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Thread: Married name question

  1. #1
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Married name question

    After marriage my wife adopting her father's family name i.e her lastname before marriage as her middle name.

    is this legal for official documents i.e passport IDs etc..?

    Her mum seems to think it's legal in philippines but I argued that to adopt her father's family name as middle name she must make this name change in court in front of a judge to make it legal in official documents.

    for an example girl name before marriage: Jenny Christie Eridiano
    husband name: John Peters

    A) Girl's name after marriage: Jenny Eridiano Peters (moved original last name to middle and throw away old middle name christie)
    -This I believe is WRONG

    B) My understanding is after marriage her name should be: Jenny Christie Peters

    My question is which one legally correct A or B

    which one have your wife adopted? If she adopted A, did it cause any issues with applying spouse VISA etc...


  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    it is normal for her to have last name as middle and marriage name last as in my case its my wife marites medina smith it is legal unlike in uk the woman loses her maiden name as its dropped or as some do is have both names combined unless you have some reason for not to have it that way after all shes taking your name unlike my daughter and her husband he had to take her name smith not the other way round

  3. #3
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    it is normal for her to have last name as middle and marriage name last as in my case its my wife marites medina smith it is legal unlike in uk the woman loses her maiden name as its dropped or as some do is have both names combined unless you have some reason for not to have it that way after all shes taking your name unlike my daughter and her husband he had to take her name smith not the other way round

    Ok thanks for the insight,
    it maybe legal in philippines but it is also legal in UK?

    Did it affect your wife VISA application in any way if they see this middle name suddelnly appear which is not same middle name as in her original birth certificate or ID she submitted in support of her VISA application?

  4. #4
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    When my wife renewed her Philippine passport and when she applied for things like a bank account here, she used method A above, putting her maiden name as her middle name now.

    She has had no problems when applying ILR etc. as we provided the marriage certificate confirming the name change.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    When my wife renewed her Philippine passport and when she applied for things like a bank account here, she used method A above, putting her maiden name as her middle name now.

    She has had no problems when applying ILR etc. as we provided the marriage certificate confirming the name change.
    same as my misses.

  6. #6
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    same as my misses.

    Thank you all for the useful info

  7. #7
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Completely normal in the Philippines, also in Spain IIRC. If anything, what we do in the UK may cause problems over there. I had a huge problem trying to explain what my mothers name was in the government office when sorting our marriage licence. It was completely alien to them that my mother lost her maiden name upon marriage.

    It's quite legal wherever. Frankly we can call ourselves whatever we want, and since the custom of making their last name their middle name after marriage will appear on any Filipino documents, there really wouldn't be a problem.

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