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Thread: PCC's: FAIL

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    PCC's: FAIL

    Did anyone vote for a PCC?

    I didn't, no idea who the hell was running. I haven't met anyone yet who did vote.

    Is it legal that the first winner had 7% of 15% of the vote? I would say that's not a vote of confidence.

    I thought the idea for a PCC was to have someone independent and yet in most places it seems to have been political parties fighting it out. This vote turned into the way the US do it, everything is political.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    I voted for the Tory bloke - he's an ex Army Officer and runs a Defence Company. More chance of him being a supporter of strong policing than the ethnic minority independent woman who's involved in Wimmins Issues and the Labourite Barrister who no doubt makes a fat living out of legal aid.

    The whole thing seems a bit of a joke, my reason for voting was that one of them would get the £100k pa job , I didn't want my vote wasted and will feel more comfortable haranguing whoever gets the gravy train ticket

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Who bought this crazy idea in?

  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Total sham £100m of tax payers money wasted.

  5. #5
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Laughable. What an absolute disgrace. People quite clearly have no interest in this as the turnouts were appalling. They will be earning upto £100k a year and it cost £100million to run the election . You could have had more than 3000 extra coppers for this.
    The thought of that Slob Prescott jumping on the gravy train again makes me

  6. #6
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    I think Prescott will be one of the few people in his constituency with a job now....despite his party's 'I told you so' rubbishing of the elections.

    I had the choice of two women who I had never heard of...evidently looking for a pay rise and something to feel important about.

    I therefore spoilt my paper.

    Apparently the vote counts took on average 8 minutes....except in Newport where not one person voted.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Laughable. What an absolute disgrace. People quite clearly have no interest in this as the turnouts were appalling. They will be earning upto £100k a year and it cost £100million to run the election . You could have had more than 3000 extra coppers for this.
    The thought of that Slob Prescott jumping on the gravy train again makes me
    6 people turned out to listen to 2 Shags in Hulls Town Square yesterday - all card carrying Labourites

    On the police commissioner campaign trail with John Prescott as he addresses the (not quite) masses in Hull's main square

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