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Thread: Can the ECO Check my Bank Balance?

  1. #1
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    Can the ECO Check my Bank Balance?

    Does the ECO have the right to look into your bank Balance when he/she is reviewing your application? I mean of course they have my bank statements but can they all call up my bank to see what my balance is at the time the ECO assess my application too?

  2. #2
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    I would say no, they don't have that right.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i would say yes they can, read the declaration you signed on the VAF4 form.

    I understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have
    provided and documents I have submitted with this application. I further understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may also make
    reasonable checks on any sponsors to my application to verify statements contained in the application and establish that I will comply or have complied
    with the terms of any visa granted.

    also i've seen on a TV program where they british embassy in India phoned the bank of someone who was applying for a visa to confirm their details and balance.
    i know the taxman uses credit agencies..

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i would say yes they can, read the declaration you signed on the VAF4 form.

    I understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have
    provided and documents I have submitted with this application. I further understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may also make
    reasonable checks on any sponsors to my application to verify statements contained in the application and establish that I will comply or have complied
    with the terms of any visa granted.

    also i've seen on a TV program where they british embassy in India phoned the bank of someone who was applying for a visa to confirm their details and balance.

    i know the taxman uses credit agencies..
    1] WOW

    2] But credit agencies don't know what's in your account. Not the actual sums?

  5. #5
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    I doubt they can phone up for your balance.

    It's hard enough doing that yourself !

    Pretty meaningless anyway, as it can change so much from day to day....whereas, printed statements give an overall picture of the state of your finances and confirm regular incomings and outgoings.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I doubt they can phone up for your balance.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they did have powers under suspicion of terrorism or money laundering activities. I doubt if they are as thorough at the Islamabad High Commission

  7. #7
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    As far as I know, the credit agencies can check the state of your account in terms of an overdraft, but don't have access to information on the sums in your account. As they are credit agencies.

    This link gives us a bit of a guide on what credit agencies can get access to.....

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    border agency and HMRC.
    also if you look in the guidance manuals for immigration staff, parts of the text have been removed and replaced with something like 'restricted access'

  9. #9
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    It's a complex situation with a number of protocols that need compliance
    Both UKBA and HMRC have authority to undertake "status verification". But they have no mandate to demand personal information nor to demand any specific 'unknown data'.
    Basically it covers establishing whether or not a document (bank statement) presented to them is accurate or has been altered.

    So for example, they can ask the bank to confirm if an amount of £xxxx was paid into a specific account number on a specific date. The bank is allowed to confirm or deny.
    It's just a verification.
    The bank will not divulge information, only confirm or deny very specific information that has been presented to the authorities as accurate and true.

  10. #10
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    OK thanks, so if I go out and buy that new TV, hence my bank balance is reduced, the ECO phones up my bank and asks what my current balance is, sees that its less than it was on the application, then denies the application

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    OK thanks, so if I go out and buy that new TV, hence my bank balance is reduced, the ECO phones up my bank and asks what my current balance is, sees that its less than it was on the application, then denies the application
    NO! yellowcloud
    They can only get verification on the information you supplied.
    Current balance (ie July 18 2012) is not allowed to be asked or given.
    If you supplied a bank statement to UKBA that showed a balance £100 on April 20th 2012 they can ask for confirmation of that.

    They cannot ask about you 'current balance' . They can only request verification that the balance on the date of xxxxx was ££xxxxx
    They cannot ask for nor be informed about 'unknown personal information'

  12. #12
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    I understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may make reasonable checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence I have
    provided and documents I have submitted with this application. I further understand that UK Border Agency (or a trusted third party) may also make
    reasonable checks on any sponsors to my application to verify statements contained in the application and establish that I will comply or have complied
    with the terms of any visa granted.
    Yes but it was my Fiance who signed that, not me? and they are my bank statements. How can the ECO call and get informaiton about my current account when I have not signed anything to say that they can make checks to confirm the accuracy and authenticity of evidence?

    Also I just called my bank and they said they will not give any information out to anyone, even a government body.

    NO! yellowcloud
    They can only get verification on the information you supplied.
    Current balance (ie July 18 2012) is not allowed to be asked or given.
    If you supplied a bank statement to UKBA that showed a balance £100 on April 20th 2012 they can ask for confirmation of that.

    They cannot ask about you 'current balance' . They can only request verification that the balance on the date of xxxxx was ££xxxxx
    They cannot ask for nor be informed about 'unknown personal information'
    Terpe, ahhh thanks for that. There was me being stressed out about what if my bank balance changes between the application date and the day the ECO reviews the application and the ECO phones up my bank and get my current balance etc. How did you find that out Terpe? I really appreciate it.

    Wel there was two different answers there on this thread, but good to sort it all out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post

    Also I just called my bank and they said they will not give any information out to anyone, even a government body.

    I had a similar conversation with my bank a couple of years ago....

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post

    Wel there was two different answers there on this thread, but good to sort it all out.
    Thats what a forum is all about.....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    ....Terpe, ahhh thanks for that. There was me being stressed out about what if my bank balance changes between the application date and the day the ECO reviews the application and the ECO phones up my bank and get my current balance etc. How did you find that out Terpe? I really appreciate it.
    I worked for the Civil Service from 2003 until 2010
    Both HMRC and UKBA.
    I can only guess current protocols as I'm clearly out of date and most of my peers have left the dept.
    But I do know how to research and how to understand the government gobblydegook.
    Besides which the legal aspects very rarely change.

    The questions you raise are all good and will certainly be helpful to our fellow forumers

    But If I'm honest for you, better you would have asked them before making your application

    But, in summary yellowcloud. The bank will not divulge information.
    They will only confirm or deny very specific 'status verification' indicated by authorised bodies.

  16. #16
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    I worked for the Civil Service from 2003 until 2010
    Both HMRC and UKBA.
    I can only guess current protocols as I'm clearly out of date and most of my peers have left the dept.
    But I do know how to research and how to understand the government gobblydegook.
    Besides which the legal aspects very rarely change.

    The questions you raise are all good and will certainly be helpful to our fellow forumers

    But If I'm honest for you, better you would have asked them before making your application
    Thanks Terpe, so you are pretty certain that the ECO can not phone up to check what my bank balance is when he checks the application? ie he checks the application tomorrow, he cant call my bank up and say "please tell me the current balance today?"

    Yes these questions I just never thought of before the application, like there was a Million things to think of and that was just one of them that didn't come to mind at the time. I wish it had :( but its useful information to others too though and for me now as now.

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    Reminds me of when I worked at the dole office and the CID would phone up to say they were looking for 'so and so'.

    We weren't permitted to give out confidential information about claimants even to the police, but we could always say that they might happen across their man if they happened to be outside our door at about 10.15 am on Tuesday.

    Also, we knew who had been in jail because it was clearly marked on their National Insurance contribution record....'HMP' for any periods of incarceration at 'Her Majesty's Pleasure'.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I worked for the Civil Service from 2003 until 2010 Both HMRC and UKBA.
    Thats a bit of a stark change - from Engineer to HMRC and UKBA.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    he cant call my bank up and say "please tell me the current balance today?"
    No, to the best of my knowledge that is still not allowed.
    It is not a specific question.
    The bank is under regulation not to reply

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Thats a bit of a stark change - from Engineer to HMRC and UKBA.....
    Yes it is.
    There is a very personal story that caused me to quit my career.
    Upon returning to UK I thought I would secure employment very easily. How wrong I was!!
    Additionally I wanted a job that I felt was ethical.
    I would not accept anything that involved telling "untruths".
    Despite what many here might think HMRC and UKBA are (were) very ethical employers. Besides which they do not demand specialist qualifications as they have their own internal examinations.
    The pay is crap but the potential rewards (and pensions) are very good (imo)
    I have no regrets

  21. #21
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    Thats Terpe, very helpful, really appreciate your knowledge and taking the time to reply and I hope others are helped by that too. I don't need to be stressing about my balance being a lower or more etc everyday now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Yes it is.
    There is a very personal story that caused me to quit my career.
    Upon returning to UK I thought I would secure employment very easily. How wrong I was!!
    Additionally I wanted a job that I felt was ethical.
    I would not accept anything that involved telling "untruths".
    Despite what many here might think HMRC and UKBA are (were) very ethical employers. Besides which they do not demand specialist qualifications as they have their own internal examinations.
    The pay is crap but the potential rewards (and pensions) are very good (imo)
    I have no regrets
    I can relate to that with my time in the oil industry....telling porkies on one's employer's behalf can be stressful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Thats Terpe, very helpful, really appreciate your knowledge and taking the time to reply and I hope others are helped by that too. I don't need to be stressing about my balance being a lower or more etc everyday now.
    yellowcloud, actually balances change almost everyday.
    Please rest assured neither UKBA or any other government agency (apart from the Official Receiver) can access your current personal details.

    Of course UKBA can make verification checks during their processing. It depends just how smart they are at asking questions outside of your submitted documents.

    But normally you shouldn't worry about such things.
    Of course if you have deliberately deceived UKBA in a major way and they discover that, then you may be in some deep doo-doo
    But a normally changing bank balance does not enter into that equation. Your submitted bank statements can be up to 28 days out of date and still be OK for visa purposes.
    Just relax

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    yellowcloud, I sincerely hope all goes well for well you.
    We all know your situation is marginal, but I'm sure we ALL pray for your positive outcome.
    Take care

  25. #25
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    Here is a clip of UK border TV Show someone mentioned and at the 17.50min mark is where the ECO phones up an applicants bank!. I was amazed that the ECO asked what the balance was on a particular day. I couldn't believe that.

    Terpe, thanks so much for your encouragement and help. Its invaluable.
    Believe you me, my Fiance and I when we speak everyday we pray together that we will get to be together again.

    The waiting is terrible, its been over 28 days now, its been 6 weeks and thats why I was worried as my bank balance has been up and down so was worried when the ECO actually gets around to checking the application my balance is less than it was in the bank statements and he refuses the application. Ohh we would NEVER do anything wrong no way....we are just two honest, genuine people who just want to be back together again and have a family life together here. Nothing more.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Here is a clip of UK border TV Show someone mentioned and at the 17.50min mark is where the ECO phones up an applicants bank!. I was amazed that the ECO asked what the balance was on a particular day. I couldn't believe that.

    Terpe, thanks so much for your encouragement and help. Its invaluable.
    Believe you me, my Fiance and I when we speak everyday we pray together that we will get to be together again.

    The waiting is terrible, its been over 28 days now, its been 6 weeks and thats why I was worried as my bank balance has been up and down so was worried when the ECO actually gets around to checking the application my balance is less than it was in the bank statements and he refuses the application. Ohh we would NEVER do anything wrong no way....we are just two honest, genuine people who just want to be back together again and have a family life together here. Nothing more.
    The ECO didn't ask for the balance. She asked if a certain transaction took place that matched one in the statement.

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    sorry its at 16.50mins, she said the bank would send her a copy of his bank statement when she went to tell the ECO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    sorry its at 16.50mins, she said the bank would send her a copy of his bank statement when she went to tell the ECO.
    Thats in India, Delhi. Different data protection laws I would imagine?

  29. #29
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Does the ECO have the right to look into your bank Balance when he/she is reviewing your application? I mean of course they have my bank statements but can they all call up my bank to see what my balance is at the time the ECO assess my application too?
    I think they can only verify that the account exist, like a credit check...but they cannot access the account.
    good luck with your fiance's visa .
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  30. #30
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    not time to read all this, but as i think terpe has said, they can phone the bank and ask them to confirm a transaction,(how else can they verify a bank-statement is not fake ! ) as for your current balance they can ask for an up to date bank statement (less than 30 days old, which what happened to us when i applied for a visa for my stepson)

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