can anybody tell me if this is right or do I need a business declaration even through I would not be doing "business in the Philippines"?

    If I extend my visa can I simply say leisure instead of business? Also my flight is scheduled for Dec 14th 2007 to Jan 2nd 2008, would I need to change the departure date to take my extension into account or just leave it as is and buy a flight out of the country later to say somewhere like Hong Kong?

    If anybody can shed light on how to work this I would be most grateful as I have 11 weeks to get my backside into gear!

    PS I own an apt in Ortigas in my name if this helps anyone, my passport is valid until 2011, I have a clean bill of health and also clean police record and I am a UK citizen.


  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    In my opinion you should just go ahead and work as planned on your Tourist visa..If you declare anything at immigration you are just setting your self up for a very bumpy ride here..
    After you get married you can apply immediately for a resident visa which allows you to work ..
    Don't worry about it..
    Most guys working remotley here are doing exactly the same.

  3. #3
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    Hi Fred

    Thanks for the advice - I suspected that would be the case

    Can you help me out though on extending my visa? My current flight arrangements are based on going out on Dec 14th and returning on Jan 2nd - do i need to go back to KLM and change my flight to a year later or just leave it as is?

    My thinking on this is when I go down to have my tourist visa extended I need to probably show valid flight documents and the first extension requirements is likely to be beyond Jan 2nd


  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Im certain that you will have no problem getting your visa extended..
    In this instance(if it was me) I would suggest you give your passport to a reputable travel agent in Makati after arriving and let them sort it out for a smallish fee.
    If you want peace of mind right now though,get a 59 day visa from the R.P embassy sometime before you leave.

  5. #5
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    How do you get a 59 day visa sorted? I visited the RP Site and it states:

    "Completed Non-Immigrant Visa application form

    2. Passport valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines and a photocopy of its data page

    3. Proof of financial capability to assure the maintenance of bona fide tourist status during the intended stay in the Philippines (e.g. certificate of bank deposits, pension benefits, or employment certificates)

    4. Proof of address (e.g. utility bills)

    5. In case of businessmen, letter from sponsoring firm in the Philippines or in the UK stating the purpose of visit

    6. One (1) passport photograph (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)

    7. Other documents that may be required by the consular officer"

    I am also based in Belfast which makes it next to impossible to go there in person as it based in London. Is this really needed for a 59 day visa? Makes me think about what documents I should bring with me to get my visa extended when I am in Manila.

    Am I right on the above Fred?

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusD View Post
    How do you get a 59 day visa sorted? I visited the RP Site and it states:

    "Completed Non-Immigrant Visa application form

    2. Passport valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines and a photocopy of its data page

    3. Proof of financial capability to assure the maintenance of bona fide tourist status during the intended stay in the Philippines (e.g. certificate of bank deposits, pension benefits, or employment certificates)

    4. Proof of address (e.g. utility bills)

    5. In case of businessmen, letter from sponsoring firm in the Philippines or in the UK stating the purpose of visit

    6. One (1) passport photograph (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)

    7. Other documents that may be required by the consular officer"

    I am also based in Belfast which makes it next to impossible to go there in person as it based in London. Is this really needed for a 59 day visa? Makes me think about what documents I should bring with me to get my visa extended when I am in Manila.

    Am I right on the above Fred?

    Personally I think you should get this all done in Manila via an agent.

    NOTE: If you intend to stay in the Philippines longer than twenty-one (21) days, a visa must be secured. A fifty-nine(59) day visa can be obtained at the Philippine Consular Office which has jurisdiction over your area before traveling to the Philippines. If you are already in the Philippines, you may file for a 38-day visa waiver (entry 21 days + 38 day waiver = 59 days). Visa waivers are issued at the Bureau of Immigration, in Intramuros, Manila before the expiration date of your authorized stay or with one of their sub-ports in these cities throughout the Philippines.

    If not your other option is to Apply by post from Ireland.

    Applications Filed by Post
    B1. Applications filed by post should be accompanied by a registered self-addressed envelope so that documents can be mailed back to applicants.

    B2. Payments should be made either in British postal money order or bank draft (payable to the Philippine Embassy). Personal cheques are not accepted.

    B3. Only applications with complete requirements will be processed.

    B4. Applications filed by post must be notarized by a notary public or any
    commissioner of oath.

    B5. Follow-ups should only be made one week after the application was

    B6. Processing of mailed-in application takes three (3) working days from the date of receipt of application.
    Make sure that all entries in the form are completely filled in.
    Forms are available at the Philippine Embassy or may be downloaded from its website at (All forms are in PDF format)

    Walk-in applicants may file applications during Embassy office hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Mondays thru Fridays, except during Philippine national holidays and UK bank holidays.

    The following requirements must be submitted when applying for this type of visa:
    • Duly-accomplished visa application (F.A. Form 2). Application forms that are incompletely filled-out will be returned to the applicant.
    • Valid passport (the original passport itself must be submitted) whose validity must extend at least six (6) months beyond the length of proposed stay in the Philippines.
    • One 2" x 2" size photograph taken within the last six (6) months. The applicant’s signature must be affixed on the front side of the picture.
    • A photocopy of the applicant’s airline ticket or confirmed travel itinerary
    • Proof of financial capacity (e.g. travellers cheques, latest print-out of credit card account(s), latest print-out of bank statements, ownership of real estate properties, and other documents showing the applicant’s capacity to financially support himself/herself during his/her stay in the Philippines)
    • If applicant is not appearing in person before the Consular Officer, the application form must be notarized by a local notary public.
    • Visa Application Fee

  7. #7
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    Thanks Fred - very comprehensive - I think i will go for the extension when i am there. i arrive on Dec 15th so the first day to do this is Dec 17th - is this enough time before they close for Xmas if I use the express lane in Intramouros?

    My partner's cousin is travel agent and she just did their mother's visa to Australia last week so I will use her for extensions after Christmas - I suspect I will have to go straight to the Immigration Office on dec 17th to get it done in time for Xmas.

    Just a few things I need to know that I wasn't sure from your post.

    I have done a lot of research but I am not clear on what docs I need when extending a visa - is this the same as when you first apply for a visa?

    Since my ticket is Valid Until Jan 2nd the first extension should be fine? What do I need to bring to the Intramouros office to get my initial 38 day visa waiver?

    I am presuming every time I extend my visa I must have a valid outbound ticket or is this just when you enter the country as a tourist?

    All these questions - feel like such a newbie! lol

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusD View Post
    Thanks Fred - very comprehensive - I think i will go for the extension when i am there. i arrive on Dec 15th so the first day to do this is Dec 17th - is this enough time before they close for Xmas if I use the express lane in Intramouros?
    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusD View Post

    My partner's cousin is travel agent and she just did their mother's visa to Australia last week so I will use her for extensions after Christmas - I suspect I will have to go straight to the Immigration Office on dec 17th to get it done in time for Xmas.

    Just a few things I need to know that I wasn't sure from your post.

    I have done a lot of research but I am not clear on what docs I need when extending a visa - is this the same as when you first apply for a visa?

    Since my ticket is Valid Until Jan 2nd the first extension should be fine? What do I need to bring to the Intramouros office to get my initial 38 day visa waiver?

    I am presuming every time I extend my visa I must have a valid outbound ticket or is this just when you enter the country as a tourist?

    All these questions - feel like such a newbie! lol
    just take your passport with you and ready with your money to pay for the extension of your visa.

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post

    just take your passport with you and ready with your money to pay for the extension of your visa.
    Yes its true..
    Take your passport along with you and dont forget your most important documents..MONEY!!

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ...and plenty of brown envelopes....
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    hehe I am a newbie but not that much of a newbie - brown envelopes all the way me thinks! Anyhow my partner just rang to tell me her cousin will process my visa in 2 days - she owns a travel agency in Makati for 3500p all in, which ain't bad.

    Thanks guys for all your help!!! By the way my work is UK recruitment and export marketing and part of my time there will be researching the OFW market and making a business proposal for our company to setup a training centre in Manila to place local graduates in management roles with training and support in conjunction with the Asian development Bank funding. Northern Ireland had a similar brain drain 20 years ago which we solved through a similar model.

    Any takers? lol

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusD View Post
    hehe I am a newbie but not that much of a newbie - brown envelopes all the way me thinks! Anyhow my partner just rang to tell me her cousin will process my visa in 2 days - she owns a travel agency in Makati for 3500p all in, which ain't bad.

    Thanks guys for all your help!!! By the way my work is UK recruitment and export marketing and part of my time there will be researching the OFW market and making a business proposal for our company to setup a training centre in Manila to place local graduates in management roles with training and support in conjunction with the Asian development Bank funding. Northern Ireland had a similar brain drain 20 years ago which we solved through a similar model.

    Any takers? lol

    I kind of guessed you are not a "newbe" when you mentioned that you bought a condo here..
    Good to hear you found your agent BTW..
    I live not a million miles from Makati..So if you wanna share some SMB`s or a bottle of Matador ..Give me a buzz.

  13. #13
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    Good idea Fred - working from home will allow the odd beer or two in January hehe!

    I am actually based in Ortigas on the riverfront near the C5. We are there because my partner's son is going to Ateneo and their family is on San Tolan just off Greenhills. I used to B&B it just outside Greenhills before buying the condo.

    Going to need help buying a reliable used car from somewhere so any help is great. Can you get finance on a tourist visa?

    PM me with your contact details and I will drop you a line when I get sorted after the xmas holiday's.

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Hi Marcus..We live in Cavite which is motor city..
    We bought our unit from our friend/neighbour who is in the business.
    I`ll send you my details presently..
    Finance may well be an issue for a tourist but I'm not 100% sure.. HSBC for example will not even allow you to open a Peso account unless you are a permanent resident..Many local banks are the same.

  15. #15
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    Hey fred i don't think this forum does pm? Yeah I tried HSBC 2 years ago and they said the same as what you said. My partner has a few local accounts if I need to store local currency but I wont worry about that just yet. I have a nationwide account that I can sue to take out money from ATM's without paying a fee and its probably safer in a UK account anyway lol.

    I think though even though I am working remote I will end up looking for a local position for 2009 - you never know when the UK company will have a change of direction and remote workers will get the chop first if that was the case.

    Whats the best way to contact details?

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Hi Marcus.. Email me at

    Obviously..Change the AT to @ !!

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    Fred - sent you email to your yahoo account - hope you got it cheers, Marcus

  18. #18
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Yes Marcus..Read it a earlier..
    I`ll email you soon..


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