Good piece from Littlejohn in the Mail. I wondered the same about the unwashed looking rabble in the photograph
Has Apple opened a Sangatte?
If you want a graphic illustration of how unfettered immigration has changed the demographic make-up of Britain, look no further than the picture in Saturday’s Mail of the crowd waiting for the Apple store in London to open.
It looks like the queue for the lorries at Sangatte. There’s even a bloke wrapped in a blanket. I shan’t speculate as to how they can all afford £599 for a new iPhone, although apparently some of them were paid by others to queue up.
Plenty of readers did a double-take, even those who live in our multi-culti capital city.
No doubt the usual suspects will howl ‘racism’, but it is remarkable that the only white face belongs to a blonde bird in a hi-viz jacket - and she's probably Polish
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