The plaque has been removed from the wall outside his apartment, and the headstone will be next ( ) . You can get an idea of local opinions from the comments with this article.
Round the clock surveillance had been required to protect the headstone from potential vandals – who don’t wait for evidence to make a guilty judgement.
The Jimmy Savile allegations have certainly raised uncomfortable questions – not just about his purported behaviour, but also how it could have gone uninvestigated for so long. It’s of national interest – although few Filipinos are likely to have heard of him, at least until recently - and the reason for starting the thread was the local interest to members who know Scarborough.
I’m not being flippant when I mentioned the autumn sunshine and my Scarborough-Filey walk. I enjoy living here and - so far - good health ! This is a great forum and members seem to appreciate my contributions on topics which I may have some expertise. “ Jimmy Savile “ is not one of those topics. Most Scarborough residents were used to seeing him around. He always appeared friendly, not just to young female teenagers. He was awarded " Freedom of the Borough " by the local council, and the Scarborough Civic Society was responsible for the plaque ( now removed ). There were unpleasant rumours, but most, like myself, were genuinely surprised to learn of the allegations which have surfaced since his death. I respect reasoned opinions from members - thank you for contributing! There is now, however, so much coverage in the media ( mostly serious, some less so ) that I don't feel able to contribute anything more useful to this thread.
One can be sure that the victims will know if he did or didn't. What defense would he have if he were still alive and if it turned out to be many independent victims that are all alive to tell the tale?
Someone said, what good would it do now that he is dead? It might do the victims a modicum of good.
Jimmy Savile abuse claims: Police pursue 120 lines of inquiry
"Police investigating the alleged sexual abuse of girls by the late Sir Jimmy Savile are pursuing 120 separate lines of inquiry, Scotland Yard has said.
I notice that he is linked to the Haut de la Garenne scandal in Jersey. (The Haut de la Garenne scandal came to the surface just a few years ago - incredible)
"Jimmy Savile linked with Haut de la Garenne children's home scandal
Lenny Harper, former child abuse investigator, says he believes Savile was involved in indecent assault at Jersey institution"
This looks like it could become colossal....
It just goes to show how the media can make you famous then knock you down even if you are dead. I was really shocked when all this came out. I used to think he did great things. He made millions for charity. It just goes to show how they cover things up.
No Sympathy for the latest victim to come forward
now then now then, hes dead why has it took this long for the people to come forward and is it for money or is it for justice, if i was molested a long time ago, i think i would keep my mouth shut, thats just my thought on this,
But WHY NOW ... why didn't his "victims" speak out while he was still alive?? That's what's so puzzling about this whole sordid business. Doesn't make sense!![]()
you can live with something so long some of us can, some can take it to the grave, but some can hear the jingle of cash, i am surprized that that bloke is it mosley the one who takes them under his wings and makes the thousands and him too
BREAKING NEWS : More scandal at BBC headquarters as Rod Hull has been charged with fisting a young bird.
just heard that in scarborough they have removed his headstone for the family, better be safe than sorry when some low life either knocks it down or paints it, thats the whole problem now, its the ones left behind, ie his family who suffer
Why has this come to the fore only now?
"Jimmy Savile: why didn't the tough tabloids nail him?
Those who should have acted didn't, kids who dared complain weren't believed, and all in a pre-internet age"
Why has this come to the fore only now?
Jim woulda got away with it if he wasn't meddling with those kids.
I don't know who this Jimmy Savile guy is, never heard of him until this news came out. There are reasons why someone would keep their mouth shut about certain things and for the others they'd do the opposite. If these allegations are true, it's a shame to his family and all the authorities who ignored this before. It can be possible what the victims say that some of them told someone and told them to rub it off or be quiet about it or that they don't believe whatever the victims told them that time. If no one believed them then (including someone they trust like parents or teachers, etc), of course they would think to just shut up. Remember the Pakistani/Bangladeshi descents who were charged of grooming girls for sex a few months ago, some of their victims told police and the authorities about it from the start but no one did anything then until recently. It could be possible that it happened before with the so-called Jimmy Savile victims too. Victims usually hides whatever is happening if their threatened or no one listens to them. There are things like this in the Philippines too. But anyway, this kind of news is really sickening.![]()
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
The answer(s) is (are) in the link.
It seems he was interviewed by the police on several occasions over the years.
I can understand how they didn't come forward years ago, especially at the time when they were young. He was famous, had a good image and did work for charity. The poor girls probably thought no-one would believe them and it was a word of a young teenager (and this was mostly back in the 1960's - 1980's, when you didn't hear so much about child abuse and teenagers & their problems were understood less and not as talked about) against the word of a famous celebrity with a good image. If they had known it had happened to others and others had come forward, it would have been easier for them to come forward as well and it wouldn't have been them on their own.
I am in disagreement here, your telling me that it seems like possibly Hundreds of "kids"haven't been able to mention it till now!
Many are now what 45/50 years old and since maturing into adults they can only bring it up when he is dead
Simple law of probability would suggest at least 10% or more would have had the guts to challenge him when he was alive and see him suffer.
I still think this is money motivated by many -lets get on the Bandwagon![]()
It's probably just best to let the Police investigation run it's course and we can decide then.
I understand Freddie Starr has been implicated by someone aswell. At leasts he still alive to defend himself.
Evidently some did mention it but nothing was done about it. He was interviewed by the police on a number of occasions, evidently.
" insufficient evidence for a prosecution, the force said on Monday.
Innocent til proven guilty but many are deciding already he is guilty
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