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Thread: help !visas!!!

  1. #1
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    help !visas!!!

    hi ,ive just joined the site and would like to say hi to you all before i annoy you with questions.need help! my partner from the philippines is hoping to come over for a holiday later on this year but one section on the visa application form is puzzling us.finances!!!she doesnt work but receives some financial help from myself but has no other income as such.i will be sponsoring her visit,paying for flights and will be living at my house during her stay for 7 days approx.does she need to put down the help i send her,will this affect outcome,will being unemployed affect outcome.should we use an agent(quite costly for 7days holiday??)we are at wits end and need help or advice.can anybody help please.first time on and ive hassled you all,sorry!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Yes, I think she can state that she is recieving cash from you also using an agent is not 100% sure that the visa application will be granted. View this link if you like. That is based from my experience. Dont hesitate to shout if you need.

  3. #3
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    thank you so much for your quick reply.i will go to your link and read well but know doubt i will be firing questions at you before long,heehee,sorry!

  4. #4
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    hi there thank you for your link.was this for a fiance visa?seems alot for a 7 day holiday?i will let my gf know bout this and see what she says.i had a fantastic holiday over there after just chatting for nearly a year and wish to repay the experience,thanks

  5. #5
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lochnagar View Post
    thank you so much for your quick reply.i will go to your link and read well but know doubt i will be firing questions at you before long,heehee,sorry!
    Thats alright, no worries love! Im ready to answer and reach out as much as I can. xxxx

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hi, from one Scotsman to another ... to the online filipino/uk community.

    Much as I'd dearly like to be able to help you, it's only fair that I point out the drawbacks:

    1. 7 days is unrealistic, given the vast distances entailed - not to mention the ensuing jet lag -arising from the long-haul flights. Poor woman would be too tired to enjoy your remaining time together.

    2. Visit Visas are notoriously difficult to obtain ... principally because applicants *NEED to prove - beyond reasonable doubt - that they have "cast iron" reason(s) for returning to their homeland within the timespan allocated. *This has been, by far, the BIGGEST stumbling block for many, many people in the past - and is accountable for nearly all refusals - based on the large numbers unable to satisfy that ALL IMPORTANT requirement. And, however reluctantly, I have to say the fact that your partner has no job to return to, is unlikely to count in her favour towards meeting the criteria I've just indicated ... despite your best intentions to pay her travel costs and support her financially throughout the duration of the proposed visit.

  7. #7
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    thank you melovesengland and arthur for your advice.i have taken it all on board and through a lengthy chat with my gf we have decided to pass on the tourist visa,shame ,i would have loved to shown her bonny scotland but good news!im going out there in october again.things are moving in the right direction that a fiance visa might be more appropriate soon?? looks like that application is even harder to comprehend,longer to wait and tougher to get but we have won through difficulties so far.we are in love and will try so hard so we can be together.thanks again for your time and advice.more questions soon,heehee!

  8. #8
    Respected Member BriaNoreen's Avatar
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    I'm glad you changed your mind on the visit visa lochnagar, as Terpe indicated it is very difficult to acquire and your partner does not have 'strong reasons' to return to the Phils. Usually a bank account, a job and a small property is the litmus test. However, on the fiance visa or any visa you should indicate clearly the financial aid you are giving her - so keep your Western Union or World Remit receipts - WR is cheaper to use by the way. Also keep other budget receipts she acquires. Also, letting the ECO know you are covering her flight costs and caring for her here will go in favour. I don't recommend using an agent - I notice those who use agents wait longer to get their visa's, those who don't use them and do the visa process themselves thoroughly fare better.

    Your finances are the most important for the visa application - not hers. Any savings or wages she has are a bonus but not of significance.

    Just be sure to give strong evidence that you are definitely going to marry, make sure you fulfil the fiscal criteria, and give ALL documents, above and beyond, in good order, and you should be fine.

    Two visits to the Philippines are sufficient, technically you only need to meet once and have photographic evidence of having done so. It helps if you have spent time together and preferably for a good two weeks each visit, if not the full 21 days the standard visa permits.

    One final point - it is a good think you passed on the tourist visa - a visa denial does not help gain points during a later visa process.

    Good luck!

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