for those who are working here full time/part time it proper to askthe employer for more working hours that what it states on your employee contract
any inputs
for those who are working here full time/part time it proper to askthe employer for more working hours that what it states on your employee contract
any inputs
A place for everything, everything in its place.
Did I miss something here Moy?? Did you get that Job?
Are congratulations in order?
Any excuse to crack open a bottle
My wife has a contract for 26 hours
Last week she actually worked 55 hours
I just cannot understand why these days so many people just don't turn up for work and seem to get away with
Or why so many sick days still get taken regularly on weekends.![]()
About the extra time. Yes. Just ask.
Are you working in the bakery? if so then cakes all round by post?![]()
Clotted cream scones? Whats that yellow stuff drizzled on the top of the cream?
Congrats Moy for getting a job! I quit working before summer time as I had enough..Lol!
I am studying at the moment, I really want to get an office job so I am pursuing my UK qualification. Yes, you can ask your employer they actually like it. Just say, you are available this day and nothing to do if they need someone to do overtime/ extra hours you are quite happy to do it.
I'm proud of you Moy
Well done
Go girl![]()
all the best with the job Ros![]()
Hi Moy, Yes you can actually ask your employer for more hours if you want to. I was on bank hours per week before but now full time on contract 40 hours a week, but worked 58 hours last week! I know! I'm becoming workaholic nowbut good money
dont work too much Ros or you'll be earning too much and not get any benefitsor worse not see your kids much
Congrats MOy!!
yes you can ask for a more flexible and long hours,...i am on 20 hours contract but it seems i am always on 30 to 30hrs these days
anyway, you will feel good once you get your first pay![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
thanks sars but i am slight confuse as on my employee contract and the amount of work i done doesnt tally lolzis that normal?? is like the hour i got in my contract is really less compare to what i really done on my time sheet with the clock card of they refer that when its pay know am just but concern as its a first time work here and dunno what whats
if you know what am saying
A place for everything, everything in its place.
For any extra hours you should be remunerated for that, there should be an overtime rate in your contract
sometimes its not worth doing extra hours, because you end up with very little extra, as the tax man wants most of it, no wonder the economy sufferstheres no incentive
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