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Thread: Schengen visa confusion

  1. #1
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Question Schengen visa confusion

    Hi there,

    I would like to ask which option will I select when applying for France schengen visa. I found this at TLs contact.

    1.Professional purpose
    You wish to go to France for a business trip, work or other professional purpose.

    2.Family, tourism, private or friend visit
    You wish to go to France with a purpose of a family, private or tourist visit, and your stay will not exceed 3 months, without planing to stay indefinitely. If you are a ancestor or a child of a French citizen, or parent of an underage French child, please refer to the following category (Family member of a French citizen or his/her spouse).
    (N.B. If you are the parent, child or spouse of a French citizen, these visa types may not apply, please refer to the dedicated categories below.)

    Tourism (less than 90 days)
    Private visit (less than 90 days)
    Family visit (less than 90 days)
    Friend visit (less than 90 days)
    Visitor (more than 90 days) You wish to go to France for a private purpose for more than 90 days.

    3.Family member of a French citizen or his/her spouse
    You wish to go to France for a short visit or to live with a "member of your family" who is a French citizen. "Member of family" means: the spouse, the direct ancestor (dependent or independent) of a French citizen or of his/her spouse and the direct descendants under 21 years old or dependents of a French citizen.(N.B. If you are over 21 years old, or financially independent from your French parents, you should apply for a normal "Family visit" visa.)
    Spouse of a French citizen
    You are the foreign spouse of a French citizen.
    Non-dependent ascendant of a French citizen or his/her spouse
    You are the parent of a French citizen or his/her spouse and are financially independent.
    Dependent ascendant of a French citizen or his/her spouse
    You are the parent of a French citizen or his/her spouse and are financially dependent.
    Foreign child of a French citizen or his/her spouse
    You are a foreign child of a French citizen or his/her spouse and wish to come to France to visit them.
    Parent of a French child
    You are the foreign parent of a French child and you wish to go to France to visit them.

    4.Family member of a community citizen and assimilated, or of his/her spouse
    You wish to go to France for a short visit or to live with "a member of your family" who is a citizen of one of the E.U. countries, the European Economic Area (EEA), or a citizen of Switzerland. "Member of family" means: the spouse, the direct ancestor (dependent) of a E.U. citizen or of his/her spouse and the direct descendants under 21 years old or dependents of a French citizen. If the citizen of the E.U. is a student, "member of family" means: the spouse and the direct descendants under 21 years old or dependent.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Perhaps it would help if you told us the reason for your visit, and your current "status" as per your visa (student, fiance, spouse etc etc)
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  3. #3
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Perhaps it would help if you told us the reason for your visit, and your current "status" as per your visa (student, fiance, spouse etc etc)
    I know now the answer. It's the 4th option. Spouse of an EU national. Thank you.

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