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Thread: The Catholic Bishops Conference say they have got the RH Bill sewn up - depressing...

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    About 19 / 20 minutes in, on remedies, is quite alarming. Pampa Regla to control pregnancies. Right outside the church.....
    That church porch is actually well known as the place to go to for "medicines to regulate menstruation". It's the Church of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo.

  2. #32
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    "“Pampa Regla" a potion sold outside the entrance to the Quiapo Church in Manila Philippines is used to induce abortions. The Catholic church forbids the use of contraceptives and the country outlaws abortion. With a population of 96 million and growing the Philippines is the world’s 12th-largest country."

    In the Philippines, a country of 96 million people, access to birth control is mostly limited to those with the means to buy it. A “reproductive health bill" in the national legislature seeks to change that: It calls for public education about contraceptives and government subsidies to make them available to everyone."

  3. #33
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    Many of us know Quiapo as the place where there are a lot of bus terminals - it's not the nicest part of Manila and you need to be very alert if you are a foreigner there. Indeed it probably is not a place where a foreigner should go on his, let alone her, own.

    The Wikipedia entry even mentions the stuff sold outside the church... everybody knows that is the place to go for
    these "medicines"

    Two products sold outside the church...

    The pills are said to be "more reliable" - those in the picture appear to be genuine, or at least the packaging is right.

  4. #34
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    Quiapo. Seems to be a place of contradictions....

  5. #35
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    A woman who takes such preparations is obviously risking her life but she is also risking arrest if she goes to hospital after taking them... some bleed to death, instead.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Quiapo. Seems to be a place of contradictions....
    Let's say, a place where there is a long tradition of commercial enterprise, and where anything can be bought and sold...certainly including the lives of your enemies...

    There are times when Manila reminds me of Terry Pratchett's Ankh-Morpork - the Pasig river is just about as polluted as the Ankh..

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    "The basic content of the Consolidated Reproductive Health Bill is divided into the following sections.
    Declaration of Policy
    Guiding Principles
    Definition of Terms
    Midwives for Skilled Attendance
    Emergency Obstetric Care
    Access to Family Planning
    Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situations
    Maternal Death Review
    Family Planning Supplies as Essential Medicines
    Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies
    Integration of Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood Component in Anti-Poverty Programs
    Roles of Local Government in Family Planning Programs
    Benefits for Serious and Life-Threatening Reproductive Health Conditions
    Mobile Health Care Service
    Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education
    Additional Duty of the Local Population Officer
    Certificate of Compliance
    Capability Building of Barangay Health Workers
    Ideal Family Size
    Employers’ Responsibilities
    Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women
    Sexual And Reproductive Health Programs For Persons With Disabilities (PWDs)
    Right to Reproductive Health Care Information
    Implementing Mechanisms
    Reporting Requirements
    Congressional Oversight Committee
    Prohibited Acts
    Implementing Rules and Regulations
    Separability Clause
    Repealing Clause

    Summary of major provisions
    The bill mandates the government to “promote, without bias, all effective natural and modern methods of family planning that are medically safe and legal.”
    Although abortion is recognized as illegal and punishable by law, the bill states that “the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner.”
    The bill calls for a “multi-dimensional approach” integrates a component of family planning and responsible parenthood into all government anti-poverty programs.
    Under the bill, age-appropriate reproductive health and sexuality education is required from grade five to fourth year high school using “life-skills and other approaches.”
    The bill also mandates the Department of Labor and Employment to guarantee the reproductive health rights of its female employees. Companies with less than 200 workers are required to enter into partnership with health care providers in their area for the delivery of reproductive health services.
    Employers with more than 200 employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. Those with less than 200 workers shall enter into partnerships with health professionals for the delivery of reproductive health services. Employers shall inform employees of the availability of family planning services. They are also obliged to monitor pregnant working employees among their workforce and ensure they are provided paid half-day prenatal medical leaves for each month of the pregnancy period that they are employed.
    The national government and local governments will ensure the availability of reproductive health care services, including family planning and prenatal care.
    Any person or public official who prohibits or restricts the delivery of legal and medically safe reproductive health care services will be meted penalty by imprisonment or a fine.
    Thank you for that Lastlid...that's the first time I've read it

    They certainly are starting from ground zero

    I absolutely agree with the bill, really I do and the need to get it through as soon as possible but, where on earth is the funding gonna come from?...if this situation had been in the west taxes would be raised and that would be it...we'd probably suffer with fewer holidays real big deal...not so in the phils..most employees have just enough money to pay bills and put food on the table.

    Perhaps tax the remittances pouring into the country every second of the day...that from what I see is there main growth industry.

    No wonder its taken 10ys to dates to get thus far...its a pipe dream....I really cant see it happening.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Thank you for that Lastlid...that's the first time I've read it

    They certainly are starting from ground zero

    I absolutely agree with the bill, really I do and the need to get it through as soon as possible but, where on earth is the funding gonna come from?...if this situation had been in the west taxes would be raised and that would be it...we'd probably suffer with fewer holidays real big deal...not so in the phils..most employees have just enough money to pay bills and put food on the table.

    Perhaps tax the remittances pouring into the country every second of the day...that from what I see is there main growth industry.

    No wonder its taken 10ys to dates to get thus far...its a pipe dream....I really cant see it happening.
    Turn that on its head. Can they afford not would pay for itself a million times over.

  9. #39
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    Unfortunately there are several inter-related threads concerning the RH Bill, health of mums and kids, and malnutrition in filipino kids. This does make it difficult for interested members to keep up . Rather than offer further internet links, here is my opinion – ONLY an opinion, and already stated - about health of mums and kids and how it may be improved in the Philippines. This is in addition to family planning.
    • Spend more of the GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) on a better coordinated and locally available health service.
    • More health insurance.
    • Train – and retain in the Philippines - more specialist doctors. There are enough nurses/midwives.
    • Vaccinations – routine use of rotavirus vaccine ( already planned ) to reduce childhood diarrhoea cases ; pneumococcal vaccine for childhood pneumonia ; BCG for tuberculosis ; hepatitis B vaccine ( prevents commonest form of hepatitis and liver cancer in later life ); vaccines for other childhood infections such as measles ; HPV ( human papilloma virus ) vaccine for 12-13 year old female teenagers ( prevents adult cervical cancer ; cervical screening still necessary). Dengue vaccine – not yet available ; rabies vaccine should be more readily available. Polio has been eradicated ; AIDS and malaria – no vaccines yet, but not major problems.
    • Health and Safety – reduce chances of serious injuries, whether on the roads, as a result of “ natural disasters “, or in the home.
    • Better / earlier diagnosis and treatment of congenital abnormalities.
    • Malnutrition – many factors inter-relate here :- cost and knowledge about healthy / unhealthy foods. Teenage mums especially have poor eating habits, together with smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking illicit drugs.
    • Obesity – ironically, also a problem which leads to adult health risks similar to those in the UK. Screening for diabetes is cheap.
    • Cataracts – simply and effectively treated – are a major problem. Poor nutrition, measles, and prematurity are others affecting eyesight.
    • Better dental care – for a start, regular brushing of teeth with fluoridated toothpaste.
    • Obviously some – maybe most - of this is wishful thinking, but it concerns all of us with connections to the country.

  10. #40
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    In decades goverment is interested in investing in long term goals like that.....look at our outdated railways...compared to the French system, its a disgrace....all thanks to the 5 year terms in office.

    What are the figures being banded about to get bill up and running?....I see what benefits the bill will bring etc but no costings....really, this is bad some stuff about funding Lastlid...I await

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    In decades goverment is interested in investing in long term goals like that.....look at our outdated railways...compared to the French system, its a disgrace....all thanks to the 5 year terms in office.

    What are the figures being banded about to get bill up and running?....I see what benefits the bill will bring etc but no costings....really, this is bad some stuff about funding Lastlid...I await
    They will have to find the money. Cant afford not to.

    The RH Bill is the start....a prerequisite.

  12. #42
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    Worth taking out a loan for......

    "Mr. Aquino should know that the RH Bill, if it becomes a law, will help solve a lot of his -- and his successors’ -- fiscal woes. All of a sudden, budget deficits will become manageable, the likelihood of an investment upgrade improved, more funds will be freed up for much needed public infrastructure, and growth will be sustainable as the poor will rely less on the thinning forests for their sources of energy.
    If RH bill becomes a law, less public funds will be needed to support the revenue-draining conditional cash transfer (CCT) program. It will mean giving conditional cash assistance to a few million less poor Filipinos.

    "All these fiscal and economic benefits from the RH bill will not happen overnight. But they will surely change, for the better, the country’s fiscal outlook, its people’s welfare, and the environment in the long run."

  13. #43
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    And more from the Bishops..

    "Contraception is Corruption"

    and the winner:

    "Say No to Safe Sex!"

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    And more from the Bishops..

    "Contraception is Corruption"

    and the winner:

    "Say No to Safe Sex!"
    How about "Say no to safe sex. You know it makes sense."

  15. #45
    Respected Member Arjie's Avatar
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    As a Filipino Citizen

    Philippine should pass the RH Bill..

    The catholic church should not interfere with the government implementation of the RH Bill. Despite claiming "separation of church and state" the church has been very vocal in its decision to vote down the RH Bill. I think the RH Bill is good for the people of the Philippines. Education on family planning, availability of family planning devices and facilities for the promotion of family planning should be installed in place so that the vast majority of the people will know how to and access devices for family planning. I have seen many young women having a child and unable to attend school. They should know what to do to avoid getting pregnant.

    Will the church take care of all the illegitimate children because the RH Bill will not passed because of their strong opposition? The RH Bill is aimed to avoiud population explosion. Hope it pass in both the House of Representatives and Senate to become the law of the land.
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  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arjie View Post
    As a Filipino Citizen

    Philippine should pass the RH Bill..

    The catholic church should not interfere with the government implementation of the RH Bill. Despite claiming "separation of church and state" the church has been very vocal in its decision to vote down the RH Bill. I think the RH Bill is good for the people of the Philippines. Education on family planning, availability of family planning devices and facilities for the promotion of family planning should be installed in place so that the vast majority of the people will know how to and access devices for family planning. I have seen many young women having a child and unable to attend school. They should know what to do to avoid getting pregnant.

    Will the church take care of all the illegitimate children because the RH Bill will not passed because of their strong opposition? The RH Bill is aimed to avoiud population explosion. Hope it pass in both the House of Representatives and Senate to become the law of the land.
    Bravo! Well said!

  17. #47
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    We had a Bishop on TV educating us as to why the R.P has not really suffered the world economic crisis and how it has never had an effect on the local economy as it has in most of the west..
    He said that its because of the large amounts of the local population that are going abroad as OFW`s and sending just about all of it back to the P.I.. Family planning could put a stop to that eventually,he reckons.
    Sounds pretty factual stuff to me...
    Twisted facts yes..But facts none the less.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    We had a Bishop on TV educating us as to why the R.P has not really suffered the world economic crisis and how it has never had an effect on the local economy as it has in most of the west..
    He said that its because of the large amounts of the local population that are going abroad as OFW`s and sending just about all of it back to the P.I.. Family planning could put a stop to that eventually,he reckons.
    Sounds pretty factual stuff to me...
    Twisted facts yes..But facts none the less.
    Twisted facts, in the "classic" manner.

    The Bishop is "boiling frogs" - warm the water uo slowly and the frog won't jump out, but will stay in the pan and be boiled to death, because it does not realise what is happening.

    He conveniently forgot to mention that Filipinos don't want to work abroad, away from their familes, and only do so because there is no work for them at home.

    He forgot to mention family break ups due to overseas working.

    He forgot to mention that the Philippines GDP per head is much less than that of China and Thailand, both of which had lower GDP per head than the Philippines twenty years ago, but which have controlled their population growth.

    He forgot to mention that, because of the lack of birth control availability and the lack of sex education at school, the Philippines has a much higher rate of teenage pregnancy (the highest in SE Asia) and a much higher rate of abortions than the UK does.

    The Bishop is relying on most Filipinos not realising that their nation could be different.

    Incidentally I remember the 1997 economic crisis -the effect on the Philippines was considerable. The reason there is so little effect this time is that the Philippines exports so few manufactured goods - most exports are agricultural products to the USA.

  19. #49
    Respected Member Arjie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    Twisted facts, in the "classic" manner.

    The Bishop is "boiling frogs" - warm the water uo slowly and the frog won't jump out, but will stay in the pan and be boiled to death, because it does not realise what is happening.

    He conveniently forgot to mention that Filipinos don't want to work abroad, away from their familes, and only do so because there is no work for them at home.

    He forgot to mention family break ups due to overseas working.

    He forgot to mention that the Philippines GDP per head is much less than that of China and Thailand, both of which had lower GDP per head than the Philippines twenty years ago, but which have controlled their population growth.

    He forgot to mention that, because of the lack of birth control availability and the lack of sex education at school, the Philippines has a much higher rate of teenage pregnancy (the highest in SE Asia) and a much higher rate of abortions than the UK does.

    The Bishop is relying on most Filipinos not realising that their nation could be different.

    Incidentally I remember the 1997 economic crisis -the effect on the Philippines was considerable. The reason there is so little effect this time is that the Philippines exports so few manufactured goods - most exports are agricultural products to the USA.

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  20. #50
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    just like the divorce bill, i dont think the RH bill will push through in the near future...CBP will always be a part of any family laws in the Philippines
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  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    We had a Bishop on TV educating us as to why the R.P has not really suffered the world economic crisis and how it has never had an effect on the local economy as it has in most of the west..
    He said that its because of the large amounts of the local population that are going abroad as OFW`s and sending just about all of it back to the P.I.. Family planning could put a stop to that eventually,he reckons.
    Sounds pretty factual stuff to me...
    Twisted facts yes..But facts none the less.
    Sounds like a lot of nonsense.

  22. #52
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    Nice summary by the BBC, here:

  23. #53
    Member Mr Pickwick's Avatar
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    I seem to remember a program on the BBC a while back about this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arjie View Post
    As a Filipino Citizen

    Philippine should pass the RH Bill..

    The catholic church should not interfere with the government implementation of the RH Bill. Despite claiming "separation of church and state" the church has been very vocal in its decision to vote down the RH Bill. I think the RH Bill is good for the people of the Philippines. Education on family planning, availability of family planning devices and facilities for the promotion of family planning should be installed in place so that the vast majority of the people will know how to and access devices for family planning. I have seen many young women having a child and unable to attend school. They should know what to do to avoid getting pregnant.

    Will the church take care of all the illegitimate children because the RH Bill will not passed because of their strong opposition? The RH Bill is aimed to avoiud population explosion. Hope it pass in both the House of Representatives and Senate to become the law of the land.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    Nice summary by the BBC, here:
    And one of the country's most popular and influential figures, boxer-turned-congressman Manny Pacquiao, has joined the debate, saying contraception is against God's will.
    I wish Pacquiao would stick to boxing...

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Pickwick View Post
    I seem to remember a program on the BBC a while back about this?
    There was. The President and the Pulpit...

  26. #56
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    Lawmakers Weigh Reproductive-Health Bill in the Philippines

    Wall Street Journal

    "Philippines President Benigno Aquino is facing a test of his policy agenda as lawmakers weigh a controversial reproductive-health bill fiercely opposed by the country's influential Catholic Church.

    The bill under consideration by the Philippines House of Representatives, which drew sizable protests in Manila over the weekend, would seek to bring down the country's unusually high birth rate by requiring the government to make contraceptives available, among other steps. It would also require officials to provide information on family planning methods, including helping families determine how many children to have, and provide classes on reproductive health and sexuality in schools.

    Lawmakers took a first step towards approving the bill late Monday, when they voted to end debates on the measure and push it to a final vote soon. It remains unclear when the final vote will come, though supporters hope to wrap it up within the next two months. If the Philippines House does approve the bill, backers would still have to gain support from the Philippines Senate—a task that analysts say could be difficult.

    The topic has long been a combustible one in the Philippines, largely because the country's powerful Catholic Church opposes family planning programs that it believes encourage promiscuity and lead to weaker moral values. An estimated 10,000 people rallied against the bill in Manila on Saturday.

  27. #57
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    It looks like the RH Bill has got to a second reading - it has only taken 15 years to get this far..

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    It looks like the RH Bill has got to a second reading - it has only taken 15 years to get this far..
    Rep. Amado Bagatsing argued against putting RH bill debates to vote August 6, claiming that 6 is the number of the devil.

    "Malas po ang 6, dun tayo sa (August) 7," he claimed. "Ang 6 ay numero ng demonyo."

  29. #59
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Sounds like a lot of nonsense.
    OFW remittances amounted to 23 Billion $$ last year.. This is the reason I cannot get a seat in pizza hut these days..Fortunately I hate Jollibee as you need to book a week in advance to be able to sit down in there! These food outlets all around the country are full to the brim EVERY DAY!! Doesnt look much like a starving country to me.

    Incidentally I remember the 1997 economic crisis -the effect on the Philippines was considerable. The reason there is so little effect this time is that the Philippines exports so few manufactured goods - most exports are agricultural products to the USA.
    I would have thought that most agri products like bananas and coco produce goes to near by China and Japan along with mined natural resourses such as gold,silver,nickel,copper etc..The mineral resources for example are massive..Around 4/5 trillion $ beneath their feet..A potential that probably will never be realized because of unnecessary environmental concerns and very bad foreign investment policies and laws..
    The R.P cannot produce anywhere near enough of its staple foods such as rice and need to import large amounts.
    The 1997 asian economic crisis hit the R.P almost to 0% growth because the serious drop of it exports to its Asian neighbours.. I would take a serious bet that it was the OFW remittances that prevented things getting a whole lot worse back then.
    He conveniently forgot to mention that Filipinos don't want to work abroad, away from their familes, and only do so because there is no work for them at home.
    I know of many Filipinos that work abroad,wish to settle and never return.. Thats good.. If they all came back here the islands may begin to sink!
    Im not here to argue the point of the Bishop...Im just saying I think he made a valid point based on OFW facts..
    He went on to say that the R.P was not suffering economically like the west as the country was actively following God`s plan.
    Most Filipinos believe him so I suppose we had better just get over it!!

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    OFW remittances amounted to 23 Billion $$ last year.. This is the reason I cannot get a seat in pizza hut these days..Fortunately I hate Jollibee as you need to book a week in advance to be able to sit down in there! These food outlets all around the country are full to the brim EVERY DAY!! Doesnt look much like a starving country to me.

    I would have thought that most agri products like bananas and coco produce goes to near by China and Japan along with mined natural resourses such as gold,silver,nickel,copper etc..
    The R.P cannot produce anywhere near enough of its staple foods such as rice and need to import large amounts.
    The 1997 asian economic crisis hit the R.P almost to 0% growth because the serious drop of it exports to its Asian neighbours.. I would take a serious bet that it was the OFW remittances that prevented things getting a whole lot worse back then.
    I know of many Filipinos that work abroad,wish to settle and never return.. Thats good.. If they all came back here the islands may begin to sink!
    Im not here to argue the point of the Bishop...Im just saying I think he made a valid point based on OFW facts..
    He went on to say that the R.P was not suffering economically like the west as the country was actively following God`s plan.
    Most Filipinos believe him so I suppose we had better just get over it!!
    I married a Filipina that whilst being a devout catholic is pro RH Bill and doesn't think that all the Bishops say is "gospel"...and I think there are a lot of those about too. From my point of view some of these Bishops seem like crackpots on crack or comedians or both.

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