10 kids

, i pitty them, if you've got 10 kids, you got no time for work

, and the cost

, 10 would drive you
yes i know what you mean, and i don't think there are many like that thou, the parents are just irresponsible, not many people can support 10 kids,i've got trouble with 3, and we both work

. the thing is, both parents would have to work, and i dont think they could get a job which paid enough to feed and clothe 10 kids

, just my little gal cost us, £8 for her lunch a week, £30 a wk for child minder (less than 1hr aday) to take her to school and kidzone at school £7 a week, thats £45 awk just for one
problem is, as i've said, not many employers will give someone who is long term unemployed a job, like a said before some are unemployable, most thou just need for someone to give them a break, a bit of self esteem and dignity, and a new start