View Poll Results: Do you read the Daily Mail?

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  • Yes Online

    3 16.67%
  • Yes I buy the newspaper

    3 16.67%
  • Occaionally

    6 33.33%
  • Never

    6 33.33%
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Thread: Daily Mail Tabloid - WARNING Controversial Rant

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Daily Mail Tabloid - WARNING Controversial Rant

    The Daily Mail is often quoted in posts here and I've never hidden my feelings about the awful paper, but I thought I would post about why I hate it.

    The Daily Mail is probably the worst offender in the UK for poorly researched, poorly written and inaccurate sensational reporting.

    The grammar and spelling can be considerably worse then mine, which is saying something, and often appears like it was written by a child.

    The inaccuracies in reporting are what annoy me the most, and I often wonder how they get away with such inaccurate posting. As both a commercial seafarer and a private pilot I read articles relating to near misses or plane crashes and the recent Costa Concordia accident and find so many mistakes, misunderstandings and even quotes from supposed experts which are just wrong.

    Then it's the sensationalism that drives you mad. For instance if a London Underground driver was caught eating whilst driving or something ridiculous, you'd end up with an article about overpaid drivers always on strike, with a picture of his £180,000 house and how the passengers were plunged into terror whilst hurtling dangerously towards a station packed with schoolchildren.

    Then you have the skewed statistics articles about how everything you eat will give you cancer, and the immigrants have invaded everywhere so you must hide in your basement.

    Finally the Kardashians.........

    It's better to read newspapers that actually treat you like an adult, give you the facts and balanced information with words that have more then two syllables, and takes longer then 20 seconds to read.

    And my next rant will be about the awful weather reporting on UK television....

    Awaiting incoming

    Every now and again its nice to light a bomb and run...

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I'm with you Ricky, why read it when Ded is our reporter of such stories Joking Ded

    It is difficult to get to the real story in 'our' press, another reason why I moved away, I just cant be bothered to read such tripe all the time.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Most People are not so dumb and they know what they are going to get when they read these right wing newspapers

    We get the evening standard here in london a free paper and part of the daily mail group
    I always pick up a copy for a good laugh..... usual anti union rubbish and how great Boris Johnson and the Tories are

    Boris Johnson invited Rupert Murdoch along to the London Olympics as his personal guest so expect a lot more bullshit from News International and its totally biased pro Tory group of newspapers

    I think for pure union bashing The SUN newspaper wins hands down

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i dont buy papers, all my news is on the laptop or from you guys, plus the few minutes you get on the radio too

  5. #5
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    I rarely buy a paper at all these these days. I tend to read a cross section of papers online. My take on the Daily Mail is that it is like the Sun or the Mirror but without the pics. And no real depth to its reporting.

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    My favourite paper
    Well whatever you say it's certainly kept us well informed of all the low life Muslim grooming and exploitation of under age white girls in the UK,where as many other papers would rather tell us all about the X-Factor

  7. #7
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Dont buy newspapers, watch Al Jazeera, as they seem to manage to tell us the truth about what's happening in the real world.

  8. #8
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I like most never buy newspapers nowdays but still browse them online.
    The Daily Mail is no different to all the other Tabloids and most of the broadsheets, it panders to it's audience. It's by no means the worst culprit of never letting the truth get in the way of a good story. The Sun would get my vote for that.
    My Mum's been buying the mail for 50 years. She's 92 now in a nursing home and still insists on having it 3 times a week. It's her bible and she's is so typical of their readership.
    I wish I had a Pound for everytime I've gone to see her and she hands me a 2 or 3 day old copy of the Mail and says read that story there it's shocking.
    Nowdays I just say Mum your too late Dedworth told me before you

  9. #9
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    newspapers are like politicians , i don't believe anything they say,

  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Never buy a paper. Never have time to read them.. I get the links from you guys then comment.

  11. #11
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    well i,m ashamed to say that i,m a daily mail reader lol .I converted a few years ago when i went into the shop to get my usual sun ,they had none left so i bought the mail instead and liked it and have read it ever since lol.I am wise enough to know that not all stories are true and correct but I do enjoy the mails stories lol

  12. #12
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    I'm still waiting for Dedworth to bite......

    I tend to discover the Daily Mail articles from Dedworth or when I call my Dad and get a rant over the phone. Always good for some debate.

  13. #13
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    Haven't read the Daily Mail for a year or two.
    I used to read it everytime I went for a sauna but only because that's all that was available in the freebie rack.

    My leisure club swtiched to the i paper so now I read that. I must say, I quite like it too. Much better reporting on a much wider range of news than the Mail.

    I never actually buy newspapers.

    I pretty much see it the same way as bigmarco.

    It used to make me laugh that no-one ever admitted buying The Sun, yet it always had the largest circulation
    The Sun and the Daily Mail have the biggest circulation by far, and have done so for years.

    Given the choice, it seems that the Daily Mail is providing it's readership with just what they want.

    Why on earth would they change what they do and the way they do?

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i dont buy 'newspapers' the only one i bother to look at, when i can be bothered is the Metro a free daily newspaper. one day all the 'newspapers' you have to pay for will be gone

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i dont buy 'newspapers' the only one i bother to look at, when i can be bothered is the Metro a free daily newspaper. one day all the 'newspapers' you have to pay for will be gone

    There was quite a good TV program on the other night on the future of news and how the delivery of news is changing even now. Only managed to watch some of it.

    I first heard the result of the John Terry / FA hearing on Twitter, for example and within seconds, the BBC had updated their website with the same information. By then, the newspapers were behind.

  16. #16
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    So far 14 abstainers and 8 voters....

  17. #17
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post

    There was quite a good TV program on the other night on the future of news and how the delivery of news is changing even now. Only managed to watch some of it.

    I first heard the result of the John Terry / FA hearing on Twitter, for example and within seconds, the BBC had updated their website with the same information. By then, the newspapers were behind.
    Thats it in a nutshell Lastlid . Newspapers no longer provide us with news they are always behind sometimes well behind. We now have access to upto date news 24/7 free of charge so why buy a newspaper. We can choose who we want to supply our news and access it anytime free of charge. As somebody else said earlier paying for newspapers will soon be a thing of the past. In London we already have free papers morning and evening. That's their future if they have any future at all.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Thats it in a nutshell Lastlid . Newspapers no longer provide us with news they are always behind sometimes well behind. We now have access to upto date news 24/7 free of charge so why buy a newspaper. We can choose who we want to supply our news and access it anytime free of charge. As somebody else said earlier paying for newspapers will soon be a thing of the past. In London we already have free papers morning and evening. That's their future if they have any future at all.
    Yes. Somebody mentioned the Evening Standard as being free. I used to have to pay for it. Evenin Stanna!

  19. #19
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    Biting now Ricky

    The Mail is easily the best newspaper on the market. I get it every day via a subscription and also read it online as I particularly like the mainly common sense comments posted by other enraged Mail readers.

    Once again the Mail collected a clutch of prizes at the 2012 Pres Awards including Newspaper of The Year.

    My late Dad bought it for as long as I can remember and I'm more than happy to follow in his footsteps. The paper stands up for and respects the traditions and values that made this country great.

    It has a proud history of campaigning journalism and contrary to the misheld belief that it is a racist rag aka Daily Hate Mail it spent over a decade ensuring that the killers of Stephen Lawrence didn't escape justice

    Les & Marco's Mum & tiger31 are quite right - they know it makes sense !

    I've not had a chance to peruse the Mail on Sunday yet

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post

    We get the evening standard here in london a free paper and part of the daily mail group
    I always pick up a copy for a good laugh..... usual anti union rubbish and how great Boris Johnson and the Tories are
    Associated Press owners of the Mail sold the Standard to Russian Alexander Lebedev a former KGB Agent in 2009

  21. #21
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    Given the choice, it seems that the Daily Mail is providing it's readership with just what they want.
    I think Terpe came close to saying it. Its a question of horses for courses and whats suits us the "consumer" as individuals. What is best for some might not be best for others.

    Also a point worth thinking about is that large numbers of newspapers sold is not necessarily an indication of quality. Macdonalds sell a lot of hamburgers but that doesn't mean its quality food.

  22. #22
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    9 voters and 15 abstainers thusfar.

  23. #23
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    I occasionally read the Daily Mail, usually after Dedworth has started a thread based on an article in the paper. Similarly I read any other paper - usually online if an interesting topic is raised on the forum, or elsewhere, with a link.

    Before making up my mind and posting I always try to read original articles - not the newspaper report alone. If they're to do with health, I only trust such articles in reputable journals such as " The Lancet ", where they don't get published until after " peer review ". This means experts read the articles first and either accept ( with modification ) or reject them. It's the same principle which applies in medicine - it should all be based on evidence, not opinions alone.

    Much of what newspapers publish is probably not subject to such rigorous independent scrutiny and I wouldn't trust any ONE paper - but that's my opinion !

  24. #24
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    10 voters and 15 abstainers. Only 4 out of 25 forum member browsers of this post came out and said that they read the Daily Mail (other than occasionally).

    That's not a high uptake.

  25. #25
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    10 voters and 15 abstainers. Only 4 out of 25 forum member browsers of this post came out and said that they read the Daily Mail (other than occasionally).

    That's not a high uptake.
    I think the Daily Mail would be quite happy with the poll at the top of this thread.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    The Daily Mail...........and others of it's ilk merely reflect the views of those who will buy it. To criticise it is to despair at why dogs seem to hang around butchers shops.

    I was given advice by an ex manager, that if you want a happier life, the best thing you can do is to never read the Daily Mail. This being that -

    a. They like to print stories about how crime ridden Britain is, and how it is going to the dogs, and even better if they can pin this blame on travellers/asylum seekers/immigrants/anyone sort of "dark"

    b. They love to churn out "end of the world scare stories" recycled on a regular basis. Whether it's asteroids, food scares, super volcanos, 2012, you can read all about it first in the Mail.

    By not reading this, you can either be sticking your head in the sand, or you can be realising that crime etc isn't as rampant as they like to paint it - you decide.

    Wouldn't worry too much, the Express is way worse at demonising minorities, and doesn't care at all about lying

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    5 out of 30

  28. #28
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    She's 92 now in a nursing home and still insists on having it 3 times a week.
    ... REALLY???

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    I get it every day
    ... curiouser and curiouser ...

  30. #30
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... curiouser and curiouser ...
    ... or perhaps NOT ... ... with you being only 91!

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