This comes as no surprise![]()
This comes as no surprise![]()
Exactly...no surprise there then.
Imagine how much this is costing the taxpayer in these recessionary times.
Meanwhile old people who have contributed positively to this country of their birth all their lives can't get a bed in hospital.
The sooner this pathetic govt. gets their act together, grows some balls and starts looking after the interests of the British people the better !![]()
These are the same old peopole who these filthy scum will rob on the streets, in their homes and even in their hospital beds (if they are lucky enough to get a bed !)
ow if they just got rid of them we would be 12000 less in the uk and let us bring our wifes/partners here that will be good for the uk not like the scum they let stay even after there cought![]()
Would it be very wrong of me to suggest that we only need the first four letters of "Romanian"?
The only party right now with big enough balls to get us out of this mess is UKIP.
No messing about....we'll be pulled out of Europe and the drawbridge will be pulled up for the remainder.
The idle will be made to work...they'll have no choice, no eastern europeans to do the dirty work.
Had Thatcher's Conservative brand of goverment been in charge we wouldn't be in this mess. What we got...we got a bullcrap coalition with a liberal leader quoted yesterday in the Express saying ''those who are against gay marriage in a house of God are bigots''...the man is not only a disgrace to his party but also to humanity.
As for Cammeron...well, much the same...just wish I had the time to rant!.....![]()
Totally agree...which is why I voted UKIP last time and will do so again.![]()
I had been a conservative voter every since Thatcher...ive voted loyally come what may...this Cammeron really has messed this party up.
I did say I would be voting for the Greens in future...that of course would be a wasted vote...we all got the responsibility to take a proactive stance here...its our country for goodness sakes not a bunch of filth from basket case countries.....if voting for a watered down UKIP is gonna bring change...by freeing up our hospital beds...freeing up jobs and reducing the 2 million people on the council waiting all for the benefit of the indigenous British people then hell, my wife and I will be voting UKIP.
Yes, previously I was a Thatcherite too.
I was particularly grateful to her for massively increasing the price of energy, as at the time I was selling cavity wall insulation and making loads of dosh.
...Like paying the deposit on my first house out of 2 weeks wages.
Wish I could do that now.![]()
If thatcher was in power now you would be paying medical insurance. There would be no NHS. But I suppose thats ok if your paying 40% in tax. Just like Cameron is trying to do. You have to look at the whole spectrum of things. Like our pensioners that have worked all their lives and put into the system. Would you deny them free health treatment? Just my opinion.
I hope all those working class council tenants who Maggie gave 'right to buy' to are now enjoying the security of their property equity. That will pay for a lot of healthcare insurance...or a villa in Spain.
Personally I didn't agree with that policy (reducing social housing stock)....but again, lots of business opportunities for me when they started to improve their newly-acquired private homes.![]()
when will it all end, i say it will stay as it is for years, will it get worst, yes it will,
She did indeed...and good on her.
In other words, she showed leadership when it mattered.
Compare that with the bunch of tossers who have followed....busily letting the country go bankrupt and filling their pockets while the voters THOUGHT they were well off, and opening the floodgates to millions of parasites and crooks from the EU and beyond, who have helped destroy forever what little 'Britishness', independence and pride was left in the country.
The Tories were in power when I brought my ex-wife into this country for the princely sum of £40 visa fee... after a few simple requirements had been satisfied. My friend brought his Filipina girlfriend over for a holiday, with a similar lack of fuss.
Cant say I'm shocked at this story. I agree with steve it will probably get much worse. The thing is Politicians no longer serve they dictate. You need a massive swing to a minority party before they will ever sit up and take notice.There really is no big difference between the 2 main parties. The Tories talk tough on immigration but do nothing other than pick on the soft targets. The only real way forward for this country is a total withdrawl from the EU and EU control.
I agree with you on that Marco.![]()
No Joe...that's was what she inherited from Labour. 25% inflation actually, and I was signing on those unemployed just before she got in. The country was on its knees because of out of control unions and people demanding pay rises of 35% (railway workers for example).
People sleeping though their shifts at BL.
The country needed a wake-up call.
Yes, she drifted later, but not until she and the Tories had brought the country back from the brink.
I was around then and I have a pretty good memory of events.
As soon as Bliar got in, everything started to turn to **** again.![]()
theres never been a good gov wether cons or labour since before maggie,
yes there was too many stupid strikes over nothing, and it should have been stopped,
but i saw , be it my way, that the country began to fall in maggies reign
thats my opinion, uchangable![]()
Hey, in 1979 I had just bought my first house at 26 (and single), ran an XJ6 Jag for work and a Lotus Seven for the weekend, plus a speedboat...out 7 nights a week clubbing it and worked about 12 hours a week for about 5 times the average wage at that time...but I was self-employed and it was earned through my own efforts.
What was not to like ?![]()
married at 19, 3 kids by 26, my own house at 21 , housing market booming good wage cheap goods,
i never had less than 1 grand in my back pocket,, thats what i called loose change , but as her reign went on so did the country steadily fall ,
so i can only agree to dis agree
then after her, came a spinless puffy new labour gov, not much different to any other party in its policies
End of the day the customer (in this case, the electorate) is always right....it wasn't the pits everywhere Joe....where I lived unemployment was near zero.
You seem to have forgotten what the unemployment figures were before she took over from Callaghan....1 in 10 I believe...made famous by ub40.
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